Housing help |
The Housing Resource Centre helps you find housing in the City and County of Peterborough. Every week you can see what's available to rent in the vacancy listings. The weekly vacancy listings include rental opportunities from local newspapers and other website listings. Some of the things you can get help with include:
Student Help |
The Student Housing Booklet can help you learn more about the rental market in Peterborough. In the booklet you will find information that will help you make decisions while you search for housing. |
Seniors' Help |
Peterborough offers many different types of housing and levels of care to older adults. Visit Peterborough Seniors Services Directory for information about:
Once there, click on the "Housing" icon to view full list of housing resources. |
What is the Housing Stability Fund? |
The Housing Stability Fund (HSF) helps you get or keep your housing. You can get help paying overdue bills, rent, and other housing-related costs. If you are at risk of losing your housing and your income is low, you may be eligible. People who live in the City and County of Peterborough can apply. Some examples of eligible housing costs are:
Learn more about the Peterborough HSF. |
Are you eligible? |
Any household whose income is below Statistics Canada's Low Income Cut-Off Threshold may be eligible to receive Housing Stability Fund. Call or visit the Social Services office for more information. |
What is the Community Housing Map? |
We've created an online, interactive Community Housing Map to help you learn about Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI) and other affordable housing properties in the City and County of Peterborough. |
Help Guide |
The Help Guide includes tips about how to use the map. |
Affordable housing units |
The rent amount in affordable housing units is at or below average market rent (AMR). Also, your income must be below a certain amount to be eligible. For these units, rent costs are lower than most newspaper and online listings. Some units are only for seniors, families, or singles. Call these landlords for more information and to apply. |
Amadeo Developments 705-743-5378 |
Myrtle Terrace, 200 St. Luke's Ave., Peterborough
CB Rubidge 705-868-9759 |
143 Rubidge St., Peterborough
Community Living 1-855-277-2121 |
732, 736 Jane St., Peterborough
ECE Living 705-749-6871 |
260 Aylmer St. N., Peterborough
Knox Residence |
Email: knoxres@yahoo.ca 400 Wolfe St., Peterborough
Moloney Property Development Corp. 705-768-5188 |
Argyle St. Apartments, 49 Argyle St., Peterborough
Hazelbrae Place, 21 Barnardo Ave., Peterborough
The Loyola, 188 Edinburgh St., Peterborough
Victoria Park Apartments, 90 Murray St., Peterborough
The Mount Community Centre 705-875-5095 |
Website: www.themountpeterborough.ca 1545 Monaghan Rd., Peterborough
Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services 705-742-5698 or 844-742-5698 |
721 Monaghan Rd., Peterborough
Otonabee Non-Profit Housing Corp. 705-295-4900 |
Monaghan Court, 35 Pinecrest Ave., Keene
Payne-Downie 705-927-1651 |
342 Downie St., Peterborough
Housing Access Peterborough (Peterborough Housing Corporation units) |
Application: Affordable Housing Application Website: www.peterborough.ca/hap Email: hapinfo@peterborough.ca Anson House, 136 Anson St., Peterborough
Bradburn House, 293 London St., Peterborough
Edinburgh Street, 220 Edinburgh St., Peterborough
McRae Building, 553 Bonaccord St. Peterborough
River Ridge, 900 Dutton Rd., Peterborough
Saunders Court, 130 Anson St., Peterborough
Trailview Terrace, 48 Rabbit St., Lakefield
Woollen Mill, 526 McDonnel St., Peterborough
Swirl in Motion 705-292-0492 |
Canadian Woollens, 544 McDonnel St., Peterborough
TVM 1-800-368-9242 |
TVM Tower, 212 Brock St., Peterborough
TVM George Street, 406-408 George St. N, Peterborough
TVM Schoolhouse, 443 Reid St., Peterborough
TVM Terraces, 207-209 Murray St., Peterborough
TVM Maryland Place, 716 Maryland Ave., Peterborough
YES Shelter for Youth and Families 705-748-3851 |
Water Street, Peterborough
About housing terms |
Housing terms are listed below to help you understand the rental housing options in the City and County of Peterborough. Please note that applications for Rent-Geared-to-Income housing are through Housing Access Peterborough. You can apply for RGI Housing or update your application online. |
Affordable housing |
Affordable housing refers to units that have rents set at or below market value and household incomes below a set amount at the time that they apply. There are over 700 affordable units in Peterborough. You need to contact the landlord directly to apply. |
Community Housing |
Community Housing refers to Social Housing as well as other housing options that are funded or subsidized to make them more affordable to renters. |
Market rent |
Market Rent is also called Average Market Rent (AMR). It is the average cost of rent in the Peterborough area. Utilities such as heat, electricity and hot water may or may not be included in the rent amount. This statistic is collected every year by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The term “Market Rent” may refer to a slightly different amount at Social Housing sites based on the rules for that property. |
Rent supplements |
Rent supplements are payments that bridge the gap between what a household can afford to pay and what the actual market rent is. The rent supplements listed in the Community Housing Map and on the Housing Application all have agreements with the landlords and are for specific housing units. |
RGI, Rent-Geared-to-Income |
A housing unit where the amount of rent is calculated based on household income and is affordable to the household. The rules for how to calculate what the RGI amount is are detailed in the Housing Services Act (HSA). Many Community Housing Providers offer a mix of RGI units as well as other units with rents at or below market value. |
Social Housing |
Social Housing is a term used to describe Housing Providers that are listed in the Housing Services Act. Most of these Housing Providers offer RGI housing. The Centralized Wait List is for most of these RGI units. Many Housing Providers also have market rent units available that are not filled through the Centralized Wait List. There are 1,833 Social Housing units in Peterborough City and County. |
Housing Zones in the City and County of Peterborough |
Two maps are included below to help you understand the areas of the City and County of Peterborough that Social Housing and affordable housing units are located. |
Rent supplements |
Rent supplements are another way to lower the amount of rent you pay. It is a monthly payment to your landlord. It can bridge the gap between what you can afford to pay and what the rent actually is.
There are currently no Rent Supplements available. Check this page regularly or call the Social Services office for updates.
To submit documents for the annual rent supplement review, fill out the Annual Rent Supplement review form. |