2022-2026 City Council 
The new Council term officially began on November 15, 2022 and the inaugural Council meeting of the new term will be held on November 28, 2022.
Contact information for Mayor and Council
Election Results
The tables below provide the results for the City of Peterborough 2022 Municipal Election as released by John Kennedy, City Clerk and Returning Officer.
Official Election Results | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declaration of Election Results - Signed by the City Clerk Number of eligible voters: 65,703 Ballots cast: 26,377
Election Results Report |
The 2022 Election Results Report has been generated using information compiled from official sources; however, it is presented for illustrative purposes and does not supersede original official records, or the official results declared by the City Clerk. The report provides graphical information and data for individual polling subdivisions, voting methods, and demographics. |
Financial Statement Filing and Reporting
It is the responsibility of each candidate to file a complete and accurate financial statement by the filing deadline. The deadline for the 2022 municipal election was 2:00 p.m. on Friday March 31, 2023.
The City Clerk is responsible to review and report on campaign contributions made to candidates running for a position on City Council, as well as registered third party contributors. The Secretary of a school board is responsible for compiling a campaign financing report for candidates running for School Board Trustee. These reports are reviewed by the Compliance Audit Committee. The Clerk must publicly identify in a report the candidates and third parties who have failed to comply with the financial requirements of the Municipal Elections Act.
Financial Statements and Compliance Report | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Election Compliance Report is provided pursuant to section 88.23 (4) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (the Act) which mandates the Clerk make available to the public a report identifying which candidates have complied with the requirements for filing their financial statements. After the 2022 Municipal and School Board Elections, candidates and third party advertisers had until March 31, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. to file their Financial Statements with the Clerk’s Office where they had registered. A supplementary filing date enabled those candidates who did not meet the March deadline, to submit their financial statements by May 1, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. along with a late filing fee of $500. Filing by the supplementary date would rescind the penalties associated with not filing by the March deadline. The Clerk’s review of candidate financial statements includes: filing date and time, campaign period identified, inclusion of auditor’s report (where required), spending and contributor limits. The Clerk must also make a report available to the public regarding where contributors appear to have exceeded contribution limits as determined by the Act. The tables below indicate whether the Financial Statements submitted for each candidate appears to be in compliance with Section 88.25 of the Act. Where a candidate does not appear to be in compliance with the Act, the nature of the default will be clearly identified. You can view each candidate's financial statement by clicking on the candidate's name. If a candidate is listed as non-compliant, their financial statement may not be available.
SummaryA review of contributors to candidates did not identify any contraventions as per the Act. One candidate for the Office of Councillor for Town Ward 3, and one candidate for the Office of Mayor did not file financial statements and are therefore in default as per section 88.23(1)(a) of the Act. There were no registered Third Party Advertisers. Financial Statements for the Conseil Scolaire Viamonde and Conseil Scolaire Catholique MonAvenir boards were filed with the City of Oshawa, where the candidates registered. As a result, Compliance or Non-Compliance with the provisions of the Act will be determined by the Clerk for the City of Oshawa. This report is provided to the public pursuant to section 88.23 (4) of the Municipal Elections Act. |
Compliance Audit Committee |
The Compliance Audit Committee receives and makes decisions on applications for compliance audits of campaign finances for candidates and registered third party advertisers in a municipal election. The Committee's responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Compliance Audit Committee members
If an eligible elector believes that a candidate or third party advertiser has contravened an election campaign finance rule, the elector may apply for a compliance audit. Compliance audit committees are required to provide brief written reasons for their decisions. Meetings of the compliance audit committee are open to the public, but the committee is permitted to deliberate in private. The term of the Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee for the City of Peterborough corresponds with the term of Council. For more information about the Compliance Audit Committee, please contact the City Clerk's Office to request a copy of the Compliance Audit Committee Terms of Reference. You can submit an application in regards to a candidate's or third party advertiser's financial statement. |
Campaign Contributions
Campaign contributions are any money, goods or services that are given to a candidate for use in their campaign, including money and goods contributed by the candidate. Candidates are only allowed to accept contributions or incur campaign expenses during the campaign period.
Who can make contributions to municipal candidates? |
Eligible contributors
Ineligible contributors
Ineligible contributions
Campaign contributors |
An individual’s maximum contribution (money, goods, and services) to any one candidate or registered third party is $1,200. An individual may contribute a maximum of $5,000 for all candidates on the same Council or a maximum of $5,000 for all registered third parties within the municipality. Other than contributions made by candidates and their spouses, contributions to candidates can be made only by individuals residing in Ontario. Corporations or trade unions must register as third party advertisers. If a candidate sells items for $25 or less in order to raise campaign funds, the money is considered campaign income rather than a contribution. In this case, the candidate does not have to issue a receipt, or make sure that the person buying the item is eligible to make a campaign contribution. Contributions in excess of $25 must be made in a manner that connects the contributor to the payment. Anonymous contributions are paid to the City Clerk. |
Election advertising guidelines |
Candidates must provide specific information about their election advertising. This applies to all advertising, regardless of format or method. Candidates, or those advertising on their behalf, must provide broadcasters and publishers with information including name of the candidate, name of the individual or organization taking out the advertisement, as well as address and telephone number of the individual interacting with the broadcaster or publisher on behalf of the candidate. The broadcaster or publisher is then responsible for retaining this information along with a copy of the advertisement and invoice for a period of four years and making this information available to the public for inspection in that time period. |
Penalties |
Penalties for an offence under the Municipal Elections Act may include:
There are three contraventions of the Act where penalties apply automatically:
The penalty for these contraventions is forfeiture of office and ineligibility to run or to be appointed to fill a vacancy until after the next election. |
Auditor's report |
When campaign expenses or contributions total more than $10,000 an auditor must review the financial statement and provide a report.
Third party advertising
A third party advertisement is any broadcast, print or digital ad that supports or opposes a candidate or a “yes” or “no” vote on a question on the ballot. The Municipal Elections Act provides a framework for the registration and financial filing of third party advertising.
Third parties must register with the Clerk’s office prior to raising or spending any money in relation to election advertising.
Who can register as a third party advertiser? |
Individuals, corporations and trade unions must register as third party advertisers in the municipality where they want to advertise. If they want to advertise in more than one municipality, they have to register in each municipality. Third party advertising must be done independently of candidates. Candidates are not able to register as third party advertisers or direct any third party advertiser. |
What is not considered third party advertising? |
Advertising that does not cost money to post or broadcast, such as comments made on social media, are not considered to be third party advertising. Third party advertising does not include issues-based advertising; groups that do public outreach can continue their issued-based advocacy work throughout the municipal election period. |
Information for voters
Who can vote? |
If you are a resident, owner or tenant of property in the City of Peterborough, a Canadian citizen, and at least 18 years of age, you are eligible to vote. Students living in Peterborough while attending school can vote in the Peterborough municipal election as well as in their home municipality. |
Information for People Experiencing Homelessness |
Can I vote if I have no fixed address, or no home at all? If you are experiencing homelessness, or do not have a permanent home or a fixed address, you can still vote. The City designates voting locations based on the ward you reside in. If you are experiencing homelessness or have no fixed address, your ward is determined by the location you have slept in the most during the 5 weeks leading up to an election.
What ward am I in? | ||||||||||
Visit our interactive What's My Ward map to determine which ward you reside in. There is an address search feature at the top right side of the map. Type in your address, or drop a pin in the map to find your ward. Ward descriptions
Election Accessibility
The City considers accessibility in all aspects of the election planning process. Our goal is to ensure that all electors are provided with equal opportunities to cast a ballot.
Elections Accessibility Plan |
The City’s Elections Accessibility Plan was developed to ensure compliance with relevant legislation including the Municipal Election Act, 1996; Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005; and the Human Rights Code.
The Election Accessibility Report was prepared following the election to help identify, remove and prevent barriers that affect electors and candidates with disabilities. |