Committee Volunteer Opportunities
Applications are available for volunteer advisory committee positions until Friday, February 14, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. Applications can be submitted online or paper applications are available at the Clerk's Office in City Hall.
The positions available are as follows, and are for terms ending in November 2026:
- Accessibility Advisory Committee - 4 vacancies
- Arena Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee - 3 vacancies
- Arts and Culture Advisory Committee - 3 vacancies
- Citizen War Memorial Advisory Committee - 1 vacancy
- Museum and Archives Advisory Committee - 1 vacancy
- Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee - 2 vacancies
- Peterborough Public Library Board - 1 vacancy
- Planning Advisory Committee - 1 vacancy (day meetings)
- Property Standards Committee - 1 vacancy (day meetings)
- Transit Liaison Committee - 2 vacancies
An information session has been scheduled for Monday, February 10 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Doris Room City Hall and you are also able to join remotely. This session is being arranged so that staff can answer questions you may have about our City committees. If you would like to join electronically, please contact or 705-742-7777 ext. 1820# for instructions.
City Advisory Committees
Advisory Committees support staff and Council by providing current knowledge, critical thinking, and feedback to help the City understand community issues and make informed decisions.
Advisory Committee By-law
The City's Advisory Committee By-law was established to provide a consistent approach for the operation of our Advisory Committees and Boards. Council passed the By-law on December 12, 2022.
Boards and Committees
The City of Peterborough has several boards and committees that provide input and guidance on the provision of municipal services and programs for our community. Below you'll find brief descriptions of these legislated and advisory committees of Council as well as links to their connected areas in our website. You can see the schedules and agendas of these meetings on our Agendas and Minutes page.
Peterborough Public Library Board |
Established under the Public Libraries Act, the Board governs Peterborough Public Library, creates policy and ensures financial accountability. Through an understanding of the community and a strong relationship with City Council, the Board advocates for the Library as a whole and ensures that it has clear goals and objectives for meeting community needs. The Board consists of the following members:
Accessibility Advisory Committee |
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act requires municipalities with a population of 10,000 or more to establish a local Accessibility Advisory Committee, with a majority members represented by people with disabilities. Peterborough's Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) advises Council, through staff, on how to make City projects, programs, services and facilities more accessible for everyone. They also fulfil a legislative duty to review development projects subject to Site Plan Control Area under the Planning Act. They provide recommendations on how to make developments more accessible, with a strong focus on site walkway networks, accessible parking spaces, building entrances and access to exterior amenity areas. The Committee is made up of the following members:
Committee of Adjustment |
The Committee of Adjustment makes decisions on whether to permit a minor variance application. For the Committee to approve a minor variance application it must:
City Council appoints the five members of the Committee in accordance with the Planning Act. The Committee meets monthly. Prior to each meeting, a notice of request is sent out to neighbouring property owners and commenting bodies. A Planner prepares a staff report and recommendations for the Committee. The report outlines municipal policies and input received in response to a Notice of Hearing. |
Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee |
Appointed by Council under the terms of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee provides recommendations for the conservation of heritage buildings, sites and resources. The Committee advises City Council on the protection of the City's built, natural and cultural heritage. The Committee consists of the following members:
Arts and Culture Advisory Committee |
The Arts and Culture Advisory Committee was created to monitor and guide the implementation of the Municipal Cultural Plan and to advise Council and City departments on arts and culture matters related to broader planning and capital project initiatives. The following have been appointed to the Committee:
Arenas, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee |
The Arenas, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee was established to advise and support the Arenas, Parks and Recreation Divisions on matters relating to arenas, parks, urban forestry, horticulture, open spaces, recreational use of trails, and recreational facilities, programs and services.
Greater Peterborough Joint Services Committee |
The Greater Peterborough Joint Services Committee (formerly the Peterborough Regional Liaison Committee) is made up of four County Councillors and four City Councillors. The responsibilities of this Committee are reviewing and approval of draft budgets and annual work plans, which are then forwarded to the Councils of the County and City for final approval for service delivery management for Provincial Offences, Ontario Works, Child Care and Social Housing and Paramedic Services.
Museum and Archives Advisory Committee |
The Museum and Archives Advisory Committee was established to advise Council and the Arts, Culture and Heritage Division in respect of the management and regulation of the Peterborough Museum & Archives. The following are members of the Committee:
Age-Friendly Peterborough Committee |
The Age-friendly Peterborough Advisory Committee was created in June 2017 for two primary purposes:
Age-friendly Peterborough Advisory Committee advises City Council and County Council (through the Joint Services Steering Committee), Curve Lake First Nation Council (through their Health and Family Services Committee), and Hiawatha First Nation Council. Age-friendly Peterborough Advisory Committee is supported by four working groups which are comprised of local organizations, staff, and local volunteers. The structure below collectively represents Age-friendly Peterborough.
Airport Strategic Initiatives Committee |
The Airport Strategic Initiatives Committee was established in 2021 to provide advice to staff and Council on Airport strategic initiatives. The following are members of the Committee:
Waste Management Committee | ||||||||
The Waste Management Committee was re-established in 2023. The Waste Management Committee (WMC) include annual work plans, budgets, management and operation of the facility and related infrastructure and recommendations on tipping fees. Waste Management Committee members