Continuous professional learning enhances the practice of early childhood education. Engaging in continuous learning helps early learning professionals remain current in their knowledge, skills, and professional values. It also promotes public trust in College of Early Childhood Educator members and the profession.
The City of Peterborough funds Investing in Quality as a community resource to support quality in early learning environments.
Professional learning strengthens and supports early learning professionals in their daily interactions with children and families.
Child Care and Early Years Act 2014 |
The Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA) provides rules to govern child care in Ontario. The CCEYA strengthens compliance and health and safety in child care settings and helps parents make informed choices about child care options. |
Ontario's Renewed Early Years and Child Care Policy Framework |
Ontario's Renewed Early Years and Child Care Policy Framework builds on our progress and sets a vision for a system in which all children and families have access to a range of high-quality, inclusive and affordable early years and child care programs and services that are child- and family-centred and contribute to children's learning, development and well-being. |
How Does Learning Happen? Ontario's Pedagogy for Early Years |
How Does Learning Happen? Ontario's Pedagogy for Early Years is a resource that supports pedagogy and development in the early years. |
Think, Feel, Act: Lessons from Research about Young Children |
Think, Feel, Act: Lessons from Research about Young Children is a collection of briefs which hi-light the latest research in:
Excerpts from "ELECT" |
Excerpts from "ELECT" is foundational knowledge from the 2007 publication of Early Learning for Every Child today: a framework for Ontario early childhood settings |
Visit the Provincial Ministry of Education website for more professional resources.
The Peterborough Early Years Planning Network (EYPN) was established in 2017 to provide a formal structure for system-wide community planning. Early learning and child care service providers and community stakeholders work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for children and their families. The EYPN has five working groups and meets four times per year.
Peterborough Early Years Planning Network Terms of Reference.
Working Groups
CMSM System Planning |
To provide recommendations to the municipal service manager (CMSM) based on current legislation, local data, and service priorities that will assist in managing and supporting a coordinated and integrated system for the Child Care and Early Years programs in the City and County of Peterborough. |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion |
To broaden community awareness, knowledge, and respect for diverse community populations that will positively advance equity, diversity, and inclusion while recognizing the systematic inequality and barriers that currently exist. To collaborate, co-ordinate and consult with the community on direct issues related to early learning and care from an inclusion, diversity, and equity perspective. To promote research, guidelines, and supports for best practice that will foster and nurture equity, diversity, and inclusion as foundational pillars to quality service delivery in our early learning community. |
Family Engagement |
To promote family engagement through collaborative planning and implementation of strategies across the Child Care and Early Years System in the City and County of Peterborough.
Investing in Quality |
Investing in Quality working group to champion professional learning that influences best practice with a focus on learning through mentorship. To facilitate meaningful measurement for quality improvements that reflect community needs. To ensure inclusive engagement from our diverse community in planning, management, and delivery of responsive early learning programs, services, and supports for children, families, and educators. To build capacity in our early years workforce through advocacy and collaborative communities of practice.
Knowledge Mobilization |
To coordinate, support and advise on research, evaluation and data management activities relating to early childhood development and early years services. To establish methods and best practices for disseminating early-years-specific data and information to community partners and the public across the City and County of Peterborough.
Peterborough Planning Table for Children and Youth |
The Peterborough Planning Table for Children and Youth works to collectively plan and provide leadership to achieve the best possible outcomes for children, youth, and their families in Peterborough City and County. The Early Years Planning Network provides regular updates to the Peterborough Planning Table for Children and Youth. |
Early Learning Lasts a Lifetime - Peterborough Early Years and Child Care Service Plan 2019-2024 |
The City and County of Peterborough has created a 5 year plan for early learning to outline strategies that Child Care and Early Years programs will use. It highlights our goals and show us how to measure our success. Peterborough Early Years and Child Care Service Plan Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care Growth Plan 2023 - 2026 The Five Year Plan:
The vision We want to have a Child Care and Early Years system that is Accessible, Responsive, Affordable and High Quality. Accessible
High quality
System Plan Timeline
Community Reports |