Recreation Services Guidelines

full bike rack

Safe, respectful, inclusive.

Peterborough Recreation Services promotes a positive environment based on mutual respect and cooperation. Staff and visitors can help achieve this by:

  • Creating a safe, positive, and inclusive environment for all participants.
  • Treating fellow participants, staff, equipment and facilities with respect.
  • Ensuring expectations, regulations, and policies are followed.

Everyone has a role in supporting a positive, safe environment. Please review the following policies in support of Peterborough Recreation's values.

General Policies

Upon entering any municipal facility, participants agree to put safety first and treat the facility, fellow users and staff with respect. Those who act in a disrespectful manner or fail to follow policies and procedures may have their access revoked.

Client profiles

  • All participants who access programs and facilities through membership, registered programs, or drop-in use are required to provide basic information through an online profile.
    • Personal information is being collected under authority of the Municipal Act 2001, c.25 and will be used for the purpose of managing your account/memberships and any transactions that you make.  This information includes first and last name, phone number, and home address. This information is kept in the City’s registration software system and can be reviewed by the client and updated at any time.

Lost, stolen, damaged items

  • Lost or stolen items are not the responsibility of the City of Peterborough. Clients are encouraged to leave valuable items at home, or locked away if lockers are available for use.
  • The City of Peterborough is not responsible for damage to vehicles that take place on municipal property.

Accessibility support

  • Individuals who require a support worker (or spouse/friend) to have a successful experience in recreation programs or facilities are encouraged to bring their worker as needed. Support workers may access free of charge to provide support to their client throughout the duration of the program or activity.
  • If support workers would like to actively participate in programs and activities in addition to supporting their client (for example, running on the treadmill next to their client while they are on the treadmill), they are required to pay for a membership, registration, or drop-in fee.

Client privacy

  • The City of Peterborough reserves the right to use photographs and videos of all our programs, participants, special events, and facilities for promotional purposes. As in any use of web or social media, any further control of the image once posted is no longer within the control of the City of Peterborough.
  • Some recreation facilities have locked gates that require a key tag for entry. Key tags are required. Clients who have forgotten or misplaced their key tag may line up at reception to gain access to the facility and purchase a new tag.
  • To protect the privacy of participants, cell phones (or any electronic device with a camera) are not permitted to be used while participating in programs, and entering washrooms, or change rooms.

Private promotion/business

  • Individuals are not permitted to promote products or services they represent while using municipal facilities.
  • External fitness instructors, swimming instructors, therapists and personal trainers are not permitted to privately train or host classes at municipal facilities.

Release, waiver and indemnity: The participant (or parent or guardian if Participant is under the age of 18) voluntarily assumes any risk of injury or damage in connection with the use of services or facilities, and releases, discharges, and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Peterborough and its employees, agents, and volunteers from any liability, claim, demand, or cost whatsoever incurred arising out of the participation of the Participant in the program at the facility.

Payment options
Peterborough Recreation accepts cash, debit, cheques, Mastercard, AMEX, Visa or gift card payments for all purchases, except Membership. Please see below for details on membership payment options. For information on installment plans for Day Camps, please see Day Camp Policies.

Cash Payments

Cash is an accepted method of payment when purchasing in person at the Sport & Wellness Centre.  However, cash cannot be refunded through the same payment method. If a client makes a purchase with cash and requires a refund, the refund can be placed on the client’s registration account for future use, or a cheque request can be made. Cheque requests can take up to 21 days to be received in the mail.

Payments made in-house

If a client pays for a registered program at the debit terminal within the Sport & Wellness Centre and requires a refund for that program, the client must visit the Centre to receive the refund through the terminal. Refunds over the phone cannot be completed.

Credit Cards

Credit card numbers used to make payment over the phone or online will be saved on the client’s registration account, for quicker registration options in the future. Credit Card information remains confidential and can be updated on the profile by Recreation staff at any time.  Payments made by a credit card that is stored in the system can be refunded back to the client without visiting a facility in person.

Gift Cards

The Centre offers gift cards that can be used to pay for registered programs, one year memberships paid up front, and drop-in fees. Gift cards are final sale. Gift cards must be activated at the time of purchase. The unused value remains on the card and does not expire. At this time, payments using gift cards must be made at the Centre or the Museum only.

Account Credit

Credits can be placed on a client’s registration account that can be used for program registration and drop-in passes. Credits are available for online registration, through the client’s online log-in. Additional credit can be purchased at the front desk of the Sport & Wellness Centre.


Memberships can be paid in either monthly installments, or up front for the year. Monthly installments are made through an automatic withdrawal from the client’s bank account. If clients choose monthly installments, a pre-authorized payment (PAP) form, or void cheque is required at the time of sign-up.

Memberships that are paid for one year up front can be purchased by cash, cheque, credit card, debit or gift card.

Subsidized Discounts

  • Discount options are available for programs, and memberships. Different subsidy programs apply based on client age, location and household income. Please visit our Recreation subsidy programs page for details.
  • Completion and/or approval of a subsidy program application does not guarantee a reserved space in a registered program.
  • Applications for subsidized swimming lesson programs must be completed and approved 10 business days prior to the sessional registration date.
  • Applications for day camps and/or registered child and youth programs at the Wellness Centre must be completed and approved 10 business days prior to the program start date.
  • Applications for fitness programs at the Wellness Centre must be completed and approved 10 business days prior to the program start date.
  • Subsidized memberships at the Sport & Wellness Centre are available for clients 25-84. Individual membership and Family or One-Adult Family subsidized membership discounts are available to apply for and are based on household income.
Drop-in Recreational Programs
  • All drop-in programs are available on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Drop-in users may pay per visit to access the program. All passes are final sale.
  • Users who purchase a drop-in pass are provided access to certain areas of the facility while drop-in programs are running. Please follow the seasonal schedule to see these available times.
  • Drop-in users who purchase a facility day pass at the Sport & Wellness Centre are welcome to enter and exit the facility throughout the day and have access to the Fitness Centre in addition to scheduled drop-in programs.
  • Children under the age of 10 years must be supervised by a parent or guardian that is 16 years of age or older to participate in drop-in programs.
  • All drop in participants must check in and provide proof of payment such as membership card, key tag or payment receipt.
Day Camps

We want your little campers to have the best time at camp. Please review the following policies prior to registering for camps to ensure a positive experience:

Payment Plan

Recreation and Parks Services offers payment plans for summer day camps and instructional sport camps. The payment plan allows for monthly installments to pay for camp registration. 15% of the total amount is owed at the time of registration. The remaining balance is then divided into equal monthly installments with payments recurring automatically until the start of summer camp in July, each year.

If you would like to pay using the installment plan, Customer Service Representatives can register your children into camp and set up the plan for you. Please call 705-742-0050 ext. 2201#, or visit the Centre during operating hours.

Please note this payment plan is currently only available for Recreation Services summer day camps - it is not applicable for camps taking place at the Art Gallery, Museum, or for PA Day, March Break or Holiday camps.

PA Day and Holiday Camps - Withdrawals, Transfers, and Refunds

Withdrawal, transfer and refund requests for PA Day, Holiday and March Break camps are permitted prior to program start, and will incur a 15% administration fee per program. Refunds are not permitted after the program has started, unless the request form is completed with supporting medical documentation, and the refund request is approved by the Program Supervisor. Transfers from one camp program to another are approved pending program space availability. 

Summer Camps - Withdrawals, Transfers, and Refunds

Withdrawal, transfer and refund requests for summer camp(s) are permitted prior to the following dates, and will incur a 15% administration fee, per program:

  • June 15 for camps taking place in July
  • July 15 for camps taking place in August

After the above deadlines refunds are not permitted, unless the request form is completed with supporting medical documentation, and the refund request is approved by the Program Supervisor. Transfers from one camp program to another are approved pending program space availability. 


Requires medical documentation and program supervisor approval, are subjected to the appropriate administration fee.  

Camper Age Requirements

Camp participants are expected to be able to navigate the camp day and its associated activities independently (i.e. eating, toileting, dressing, etc.). If you feel your camper requires additional support, please review the campers with special needs section, below. 

Age requirements are set for our camps in order to provide a successful experience for all of our campers. The age limits set out in registration must be met in order to participate. 

Camp Supervision Ratios 

Supervision ratios for school-term day camp programs are 1 staff to 10 participants. Ratios for summer camp programs may range from 1:8 through to 1:12 depending upon ages and camps. Supervision of day camps is provided by trained day camp personnel with the support of student volunteers. Centre volunteers do not count in supervision ratios. 

and Sign-Out 

  • The PSWC day camp sign-in for the WC site is located at the gymnasium entrance way, between 7:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. Sign-out is in the same area anytime between 4 and 5:30 p.m. It is preferred that families use the parking lot and entrance at the gymnasium-end of the building. The same timelines are in place for the Kinsmen Civic Centre camp site and will be located inside the entrance of the facility, or alternatively in the adjacent green space.
  • Adults are required to sign their children into camp in person upon arrival in the morning, and children are released into adult care by camp staff during sign-out at the end of the day. Adults must be listed within their camp registration questionnaire for their children to be released into their care.
  • Supervision is provided to day camp participants from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Day camp programming takes place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Late Arrival: Campers arriving after 9 a.m. are considered a late arrival. If arriving after 9 a.m., please request staff support upon arrival.
  • Early Sign-out: Campers leaving before 4 p.m. are considered an early sign-out. If looking to sign your child out before 4 p.m., please also seek staff support. 

Late Sign-Out (after 5:30 p.m.)

If day camp participants are picked up from their camp program after 5:30 p.m., a late fee will be charged per child to the guardian signing out the child(ren). Payment will be made at the Centre’s reception desk the same day, at the time of pick-up. The receipt of payment must be provided to camp staff in order to release the child(ren) from their care. Alternatively, the fee will be placed against the family’s client account as an outstanding balance.

If day camp participants are not collected within a reasonable amount of time, or if Centre staff are not contacted with details surrounding the reason for a guardian’s late arrival, a call will be made to the child(ren)’s emergency contacts or the necessary authorities as required.

Camper Illness or Absence

In the event of camper illness or absence, families are asked to contact the Recreation and Parks Services division at 705-742-0050 ext. 2201# to advise. If a call has not been received and children have not arrived by 9 a.m., camp personnel will attempt to contact families to check in.

If a camper misses camp program time due to illness, a refund is not automatically provided. The family is required to submit a medical document to the attention of the Program Coordinator to request a partial or full refund of the camp fee. A refund will be granted once the request has been received, pending approval.

Campers with Special Needs

Families and campers that require additional support to promote their success at camp are asked to contact the program coordinator directly to obtain information on 1:1 support roles and the required submission of a successful vulnerable sector and police screen to attend the program with the child or youth.

Behaviour expectations while at camp are clearly defined within camper groups at the start of the day camp program. Centre staff reserve the right to remove campers from programs as required. Families may be contacted for support with behaviour needs where applicable.

What to Bring

  • Day campers are required to bring a backpack with indoor running shoes, weather-appropriate clothing, a nut sensitive lunch that includes a morning and an afternoon snack, a refillable water bottle, a hat and sunscreen, and swim gear that includes a bathing suit and a towel for identified water play days and daily swimming where applicable, and where scheduled by site. 
  • Campers are asked to please leave personal devices, valuable items such as stuffed animals, and toys, at home. It is recommended that clothing and items be labelled.

Program Subsidy

Recreation Services offers discounted registration fees through a number of subsidy options. Please visit our Recreation Subsidy page for more information.

Recreation Subsidy

Registered Programs
Member Discounts

Certain memberships provide a discount off the program fee. This fee is only applicable while the membership is active. If the membership is cancelled while the program is running, the difference in the program fee will be owed to the Centre. If a membership is started after registration is complete, a refund for the partial amount will not be provided.

Registration Requirements

Some registered programs have requirements that must be met in order to participate in that program. Some examples include age minimums/maximums, or pre-requisite courses. Participants must meet these requirements in order to participate.


  • Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Advanced registration is offered to Wellness Centre members for registered programs.
  • Registration into programs cannot take place before registration for that session opens. Registration dates can be found on the Recreation programs page.
  • Payment is required at the time of registration. Spaces will not be held for participants for future payment.
  • Registration stays open and is pro-rated throughout the session for all programs, except those that require 100% attendance.

Program Transfers

Transfers from one program to another is permitted prior to program start, and will incur a 15% administration fee. Transfers are not permitted after program start, unless authorized by the program coordinator. 

Program Withdrawal

Advanced/Leadership Courses: withdrawals are permitted until 14 days prior to the program start, and will incur a 15% administration fee.

Birthday Parties: party package bookings are non-refundable within fourteen (14) days of the scheduled party date. Prior to 14 days cancellations are subject to a 15% administration fee.

Day Camps: please visit the Day Camps section to review the withdrawal policy for these programs.

All other programs: withdrawal is permitted prior to program start, and will incur a 15% administration fee. Withdrawals are not permitted after program start, unless it is related to a medical issue. A doctor’s note is then required, and a withdrawal may be granted by the program coordinator at their discretion. If the withdrawal is approved, a credit on the client registration account will be provided for future program use.

Program Withdrawal Request Form

Program Cancellation

Recreation Services reserves the right to cancel programs due to circumstances including, but not limited to insufficient registrations, instructor availability, or local/provincial regulations, before or after program start. In these cases, a full refund will be issued to the client as applicable.

In the event a program date must be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances (such as a power outage) the program coordinator will attempt to reschedule the program. If the program cannot be rescheduled, clients will be provided with a credit for the missed session on their client registration account to be used toward future programming.

Program Wait Lists

If a program is full, you may request to be added to the wait list if one is available for the program. Clients on the wait list will only be contacted if a spot becomes available. As spots cannot be held, Recreation staff will call the number on the client’s account once. If the call is not answered staff will begin calling the next client on the wait list.

Aquatic Program Policies
  • Aquatic staff reserve the right to move a participant to another level if that participant does not meet the minimum requirements of the level they are registered into.
  • As lesson times, days, and instructors change each session, requests for the exact same time, date or instructor cannot be guaranteed.
  • Due to staff scheduling and availability, requests for male or female instructors cannot be guaranteed.
  • Instructors can change throughout the session and may be replaced without notice at any time.
  • Parent and Tot classes: an adult is required to actively participate in the water in all parent and tot classes. Only one adult is permitted per child in each class.
  • Participants must meet the minimum age requirements by the first day of their program in order to participate in Swim for Life lessons.
  • Participants registered into leadership courses must meet the age requirements set out by Lifesaving Society by the last day of their program, or by their exam date in order to participate.

Advanced/Leadership Course Withdrawal

  • Program withdrawal is permitted up to 14 days before the start of the course and will incur a 15% administration fee. Withdrawal from the course and any subsequent refund is not permitted within 14 days of the first date of the course, unless a medical note is provided to the Aquatic Coordinator. Approval of the withdrawal will then be at the discretion of the Coordinator. 

Fitness and Sport 

Instructors and participants have a role to play in creating a supportive, safe and welcoming environment that is both fun and effective.

  • Out of respect for your Instructor and other participants, please arrive on time.
  • Please keep personal belonging in the change rooms.
  • Please report any equipment concerns to the instructor.
  • Upon class completion, disinfect all touch points and equipment, and return equipment to its proper location.
  • The Wellness Centre is scent-sensitive. Please avoid wearing scented products to facility. 
  • Communicate any personal health or injury concerns to your Instructor privately before class begins.
  • Please know your limits and modify as needed.
  • Avoid cell phone use in class. To protect the privacy of our participants and staff, taking photos and videos is not permitted.
  • Children under 12 are not permitted in group fitness classes, unless the registered program age limit indicates otherwise.
  • Children are not to sit in on a class as childcare.
  • Class spots are first-come, first-served. Spaces in class cannot be held by fellow participants.
 Sport & Wellness Centre

The following policies are applicable to all Sport & Wellness Centre participants, in addition to all other Recreation Services policies.

 Health and Safety

To ensure the safety and security of our participants and staff, those who enter the facility agree to the following:

  • Participants are provided their own disinfectant bottle and towel to wipe down equipment and touch surfaces throughout their visit.
  • Face masks and personal protective equipment are not required. Participants and staff are welcome to wear face masks (except while swimming) based on their own comfort level. 
  • It is recommended to maintain physical distancing whenever able.
  • Centre equipment will only be used in the way they were originally intended.
  • Outside equipment is not permitted to be used at the Centre, unless otherwise approved by facility management.
  • Children under the age of 10 will be directly supervised by their guardian outside of registered programs.
  • If it is suspected that a participant has sustained a concussion while engaged in registered supervised programs a clearance form must be submitted before the participant may resume participation again.
  • The Centre is a scent-sensitive facility. Please refrain from wearing any scented perfumes, colognes, hair products, aerosol products, or scented body lotions into the facility, and do not apply any prior to leaving the facility.
  • To support those with nut allergies, the Centre is nut-sensitive. Please refrain from eating snacks with tree nuts and peanuts while at the Centre.
  • Centre users and staff have a responsibility to maintain a clean, safe environment. Please wipe down equipment before and after use, wash your hands regularly and avoid entering the Centre if you feel unwell.

Change rooms

  • The gender neutral, Universal change room is available for everyone to access.
  • Patrons using the Universal change room are required to change in private changing stalls.
  • Participants must be at least 14 years of age to access men's and women's change rooms.
  • Patrons are encouraged to lock their items and refrain from leaving valuables out in the open.
  • The use of cell phones (or any device with a camera) is prohibited while in the change rooms.
  • Lockers are for day-use only. Items left in the change room at the end of the day will be placed in the lost and found.
  • Indoor shoes are required in the change room. Please bag outdoor shoes to keep lockers clean.


  • Maximum sauna temperature: 92 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Saunas are available for ages 16+ in the men’s and women’s change rooms.
  • Sauna should be used by healthy persons only. It is recommended that elderly persons, persons with known health or medical problems, high blood pressure, heart disease and pregnant women should consult with a physical before using the sauna.
  • Do not use the sauna if you have an open sore or rash on the skin.
  • Do not use the sauna unclothed.
  • Please refrain from sitting directly on the wood. Place a towel between skin and the bench.
  • As this is a dry sauna, please refrain from pouring water on the rocks.
  • Please refrain from getting changed in the sauna.
  • Food and drinks are not permitted in the sauna.
  • Memberships require a signed contract in order to be activated, but you are not locked into the contract. This contract can be dissolved at the member’s request without a cancellation fee. If you would like to cancel your membership, please complete our online membership termination request form, or visit the Centre to complete a paper copy. Request forms must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the first of the month in which you would like your membership to be cancelled.
  • Memberships can be placed on hold once per calendar year, for a minimum of one (1) month to a maximum of three (3) consecutive months. If you would like to place your membership on hold, please complete our online membership hold request form, or visit the Centre to complete a paper copy. Request forms must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the first of the month in which you would like your membership to be placed on hold.
  • A member can cancel their membership within ten days of the date this contract was signed, and receive a full refund of their membership, this is referred to as the cooling off period.
  • Memberships can be paid in either monthly installments, or up front for the year.
  • Monthly installments are made through an automatic withdrawal from the client’s bank account. If clients choose monthly installments, a pre-authorized payment (PAP) form, or void cheque is required at the time of sign-up.
  • One year memberships paid upfront can be purchased be cash, cheque, credit card, debit or gift card.
  • In the event that a membership payment does not go through, the City of Peterborough will charge an administrative fee for NSF in membership payments.
  • The Centre reserves the right to temporarily close the Centre, or a portion thereof, for maintenance and other purposes at any time, without notice.
  • Discounts will be provided to members for certain registered programs whose membership is active at registration and remains active for the duration of the program.
  • Clients who purchase a membership after they have registered into a program will not receive a credit for the difference in pricing.
 Aquatic Centre
  • The maximum allowable capacity into the aquatic centre is 175 patrons, however the maximum permitted into the Therapy pool will be 48 and the maximum permitted into the Leisure pool will be 127. Patrons are advised that if capacity is reached, access cannot be guaranteed.
  • Lifeguards are to be obeyed at all times. Aquatic staff reserve the right to revoke access to the facility if they deem the behaviour of an individual is inappropriate or unsafe.
  • Everyone must shower with soap and warm water prior to entering the pool (Regulation 565.s.15).
  • No person having a communicable disease or open sores on his or her body shall enter the pool.
  • Bathing suit attire only; street clothes are not permitted.
  • No running on pool deck.
  • No person shall bring glass containers or food onto the deck or into the pool. Chewing gum is not permitted in the Aquatic Centre.
  • No person under the influence of drugs or alcohol shall use the pools.

  • Outdoor footwear and strollers are not permitted on pool deck.

  • No person shall pollute the water in the pool in any manner, including: spitting, spouting of water or blowing your nose in the pool or on the deck.
  • No person shall engage in boisterous play in our around the pool. Equipment that is not utilized for its intended purpose will be revoked.
  • Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied into the pool with a parent or guardian who is at least 16 years of age and responsible for their direct supervision. A maximum supervision ratio of 1 guardian to 3 children is permitted for all patrons and user groups of the pool.
  • Children under the age of 4 are to be kept within arms reach of their supervising adult at all times.
  • Children not toilet trained must wear waterproof diapers while in the pool. Little Swimmers are available for purchase at the front desk.
  • For the privacy of all participants, the use of cameras and recording devices are not permitted in the aquatic centre. 

Leisure Pool:

  • No diving off side walls; diving is permitted off the deep-end wall only.
  • No sitting, standing, or walking on the wall that divides the slide splash down area from the leisure pool. 
  • Covering the pearls and/or blocking the water spouts is prohibited.
  • No sitting on lane ropes. 

Therapy Pool: 

  • No diving off any wall into the Therapy pool.
  • No standing, sitting, or jumping off of the orange elevated wall in the Therapy pool.
  • No swimming between the support railings. 

Water Slide:

  • All riders must be 107 cm tall (42 inches) and no more than 136 kilograms in weight (300 pounds) to use the slide.
  • All riders under 16 years of age must successfully pass swim test to use the slide. Swimmers over the age of 16 may be asked by aquatic staff to complete swim test in order to use slide, at the aquatic staff's discretion.
  • Obey all orders given by the attendant and operator.
  • No person shall dive, run stand, kneel, rotate or stop in the channel. All riders must ride feet first lying down on their backs with hands positioned parallel with their body.
  • Hands must be kept inside the channel.
  • User must leave the splash down area promptly.
  • No person shall bring glass, bottles or food onto the water slide.
  • No bunching or chaining by riders permitted.
  • Water depth of splash down area – 44 inches
  • Swimmers only may use the water slide.
  • Life jackets, mats, tubes, or any other pool toys are not to be used on the water slide.
  • No person shall use the water slide under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Riders must be in good health; pregnant women or people with heart conditions are recommended not to use the water slide.
  • In order to use the water slide you must be able to swim one length of the leisure pool.

Ontario Regulations: R.R.I 1990, Reg 20, 72 “Public Slide Ride Under the Amusement Devises Act”

 Fitness Centre
  • Youth ages 12 – 14 may use the fitness Centre after completing the FREE Youth Get Started program.
  • Athletic dress code is in effect. Appropriate clothing that provides adequate coverage must be worn as well as indoor athletic shoes.
  • The fitness centre is scent-sensitive. Please avoid wearing scented products while in the facility.
  • Please observe proper personal hygiene by showering regularly, wearing clean clothing and using deodorant.
  • Handle equipment with care. Please refrain from dropping weights and put weights away after use.
  • Fitness equipment will only be used in the way they were originally intended.
  • Outside equipment is not permitted to be used at the Centre, unless otherwise approved by facility management.
  • Please wipe down equipment after each use. This helps ensure a safe, clean and sanitary facility.
  • Chalk use is not permitted.
  • Food is not permitted in the fitness centre and beverages must be in a closed container.
  • Ask staff for assistance if you are unfamiliar with equipment or machines and please report any damaged equipment to staff immediately.
  • Personal belongings must be stored in a locker. Day use lockers are available in the change rooms at no cost for your use and convenience.
  • In case of emergency, contact facility staff for assistance.
  • Filming/photography is not permitted without written approval by management. 

Walking Track

  • Patrons who are accessing the walking track should be in motion during their use. Please step off the track when not in motion.
  • Running is not permitted on the indoor track.
  • Cooperation and a welcoming environment is expected in the gymnasium.
  • All skill levels and abilities are welcome and encouraged to adapt to play together.
  • Equipment is available for some drop-in sports in exchange for membership card, key tag or ID.
  • Appropriate athletic attire is required, and shirts must be worn at all times.
  • Clean, non-marking athletic footwear must be worn.
  • No food or drink in the gyms other than water bottles.
  • Staff have the right to limit the number of participants at any given time to maintain a safe environment.
  • As an inclusive facility, participants are asked to follow rules of fair play, safety, respect and courtesy for all.
  • PSWC reserves the right to refuse service based on violation of drop-in policies.
 Facility Rentals
  • Parking for large facility rentals and special events is available in the overflow lot by Bowers park. A parking attendant is required, at an additional fee to the facility rental to support parking control. As parking near the Centre is limited, participants may be required to pay for parking and walk from Fleming College if lots become full.
  • As the Sport & Wellness Centre cannot obtain personal information for those who access rentals or special events, these individuals and their actions are the sole responsibility of the named individual on the rental agreement.
 Birthday Party Packages
  •  Facility User Liability Insurance is a mandatory, additional purchase and is provided by BFLCanada Insurance Company at the time of the party booking. 
  • The total number of children included in a package is 13 (the birthday child, plus 12 friends). Children 24 months and under, and all adults of the party are admitted free of charge. Additional children are required to purchase admission, per child, due the day of the party if applicable.
  • Birthday party package bookings are non-refundable within fourteen (14) days of the scheduled party date. Cancellations that take place at least 15 days before the scheduled date are subject to a $25.00 cancellation fee.
  • The booking client is required to remain within the facility for the duration of the party and is responsible for the direct supervision of all party participants.
  • Party rooms include set up and take down of 3 tables and up to 20 chairs. Party clients may bring their own decorations, non-alcoholic beverages, and nut-sensitive food and refreshments. Access to a kitchen appliances not available.
  • Additional activities, including but not limited to: piñata, bouncy castles, and live animals are not permitted at the Centre. 
  • Packages that include access to the aquatic centre are to follow all Aquatic Policies, and meet the minimum supervision requirements as follows:
    • Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied into the pool by a guardian age 16 years of age or older, who is responsible for their direct supervision in the water during for the duration of the swim. A maximum ratio of 1 guardian supervising 3 children is permitted.
    • All swimmers are required to take a swim test upon entry into the pool. Successful swimmers may use the water slide if they meet the minimum height requirements of 42". Unsuccessful participants are required to wear water wings or a life jacket for the duration of the swim.
  • All party participants are required to wear indoor running shoes when engaged in activities in the gymnasium.
 Facility Rentals and Permitting
Allocation policies and procedures
Day Camps

The City of Peterborough is committed to providing affordable, equitable access to day camps for children and youth. Camps are provided through a combination of municipally operated programming, partnerships with local sport and recreation organizations, and rentals of municipal facilities to organizations to enable day camp operations. To ensure the safety of participants, applicants wishing to operate a day camp on municipal property must meet the following criteria:

  1. Applicant must be an incorporated organization.
  2. Apply to rent a facility that has continuous access to shade (i.e. pavilion access) and washroom facilities.
  3. Applicant must acknowledge that their program has the proper procedures in place for situations including, but not limited to: meeting public health guidelines, extreme weather, and infectious disease outbreaks. City Staff may request a copy of your policies, procedures, and manuals at any time to confirm this.
  4. Meet the City of Peterborough’s insurance requirements, as follows:
    • Commercial General Liability policy with a minimum limit of $5,000,000
    • List the Corporation of the City of Peterborough, 500 George Street, Peterborough, ON K9H 3R9 as an additional insured, with 30 days notice of policy cancellation
    • Description of Operations must evidence:
      • That coverage extends to all facility use dates included in the facility agreement
      • A list of all activities being conducted
Payment and invoicing procedures

Rentals will fall into one of the below categories based on the information provided on the request form. The Facility Booking Team will determine which payment procedure applies. Payment requirements will be stated in the facility agreement as follows:

Recurring rentals: These rentals are defined as renters who are accessing facilities on a regular basis for an extended period of time, as noted in the facility agreement. Payment is due on the 1st of the month for that month of rentals. 

Single event bookings: These rentals are defined as one-off bookings, or events that take place over a short period of time, such as a tournament. Payment is due in full at the time of booking, unless otherwise specified in the facility agreement.

Insurance requirements

Insurance is mandatory for all rentals that take place in municipally operated or permitted facilities. Insurance provides protection against third party liability claims resulting from an injury to a third party and/or damage to their property. The City of Peterborough does not provide insurance coverage for your event.

Insurance requirements will be determined by the Facility Booking Team based on the information provided in the facility rental application. 

There are two ways to provide a Certificate of Insurance to the City of Peterborough:

1) Insurance Program - Instant Risk Coverage

Facility renters have the opportunity to apply for coverage through Instant Risk, a third-party online insurance portal in which facility users can purchase coverage. If you choose to obtain insurance and your event can be covered through Instant Risk, a copy of your Certificate of Insurance will be automatically emailed to the City when your payment through the Instant Risk portal is complete.

  • How to apply: Visit the Instant Risk online portal:
  • When to apply: Applications through the Instant Risk online portal must include the Facility Agreement number. You will receive this number after your event is confirmed through receipt of a facility agreement. The number can be found at the top of this agreement. Please do not apply for insurance until your date has been confirmed by the City.
  • Questions: questions regarding the Instant Risk program must be directed to the IRC staff team. You can reach out by accessing the live chat function within the IRC portal, emailing, or calling 1-800-517-1390. You can also check out the Help Document for frequently asked questions.

Please note that this program may not be able to extend insurance in every circumstance. Misrepresentation of activities may void any insurance provided.

2) Third Party Coverage - Insurance company of your choosing 

Event organizers can provide a Certificate of Insurance through a company of their own choosing. If you select this option, a copy of the Certificate of Insurance must be provided to for review and approval at least 30 days prior to your event date, and must meet the following requirements:

  1. Commercial General Liability in an amount that is agreeable to the City of Peterborough. Minimum liability amounts are based on the information provided in your facility rental application.
  2. List the Corporation of the City of Peterborough, 500 George St. N., Peterborough, ON K9J 3R9 as the Certificate Holder.
  3. Ensure that the Corporation of the City of Peterborough is afforded both additional insured status as well as provided with 30 days notice of cancellation.
  4. Clearly describe the terms of your rental agreement with the City under the “Description of Operations” section of the certificate.
Inclement weather cancellation policy

The City of Peterborough and its partner organizations reserve the right to cancel or delay facility rentals at any municipally permitted facility due to current or a prolonged period of inclement weather. Events cancelled by the City due to inclement weather will be removed from the renter’s contract. A credit will be applied to the renter’s account for the cancelled event, which will be applied to the following month’s invoice.

Facility restrictions will remain in effect until the inclement weather conditions cease and when staff are confident that access to the sport facility can commence without causing significant damage.

If the renter is found to be accessing the facility after staff have informed the renter of the cancellation, the City of Peterborough reserves the right to cancel the rental agreement for the duration of that rental agreement and prevent access by that user group for future agreements.

Outdoor Conditions: Cancellations/delays to outdoor sport facilities are assessed by any of the following criteria:

  • Amount of precipitation that has occurred and the amount expected to fall in the future
  • Noticeably slippery surface on courts, or the potential for this to occur
  • Visual ponding, sponging of water on turf surface
  • Draining characteristics of the field or court
  • Existing conditions and maintenance requirements
  • The time of year and cumulative amount of stress on the field
  • What kind of damage could occur to the field if the field were to remain open

Cancellation Communication Plan: Staff will attempt to provide as much notice as possible to the contract holder regarding cancellations, but last-minute cancellations may be required. Staff will communicate to the contract holder and up to one additional contact if one has been provided. Contact will be made by both email and phone.

Renter Responsibilities: The contract holder is responsible for ensuring the contact information on the contract is current. All communication issued from the City of Peterborough will be considered received, and is to be forwarded to all officials, coaches, and media as required. The City of Peterborough will not accept failure to communicate as an excuse for non-compliance by coaches and officials, nor will it be held responsible for any inconveniences created by communicated cancellations.

If City staff have not already advised user groups that facilities have been closed due to inclement weather, user groups are permitted to cancel their rental with no penalty provided.

Ice & Floor Rentals – the Contract Holder must provide advanced written notice by email of the pending cancellation to

Outdoor Sport Rentals – the Contract Holder must provide written notice by email to within 24 hours of the cancellation, noting inclement weather for the reason for cancellation. If City staff dispute the cancellation, the booking will remain on the contract and payment will be required in full. 

Other cancellations by the City

On occasion, due to unforeseen circumstances including but not limited to scheduling adjustments, maintenance, or outbreak of infectious disease, the City of Peterborough reserves the right to:

  • Reasonably postpone, reschedule, or cancel any permitted activity as deemed necessary and justified in the given circumstances.
  • Cancel a Facility Booking Agreement or portion thereof, without notice, should there be a breach of the conditions or regulations, or should the City be of the opinion that the facilities are not being used for the purposes contained in the application.

The City of Peterborough will not be held responsible for any losses due to a rental cancellation.

Renter cancellation policies

Rentals will fall into one of the below categories based on the information provided in the request form. The Facility Booking Team will determine which rental cancellation applies. Cancellation language will appear in the facility booking agreement as follows:

Small Events: Payment is required in full to confirm your booking. Cancellations or postponements that are requested with more than 30 days notice incur a 15% administration fee. Cancellations or postponements within 30 days of the event will not be refunded.

Large Events: If rental the fee is $500 or more, a deposit of 50% is taken at the time of the booking, with the balance owed 30 days prior to the first day of the rental. Cancellations/postponements within 90 days of the first day of the rental will forfeit their deposit. Cancellations/postponements within 30 days of the first day of the Rental will not be refunded.

Recurring indoor rentals (excluding arena ice/floor): Once a Facility Booking Agreement has been executed, renters are expected to fulfil their contract. Single dates may be cancelled or postponed if that event date is scheduled more than 30 days prior to the event cancellation request. Within 30 days, refunds are not provided for cancelled or postponed dates. If a renter wishes to cancel their facility agreement early, the request must be received in writing, at which point the cancellation policy will be applied. Refunds will not be provided for rentals within 30 days and the renter will be subject to a 15% administration fee for all remaining dates in the contract.

Arena Ice/Floor - Ongoing user group cancellations: Please see the Cancellation of facility time procedure.

Outdoor Sport Facilities - Ongoing user group cancellations: 

Once a Facility Booking Agreement has been executed, the following cancellation policies are in effect:

  1. User groups have until April 15 annually to adjust times or dates on their facility agreement for the months of May, June and July. After April 15, rental dates and times are to be paid in full as they are executed on the contract, except for those dates that are cancelled due to inclement weather (as approved by the Facility Booking Team).
  2. User groups have until July 31 annually to adjust times or dates on their facility agreement for the months of August, September, and October. After July 31, rental dates and times are to be paid in full as they are executed on the contract, except for those dates that are cancelled due to inclement weather (as approved by the Facility Booking Team).