Social Services can link Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) participants to local employment programs and services.
We can help you:
Speak to a Social Services Caseworker for more information regarding employment, training programs and available services.
We can support you to get your grade 12 diploma, improve your English, language skills, math, literacy and basic skills. It does not matter your age or situation, we can help. You can reach this goal while receiving Ontario Works and/or ODSP.
The Fleming College Employment Hub offers access to Pre-Employment and Job Search supports along with Job Placement and Retention. Job seekers can register for free on a linked partner site that matches job seekers with employers.
We can connect participants with a variety of different programs, workshops and services to help with basic needs, health, community supports and life skills.
Peterborough County Hubs with free office and meeting space have been established in Havelock, Apsley, Keene, Warsaw and Lakefield to assist agencies that serve the City and County of Peterborough to deliver services and conduct outreach with rural residents and remote communities.
Peterborough County Hubs are a partnership between the City of Peterborough, County of Peterborough, Community Care Peterborough and Agilec.