The City of Peterborough has crews that regularly patrol streets, approximately 958 lane km of road, and report on deficiencies on the road surface. All municipal roads are maintained according to the Provincial Maintenance Standards.
Contact Public Works at 705-745-1386 for maintenance on roads, trails and sidewalks, including winter maintenance, road signs and traffic signals.
City Council approved reduced speed limits and Community Safety Zones for all City elementary and secondary school areas in the City of Peterborough in June 2023.
Potholes are formed when water gets below the surface of the road through cracks in the pavement. Water expands when it freezes; increasing the size of the crack, once ice melts a large area is left for more water to get into the pavement cracks. Repeated freeze/thaw cycle, as weather changes, weakens the pavement. Regular weight of traffic passing over weakened areas can cause the surface of the road to deteriorate which causes potholes.
Potholes usually happen in the spring; those using the roadway should take caution going through puddles as they can hide potholes.
Who repairs Potholes?
Potholes are patched year-round by City crews, the types of asphalt used is dictated by the time of year. When available we use hot mix asphalt for patching, as it is the most effective but is not available in the winter months. In winter we use cold mix asphalt which does appear messier but can be used in all weather conditions.
We identify potholes based on the regular patrols, along with calls from the public reporting areas in need of attention.
How does the restoration process work following a sewer repair or water service repair?
Once repairs are complete the restoration work is transferred over the Public Works department. Public Works will take the following steps:
Step 1. locates |
Locates are requested to identify any utilities that may be present. You may see paint marks or flags on your property. It is very important not to remove or alter any of these marks. |
Step 2. concrete |
If the restoration requires concrete sidewalk or curb. City crews will arrive to excavate the area, followed by a crew to form the sidewalk and/or curb to prepare for the concrete to be poured. When an enough jobs have been prepared to order a concrete delivery, concrete will be poured. Keep in mind this process is very sensitive to weather and can be delayed if rain is forecast. If the curb or sidewalk is affecting your laneway, it may restrict access to your laneway for 10 days or more, depending on weather. This time is needed for excavation and to ensure proper setting of concrete. |
Step 3. asphalt repairs |
City crews will come to prepare and lay asphalt in the road way. This is a two stage process that is done in 2 lifts of asphalt. If your laneway requires asphalt a City crew will prepare and set the grade. Another crew will follow up to reinstate the laneway. |
Step 4. topsoil and/or sod |
A City crew will arrive to dig out any remaining gravel and/or debris. Topsoil will then be placed and prepared for sod. When enough jobs have been prepared, sod is ordered and will be placed at the various locations. |
Step 5. sod care |
City crews attempt to water as resources are available. We are unable to provide a sufficient amount of water to the sod and ask that homeowners help in watering the sod regularly to make sure it grows. The costs associated with watering are not reimbursed by the city and will prove to be minimal for the amount of time the sod will require water. |
Road closures
You require a Temporary Use of Right of Way Permit to close all or part of a roadway or sidewalk. The map of arterial and collector roads may be helpful in planning events.
Charlotte Street between Aylmer Street and George Street is closed for the Wednesday Market from May 1 to October 31.
Driving and traffic
We work with the police to encourage responsible driving and manage the roads and intersections to make best use of our roads. Traffic counts help us to manage and plan for traffic.
Transportation studies
A number of transportation studies and Environmental Assessments are currently underway including:
Transportation projects
Transportation plan
The City Wide Transportation Master Plan guides transportation decisions for how people and goods will move in and around Peterborough until 2051 and after. The City of Peterborough is creating a long-range master plan to guide the future of transportation City-wide. Visit the project webpage for project updates and to engage with the project team.
If you find a needle that has not been properly disposed of in a City park or on a trail, please call Recreation and Parks Services at 705-742-0050 ext. 2205#. On weekdays after 8 p.m. and weekends, call 705-745-1386. Peterborough Public Health provides advice for disposing of needles on private property on their Found Needles page.
Transportation trivia
Just in case you are wondering what our inventory of transportation infrastructure includes, here it is:
Type | Amount |
Road travel lanes |
964 km |
Roads by centre line |
445 km |
Sidewalks |
400 km |
Trails and Side Paths |
43 km |
Cycling lanes |
32 km |
Crossing Guard Locations |
44 |
Signalized intersections |
123 |
Bicycle signals |
1 (new!) |
Street name, caution and regulatory signs |
15,900 |
Signalized pedestrian crossings |
15 |