Roads, Sidewalks and Trails

City building

Our network of roads, sidewalks, trails and parking facilities is designed to get you where need to go, whether you are walking, cycling, driving, transporting goods or taking the bus. Investments to improve roads, sidewalks and trails are guided by the Transportation PlanSidewalk Strategic PlanCycling Network, traffic studies, and Environmental Assessments.

City Council approved reduced speed limits and Community Safety Zones for all City elementary and secondary school areas in the City of Peterborough in June 2023.

Learn more about the School Area Speed Limits

Yellow children crossing sign on a residential street


The Pavement Preservation program is the City’s proactive approach to ensure that the City’s roads remain in favourable condition for all residents, businesses and visitors.

Report a maintenance issue

Contact Public Works at 705-745-1386 for maintenance on roads, trails and sidewalks, including winter maintenance, road signs and traffic signals.