Homelessness Prevention

full bike rack

If you or someone you are helping is experiencing homelessness or are at-risk of homelessness in the city of county of Peterborough, follow these links for resources and information: Emergency Shelter and Affordable Housing Rental Help.

About Homelessness

Homelessness refers to when people don't have a safe, stable, affordable and appropriate home. When this happens, people find other places to stay that are less safe and less stable than a permanent home. The only way to end someone's experience of homelessness is with housing. Chronic homelessness is when people experience homelessness for 6 months or more in the last year. The What is Homelessness fact sheet includes some information about homelessness and how it affects each person differently.

Every two years we count the number of people experiencing homelessness in the city and county of Peterborough. This helps us understand who is in our community needing housing and also the supports they need or want. We use the information collected to inform the delivery of services and the development of policies. The United Way of Peterborough and District receives federal Homelessness Prevention Funds to lead the Point in Time count.

Housing First

The Housing and Homelessness service system is guided by a philosophy called Housing First, which states that housing is a basic human right and that every person deserves housing that is safe, affordable, and appropriate. It helps inform the delivery of services and the development of policies around the world. The Housing First fact sheet presents how communities across the country, including Peterborough City and County, are using this approach to respond to homelessness.

The Coordinated Access and By-Name Priority Data fact sheet gives an introduction to what Coordinated Access means. In 2018 a group of local agencies designed the Peterborough Coordinated Access System which began April 1, 2019. The goal is to prevent and reduce homelessness and provide streamlined access to available supports in the community. This approach will help us progress towards our goal of ending chronic homelessness. By-Name Priority Data is a key component to a Coordinated Access System. The list helps us know everyone in our community experiencing homelessness by name. Using the list we can help ensure that everyone has equal access to the services and supports available.

Housing is the solution to homelessness. Learn more about the Housing Continuum and Permanent Supportive Housing in the Housing Continuum fact sheet.

The development of the Built for Zero Report Card has been put on hold. Links to the report cards for January 2021 to February 2022 can be found below. 

2021 - JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember

2022 - JanuaryFebruary