Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval
The City of Peterborough has been approved by the Ministry of the Environment Climate Change and Parks (MECP) to receive, approve and issue Environmental Compliance Approvals that are preauthorized by the MECP. These preauthorized works include most alterations to City’s municipal sewage collection system and stormwater management system.
Pre-authorization Criteria
The CLI-ECA approval means that developers and the City are no longer required to submit individual pipe-by-pipe ECA applications to the MECP provided the projects meet the following criteria.
- The alterations follow the MECP’s design criteria
- The alteration meets the requirements of the City’s Sewage CLI-ECA (ECA Number 145-W601) which includes sanitary pipes and pumping stations.
- The Alterations meets the requirements of the City’s Stormwater Management CLI-ECA (ECA Number 145-S701) which includes storm pipes, Stormwater Management Facilities including Ponds, Oil and Grit separators and Low Impact Development features.
- The alteration satisfies all other provincial and municipal conditions and standards.
- The alteration is proposed on land that is currently owned by or will be owned by the city after assumption.
Projects that do not meet these requirements for pre-authorization may still proceed but will require a direct submission to the MECP for review and approval as a Schedule C Amendment. These non-preauthorized projects will still follow the same application framework to ensure all other application requirements are met. Additionally, works that are being proposed on private property will also require a direct submission to the MECP.
Application Requirements
- General Applicant information (legal name and address)
- Agent or consultant information
- Project information and description (project name, subdivision number, plan number, municipal address, facility ID number, etc.)
- Completed source protection procedure (download and complete, include mitigation measures in table in application if applicable)
- operations and maintenance manual(s)
- consultation and clearance from Otonabee Region Conservation Authority (ORCA) (if applicable)
- inspection and testing plans including emergency response plans
- Applicable application fees per the City's User Fee By-law
- Completed application forms and any required attachments (drawings, reports etc.)
- Completed Stormwater Management Facility Tables in "Word" format.
- Completed application checklist (please download and complete to be included in application)
Application forms
- Form SW1 (Authorized Alteration for Storm Sewers/Ditches/Culverts)
- Form SW2 (Authorized Alteration for Stormwater Management Facilities including Ponds, OGS and LID)
- Form SW3 (Authorized Alteration for Third Pipe Collection Systems)
- Form SS1 (Authorized Alteration for Sanitary Sewers, Nominally Separate Sewers and Forcemains)
- Form SS2 (Authorized Alteration for Components of the Municipal Sewage Collection Systems i.e. pumping stations)
Development Submissions
Upon completion on the design of the proposed alteration to the Sewage collection System and Stormwater Management system applicants may submit their completed application package via email to the City’s Development Engineering Department.
The City will review the application for completion and provide the applicant with an approval letter and forms signed by the City as well as receipts for applications fees.
All reports and drawings must follow the MECP requirements for sewage, stormwater work as well as the City of Peterborough's Engineering and Design Standards.