Action for Aging Well
Age-friendly Peterborough
Age-friendly Peterborough is working to ensure that older adults’ basic needs are met; that they can get around the community; are supported to build and maintain relationships; and have the opportunity, to learn, grow, and contribute. Visit the links to the right to learn more.
Age-friendly Peterborough is a collaborative of passionate individuals, organizations, and businesses that provide a diverse perspective through an age-friendly lens.
Age-friendly Peterborough increases awareness about issues older adults are facing and builds community collaboration to support solutions. Age-friendly Peterborough is a resource for older adults, their families and care providers.
Proportion of Seniors 65 and Older in Peterborough City and County
Township population (Statistics Canada 2016).
Trent Lakes 30.2%
North Kawartha 27.8%
Selwyn 24.6%
Asphodel-Norwood 22.4%
Douro-Dummer 20.1%
City of Peterborough 22.3%
Havelock-Belmont-Methuen 28.0%
Curve Lake FN 17.5%
Hiawatha FN 20.7%
Cavan-Monaghan 19.3%
Otonabee-South Monaghan 21.1%
By 2040 more than 20,000 Peterborough residents will be 80 years of age or older.