Development Charges

Properly planned growth is good for our community, but it comes with costs. New development can lead to new infrastructure, including roads, sidewalks, sewers, community facilities and fire services. Development charges help cover the costs associated with growth.

Development charges are levied against new development and are a primary source of funding for growth-related capital expenditures. The City-Wide Development Charges Background Study relates to the provision of all eligible DC Services (e.g., General Government, Library Services, Fire Services, Police Services, Emergency Medical Services, Recreation, Parks, Transit Services, Waste Management, Long-Term Care, Services related to a Highway and Sewage Services). The City of Peterborough Development Charges Pamphlet summarizes the City’s policy with respect to development charges. By-law 24-081 went into effect on January 1, 2025 and imposes City-wide development charges for municipal services. Notice of By-law Passage was issued on December 14, 2024.

In addition to the City-wide development charges, the City imposes area-specific development charges for some sanitary trunk sewers, stormwater facilities, and servicing and planning studies in specific planning areas through By-laws 22-053 to 22-060.

2025 development charges rates

The following 2025 development charges are effective from January 1st, 2025 to December 31st, 2025. Refer to the development charges map for exact locations.

Residential A - single and semi
Planning areaPlanning area chargeCity-wide uniform chargeTotal charge





Carnegie East




Carnegie West




Lily Lake




Chemong East




Chemong West












City-Wide Dev. Area








Residential B - other multiples
Planning areaPlanning area chargeCity-wide uniform chargeTotal charge





Carnegie East




Carnegie West




Lily Lake




Chemong East




Chemong West












City-Wide Dev. Area








Residential C - apartments
Planning areaPlanning area chargeCity-wide uniform chargeTotal charge





Carnegie East




Carnegie West




Lily Lake




Chemong East




Chemong West












City-Wide Dev. Area








Non-Residential Development Charge ($/sq.m)
AreaPlanning area chargeCity-wide uniform chargeTotal charge
Chemong West $58.32 $268.61 $326.93
Coldsprings $45.04 $268.61 $313.65
City-Wide Dev. Area $268.61 $268.61


City-wide development charges


  • 1 to 2 units - $70,953.00/unit (Plus area-specific charges)
  • More than 2 units (e.g., row or garden suites) - $51,350.00/unit (Plus area-specific charges)
  • Apartment-type dwelling or multi-suite building - $44,012.00/unit (Plus area-specific charges)

Non-Residential: $268.61/m2 (Plus area-specific charges)

Education Development Charges (EDC)

In accordance with the authority provided under the Education Act Section 257.54, specific local Peterborough school boards have established development charges for land that is undergoing residential and non-resident development. The City of Peterborough Building Services Division will be collecting the education development charges at the time of building permit issuance on behalf of the local school boards.

Please see tables below for the Education Development Charges in effect.

Residential EDC
Residential Education Development Charges: 2022-2027
Residential EDCYear 1: April 4, 2022 – April 3, 2023Year 2: April 4, 2023 – April 3, 2024Year 3: April 4, 2024 – April 3, 2025Year 4: April 4, 2025 – April 3, 2026Year 5: April 4, 2026 – April 3, 2027
PVNCC District School Board $362.00 $524.00 $524.00 $524.00 $524.00
KPR District School Board $436.00 $736.00 $1,036.00 $1,246.00 $1,246.00
Total Residential EDC $798.00 $1,260.00 $1,560.00 $1,770.00 $1,770.00


Non-Residential EDC
Non-Residential Education Development Charges: 2022-2027
Non-Residential EDCYear 1: April 4, 2022 – April 3, 2023Year 2: April 4, 2023 – April 3, 2024Year 3: April 4, 2024 – April 3, 2025Year 4: April 4, 2025 – April 3, 2026Year 5: April 4, 2026 – April 3, 2027
PVNCC District School Board $1.29/sq.m $1.51/sq.m $1.51/2sq.m $1.51/sq.m $1.51sq.m
KPR District School Board $1.51/sq.m. $2.58/sq.m. $3.55/sq.m. $3.55/sq.m. $3.55/sq.m.
Total Non-Residential EDC $2.70/sq.m $4.09/sq.m $5.06/sq.m $5.06/sq.m $5.06/sq.m


Please contact the individual school boards for information relating to the Education Development Charges:

Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board (PVNCCDSB)

Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRDSB)

Water Services Development Charges

Peterborough Utilities Group

Proposed residential and non-residential construction within the City of Peterborough may be subject to Water Services Development Charges as identified in the Peterborough Utilities Group Water Services Development Charge City By-law 24-050. Where development is subject to a development charge under the By-law it shall be paid directly to the Peterborough Utilities Group prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.

Please refer to the Peterborough Utilities Group Water Services Development Charge City By-law 24-050 for both the residential and non-residential fee schedules.

Please contact Peterborough Utilities Group for information relating to the Water Services Development Charges.

Definitions, past development charges and background study

Non-residential uses
  • “Non-residential use” means lands designed, adapted, or used for any purpose other than a dwelling unit or dwelling units, or accessory uses or spaces to a dwelling or dwellings; and includes commercial, industrial, and institutional uses including a long-term care home within the meaning of subsection 2 (1) of the Fixing Long-Term Care Action, 2021 and excludes an agricultural use.
  • “Commercial use” means lands, buildings or structures or portions thereof used or designed or intended to be used for a purpose which is classified as a Group D, Group E, Group A (restaurant and licensed beverage establishment only), or Group C (hotel and motel only) occupancy, pursuant to the Ontario Building Code.
  • “Industrial use” means lands, buildings or structures or portions thereof used or designed or intended to be used for a purpose which is classified as a Group F occupancy, pursuant to the Ontario Building Code.
Residential uses
  • “Residential use” means land, buildings or structures used, designed or intended for use as a home or residence of one or more individuals, and shall include, but is not limited to, a single detached dwelling, a semi-detached dwelling, a townhouse, a plex, a stacked townhouse, an apartment building, a group home, a rooming/lodging house, a mobile home, a retirement residence and a residential dwelling unit accessory to a non-residential use.
  • “Residential A building” means a building, or portion thereof containing one or two dwelling units.
  • “Residential B building” means a building, or portion thereof containing more than two dwelling units, other than a Residential C building.
  • “Residential C building” means a residential building or the residential portion of a mixed-use building consisting of more than three (3) dwelling units, which dwelling units have a common entrance to grade, but does not include a triplex, duplex, or townhouse. Notwithstanding the foregoing an "apartment building" includes a Stacked Townhouse. 
  • "Dwelling Unit" means one or more rooms used, designed, or intended to be used by one person or persons living together, in which full or partial culinary facilities and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of such person or persons. 

Past development charges


Development charges background studies

The background studies help us to set the rates for the current development charges.

The current background studies are listed below for your reference: