
The City of Peterborough Zoning By-law controls the use of land in our community. It states exactly:

  • how land may be used
  • where buildings and other structures can be located
  • the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used
  • the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street

The City's Official Plan sets out our municipality's general policies for future land use. Zoning by-laws put the plan into effect and provide for its day-to-day administration. Zoning by-laws contain specific requirements that are legally enforceable. Construction or new development that doesn't comply with a zoning by-law is not allowed, and the municipality will refuse to issue a building permit.

Interactive Zoning Map

To determine the zoning category of a property, you can check the Key Map or use the Interactive Map.  To find the permitted uses and regulations associated with that category, you can look up the zoning category in the text of the Zoning By-Law.

To use the interactive map:

  1. Click on Interactive Map. A new browser will open.
  2. Open the Layer List Layer List Icon at the top right of the screen. 
  3. Select 'Zoning' from the checklist. Note: You may need to zoom in on the map for the Zoning layer to appear.
  4. Use the search bar in the top left corner to search for an address or feature.

Zoning By-law 

We have a comprehensive Zoning By-law that divides the municipality into different land use zones, with detailed Zoning By-law Maps. The By-Law specifies the permitted uses (e.g. convenience retail store, restaurant, dwelling unit) and the regulations (e.g. building size and location) in each zoning district.

Definitions (Section 1)

Section 1: Definitions

Application and Administration (Section 2)

Section 2: Application and Administration

Land Use Districts and Maps (Section 3)

Section 3: Land Use Districts and Maps

3.1 List of Land Use Districts

3.2 Map Index, Legend - Schedule "A"

3.3 Boundaries

3.4 Alternative Regulations - Schedule "B"

3.5 More Than One Symbol

3.6, 3.7 Certificate of Occupancy - Schedule "C"

3.8 Occupancy Permit - Schedule "D"

3.9 Exceptions

Parking, Loading and Driveways (Section 4)

Section 4: Parking, Loading and Driveways

4.1 Definitions

4.1.1 Definition of Areas

4.1.2 Occupancy Load

4.2 Motor Vehicle Parking Requirements

4.2A Residential

4.2B Commercial

4.2C Industrial

4.2D Public Service

4.2E Open Space

4.2F University & College

4.3 Motor Vehicle Parking Regulations

4.3.1 Size of Parking Space

4.3.2 Residential District-Parking

4.4 Motor Vehicle Parking Requirements to Serve Disabled Persons

4.4.1 Size of Parking Space Serving Disabled Persons

4.5 Passenger Bus Parking Requirements

4.5.1 Size of Passenger Bus Parking Space

4.5.2 Set Backs - Passenger Bus Parking Space

4.6 Loading Requirements

4.6.1 Dimensions of Loading Space

4.7 Loading Regulations

4.8 Driveway Access

4.9 Surface Treatment

4.10 On Same Lot

4.11 More Than One Purpose

4.12 Fraction of Requirements

Parking Areas - Schedule "E (1)"

Parking Area 1 - Schedule "E (2)"

Supplementary Regulations (Section 6)

Section 6: Supplementary Regulations

6.1 City and P.U.C.

6.2 Change of Use Or Alteration Of Building

6.2.1 Lawfully Existing Use

6.2.2 Lawfully Existing Building

6.3 Undersized Lot

6.4 Water and Sewer Required

6.5 Building Lot Must Abut Street

6.6 Building Setback - Controlled Access Arterials

6.6.1 Exceptions

6.6.2 Exceptions

6.6.3 Exceptions

6.7 Building Setback - Arterial Streets

6.8 Exceptions

6.9 Building Setback - Collector Streets

6.10 Exceptions

6.11 Building Setback - Local Streets

6.12 Exceptions

6.13 Pits Prohibited

6.14 Prohibited Building Materials

6.16 Planting Strip

6.17 Accessory Uses

6.18 Residential Accessory Buildings

6.19 Projections and Overhangs

6.20 Satellite Dishes

6.21 Equipment on Roof

6.22 Projections on Roof

6.23 Home-Based Business

6.25 Units - Prohibited Locations

6.26 Special Building Setback - Downtown

6.27 Boarders

6.29 Building Setback - Lot without Rear Lot Line

6.30 Body-Rub Parlour

6.31 Adult Entertainment Parlours

6.32 Group Homes

6.33 Additional Dwelling Unit

6.34 Bachelor Dwelling Unit within C.B.D.

6.35 Salvage Yard

6.36 Outdoor Woodburning Furnace

6.37 Minimum Floor Area - Dwelling Unit

6.38 No Open Display of Goods or Merchandise

6.39 Dwelling Units on Subdivided Lots

6.40 Temporary Buildings - Commercial District and Open Space Districts

Residential (Sections 7-12)

Section 7-12: Residential

7 Residential District 1 (R.1)

8 Residential District 2 (R.2)

9 Residential District 3 (R.3)

9A Residential District 30 (R.30)

9B Residential District 31 (R.31)

10 Residential District 4 (R.4)

10A Residential District 40 (R.40)

11 Residential District 5 (R.5)

11A Residential District 50 (R.50)

12 Residential District 6 (R.6)

12A Residential District 60 (R.60)

12B Residential Downtown District (R.D.)

Commercial (Sections 13-18)

Section 13-18: Commercial

13 Commercial District 1 (C.1)

14 Commercial District 2 (C.2)

15 Commercial District 3 (C.3)

16 Commercial District 4 (C.4)

16A Commercial District 40 (C.40)

16B Commercial District 41 (C.41)

17 Commercial District 5 (C.5)

17A Commercial District 50 (C.50)

17B Commercial District 51 (C.51)

18 Commercial District 6 (C.6)

18A Commercial District (C.7) (Special Purpose Retail)

Industrial (Section 19)

Section 19: Industrial

19 Industrial Districts (M1.1, M1.2, M2.1, M2.2, M3.1, M3.2, M3.3, M3.4, M3.5)

Public Service (Section 22)

Section 22: Public Service

22A Public Service District 1 (PS.1)

22B Public Service District 2 (PS.2)

University and College (Section 23)

Section 23: University & College

23 University & College District (UC)

23A University & College Enhanced District 1 (UC.1)

Open Space (Sections 24-26)

Section 24-26: Open Space

24 Open Space District 1 (OS.1)

25 Open Space District 2 (OS.2)

26 Open Space District 3 (OS.3)

Development (Sections 27-28)

Section 27-28: Development

27 Development District 1 (D.1)

28 Development District 2 (D.2)

Agriculture (Sections 28a-28c)

Section 28a-28c: Agricultural

28A Agricultural District 1 (AG.1)

28B Agricultural Zone (A)

28C Agricultural Restrictive Zone (AR)

Special Districts

Special Districts (SP. 1 – SP. 49)

Special Districts (SP. 50 – SP. 99)

Special Districts (SP. 100 – SP. 149)

Special Districts (SP. 150 – SP. 199)

Special Districts (SP. 200 – SP. 249)

Special Districts (SP. 250 – SP. 299)

Special Districts (SP. 300 – SP. 349)

Special Districts (SP. 350 – SP. 369)

The current consolidation of the City's Comprehensive Zoning By-law incorporates all amendments up to August 20, 2024. A complete version of the City's Comprehensive Zoning By-Law can be obtained by making a request to the Planning Division.

Zoning By-Law Amendments

If you want to use or develop your property in a way that is not allowed by the Zoning By-Law, you may apply for a zoning change, also known as a Zoning By-Law Amendment or Rezoning.  Council can consider a change only if the new use is allowed by the Official Plan.

See our Planning Applications and Forms page for information on the development application process. 

The process for amending the Zoning By-law is Legislated by the Province of Ontario.  The government of Ontario has published a Citizen's Guide that may help you understand how a Zoning By-Law Amendment is passed, how they are evaluated, how you can get involved, and your rights of appeal.

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