Resources for Builders and Developers

On this page

  1. Development Charges
  2. Community Improvement Plans and Incentive Programs
  3. Urban Design Guidelines
  4. Telecommunication Structures Procedure
  5. Engineering Design Standards
  6. Specifications for engineering contracts

Development Charges

Development charges are levied against new development and are a primary source of funding for growth-related capital expenditures. In addition to the City-wide development charges, the City imposes area-specific development charges for some sanitary trunk sewers, stormwater facilities, and servicing and planning studies in specific planning areas.

View Development Charges Rates

Heritage building facade
Community Improvement Plans and Incentive Programs
To assist with the creation of affordable housing and to encourage downtown redevelopment and revitalization projects, the City of Peterborough has two community improvement plans (CIPs) that allow for financial incentives for certain types of projects. 
Market Hall aerial photo
Peterborough Urban Design Guidelines
The City has adopted urban design guidelines for the Central Area and Mixed-Use Corridors. These guidelines should be used by applicants to inform their development proposals at the initial concept stage/Pre-Consultation and prepare any required Urban Design Brief.
Telecommunications structure and cloudy sky
Telecommunication Structures Application and Procedure
The City has a Policy and Procedure for the siting and design of telecommunications structures. The procedure identifies principles for site selection and details the City’s consultation requirements for proposed communications towers.

Engineering design standards

The Engineering Design Standards are specifications and requirements that are used for the design of works within the City on municipally-owned road allowances, municipally-owned property, and municipally-owned infrastructure on easements as well as projects subject to municipal approval or contributing to the municipal system. The information provides guidance beyond legislative and standard design practices for use in the City.

View Peterborough Engineering Design Standards

Specifications for engineering contracts

Specifications for elements of all engineering contracts, including Electrical standard specifications, Electrical quality controls, Sign and post installation, pavement marking standard specifications and tree planting installation are on our Bids and Tenders page.