Planning, Development, and Urban Design Division Fees

On this page

  1. Pre-consultation Fee
  2. Zoning By-law Amendment Fees
  3. Official Plan Amendment Fee
  4. Draft Plan of Subdivision or Condominium Fees
  5. Site Plan Approval Fees
  6. Committee of Adjustment Fees
  7. Other Fees
  8. Development Charges
  9. Application subcategory descriptions

All fees are effective January 1, 2025.

Pre-Consultation Application
TypeFeeORCA Fee Applicable?
Pre-Consultation Application $2,500 No
Renewal/Update of Expired Record of Pre-Consultation Letter $500 No
Zoning By-law Amendment Applications
TypeFeeORCA Fee Applicable?
Minor $6,000 Yes
Standard $14,120 Yes
Complex $31,720 Yes
Official Plan Amendment Application
TypeFeeORCA Fee Applicable?
Official Plan Amendment $31,720 Yes
Draft Plan of Subdivision or Condominium (Including Condominium Exemption) Applications
TypeFeeORCA Fee Applicable?
Draft Plan of Subdivision or Condominium $39,140 + $82/unit (1st 100 units) + $55/unit (100+ units) Yes
External Right of Way Improvements Oversight $8,997 No
Subdivision Compliance Letter $190.00 No
Extensions to Draft Approval $3,150 Yes
Condominium Exemption from Draft Approval $1,580 No
Amendments to Approved Plans and/or Draft Conditions, Notice Required $3,150 Yes
Amendments to Approved Plans and/or Draft Conditions, No Notice Required $1,580 No


Site Plan Approval Applications
Type Fee ORCA Fee Applicable?


$16,190 + $72/ residential unit and/or $2 square metre or non-residential building floor area



$32,080 + $136/ residential unit and/or $3 square metre or non-residential building floor area

External Right of Way Improvements Oversight $22,272 No
Amendment to Approved Site Plan, Minor $2,500 Yes
Amendment to Approved Site Plan, Standard $7,500 Yes
Amendment to Approved Site Plan, Major Residential see Standard / Complex Site Plan Fees Yes
Amendment to Approved Site Plan, Major (All Others) see Standard / Complex Site Plan Fees Yes
Roof Top Patios $530 No
Outdoor Cafés $400 No
Extensions to Site Plan Approval Period $740 No
Site Plan Compliance Letter $300 No
Committee of Adjustment Applications
TypeFeeORCA Fee Applicable?
Minor Variance $1,350 Yes
Permission $1,350 Yes
Consent, creation of a new building lot $4,020 per new lot created Yes
Consent, all others (e.g. lot addition, easement) $1,000 Yes
Request to change of conditions of a Consent $110 + advertising No
Re-issuance of a Consent Certificate $110 No
Recirculation of a Notice of Hearing $500 No
Certificate of Validation $430 No
Certificate of Cancellation $430 No
Other Fees
TypeFeeORCA Fee Applicable?
Part Lot Control Exemption $2,630 + $50 per lot No
Removal of Holding Provision $740 + $500 per circulation of supporting documents No
Sign By-law Amendments $1,260 No
Other Agency Circulations $320 No
Planning Act Exemption Review Fee, Standard $10,940 No
Planning Act Exemption Review Fee, Complex $23,820 No
Telecommunication Structures, No Public Consultation Required $3,150 No
Telecommunication Structures, Public Consultation Required $5,250 No
Development Engineering Review 6% of construction value No
Peer Review 100% of the City's full cost of undertaking a Peer Review No
Recirculation (where four or more circulations are required) $1,200 No
Due Diligence Requests (Legal requests to City for non-City lands) $320 No

Development Charges

See Development Charges By-law


  1. All fees are payable to the City of Peterborough. 
  2. Any expenses incurred by the City pursuant to Municipal Plan Review on behalf of the Province of Ontario may be recovered from the Applicant at actual cost.
  3. If an application is deferred at the Applicant’s request, the costs of re-advertising for the Public Notice under the Planning Act will be assessed to the Applicant.
  4. Where an application is currently in process under the former Stage 2 Pre-Consultation - Technical Adequacy Review, the Planning Act application fee will be reduced by the Stage 2 Pre-Consultation fee previous paid.
  5. Where an applicant does not opt-in to follow the City's Pre-Consultation process prior to the submission of an application for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Site Plan Approval or Plan of Subdivision/Condominium, the application fees payable shall increase to include 2 x Pre-Consultation Review Fee (2 x $2,500 = $5,000) and shall be payable at the time of submitting the Planning Act application(s).
  6. Zoning By-law Amendment applications combined with a Site Plan, Subdivision or Official Plan Amendment application is subject to a 25% discount in the fee 
  7. Zoning By-law Amendment subcategories (Minor, Standard, and Complex) and Site Plan Approval subcategories (Standard, and Complex) are determined by City Staff based on the complexity of the review.
  8. For site plan applications involving mixed-use development, the applicable rates per dwelling unit and per floor area shall apply.
  9. "Affected Building Floor Area" means the gross floor area within an existing and/or proposed building that is to be introduced or converted to Non-Residential uses. 
  10. For Removal of Holding Provision, the $500 per circulation fee is not applicable if the required supporting documents have been reviewed and approved as part of another Planning Act application for the same lands.

Application Subcategory Descriptions

Minor Zoning By-law Amendment  
  • Conforms to objectives and intent of the Official Plan;
  • Maintains intent and purpose of zoning by-law (e.g., no change in zoning category, only small-scale exception/change to zoning regulations);
  • Applies to a single parcel for low density residential use;
  • No impact or very limited impact beyond the subject lands is anticipated;
  • Requires up to one technical study/report in addition to a Planning Justification Report and concept plans; and/or
  • Applies to a temporary use.
Standard Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Conforms with and/or retains the general intent of the Official Plan;
  • Requires change in zoning category and/or multiple regulations of existing zoning;
  • Moderate impact beyond the subject lands is anticipated; and/or
  • Requires two (2) to four (4) technical studies/report in addition to a Planning Justification Report and concept plans.
Complex Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Requires an amendment to the Official Plan;
  • Represents a shift from intent and purpose of the zoning by-law (e.g., change in zoning category and/or development standards);
  • Involves substantial increase in density and/or floor space (e.g., large scale redevelopment);
  • Requires five or more technical studies/reports in addition to a Planning Justification Report and concept plans - likely to generate exceptional levels of processing effort; 
  • Greater impact beyond the subject lands may be anticipated; and/or,
  • Associated with a Draft Plan of Subdivision or Condominium application.
Standard Site Plan Approval
  • Requires the review of up to three (3) updated or new technical studies/reports;
  • Requires standard circulation to commenting agencies and departments;
  • Relatively straight-forward development proposal, where the size and site development issues are considered to be less complex;
  • Involves amendments to approved site plans with site alterations;
  • Involves a building addition, parking lot expansion or creation of a commercial parking lot; and/or,
  • Applies to a temporary use.
Complex Site Plan Approval
  • Requires the review of four (4) or more updated or new technical studies/reports;
  • Requires greater technical review cycles (i.e., three or more cycles);
  • Large-scale and/or multi-phase developments with complex site development issues;
  • Involves a new build or significant building addition with impacts to existing site development;
  • Involves major amendments to approved site plans with significant site alterations;
  • Associated with another Planning Act application;
  • Requires coordination of external agency approvals; and/or,
  • Involves complex legal issues (e.g., right-of-way dedications, easements).

Amendment to Approved Site Plan - Minor

  • Does not require a change to the site plan agreement registered on title, and/or
  • Requires circulation to a maximum of two (2) standard commenting agencies (internal and external).
Amendments to Approved Site Plans - Standard
  • Requires an amendment to the site plan agreement registered on title but maintains the original intent of the registered agreement;
  • Amended plans requires circulation and coordination to more than two commenting agencies (internal and external);
  • No new technical studies or reports are required; and/or
  • The amendments are relatively straight-forward and do not result in significant site alteration.

Planning Act Exemption Review Fee - Standard

Means a scoped review for a development exempt under the Planning Act which meets one or more of the following:

  • Requires the review of up to three updated or new technical studies/reports;
  • Requires standard circulation to commenting agencies and departments;
  • Relatively straight-forward development proposal, where the size and site development issues are considered to be less complex;
  • Involves amendments to approved site plans with site alterations; and/or, 
  • Involves a building addition, parking lot expansion or creation of a commercial parking lot

Planning Act Exemption Review Fee - Complex

Means a scoped review for a development exempt under the Planning Act which meets one or more of the following:

  • Requires the review of four or more updated or new technical studies/reports;
  • Requires greater technical review cycles (i.e. three or more cycles);
  • Large-scale and/or multi-phase developments with complex site development issues;
  • Involves a new build or significant building addition with impacts to existing site development;
  • Involves major amendments to approved site plans with significant site alterations;
  • Associated with another Planning Act application;
  • Requires coordination of external agency approvals; and/or,
  • Involves complex legal issues (e.g. right-of-way dedications, easements).