Current Development Applications

Interactive Map

Use our interactive map to review current development applications, including Zoning By-law amendments, Subdivisions, and Site Plan Approval applications. Application details can be found below. 


View the Current Development Applications map

The following applications for proposed development are being reviewed by the City. Application types include Technical Adequacy Review applications (also referred to as Stage 2 Pre-Consultations) and formal Planning Act applications for Site Plan Approvals, Zoning By-law Amendments, Official Plan Amendments and Draft Plans of Subdivision.

Central Area Community Improvement Area - Official Plan Amendment, Community Improvement Plan

City-Initiated Official Plan Amendment

File Number: O2403

Applicant: City of Peterborough

Public Meeting: Council Chambers, City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 27, 2025

Key Map - Central Area Community Improvement Area


The City is proposing to add a new incentive program to the Central Area Community Improvement PlanAdditionally, a housekeeping amendment is proposed to expand the Central Area Community Improvement Plan Target Area to include the present day extent of the Central Area as depicted in the Official Plan. The proposed ‘Strategic Land Acquisition and Conveyance Program’ will allow the City to acquire, through expropriation powers, and subsequently convey strategic lands required to facilitate private development projects in the Central Area. The program establishes criteria for eligibility, conditions of approval and performance requirements to meet the overall CIP objectives to stimulate private sector investment in the Central Area. 

Statutory Public Meeting

Pursuant to Sections 17 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P.13, the City of Peterborough General Committee will hold a Public Meeting in the Council Chambers, City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 27, 2025. staff report will be available by 12:00 p.m. on the City’s website on Thursday, the 23rd day of January, 2025. 

Additional Information

Additional information and materials relating to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, including information about appeal rights may be obtained from the Planning, Development and Urban Design Division, City Hall, (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday) at 705-742-7777For more information contact the Land Use Planner, Planning Division.

 City-Wide Official Plan Amendment - Housekeeping Amendment

City-Initiated Official Plan Amendment

File Number: O2404

Applicant: City of Peterborough

Public Meeting: Council Chambers, City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 27, 2025


The City is proposing a housekeeping amendment to the Official Plan to address changes to planning legislation, implement the recommendations of the City’s Transportation and Cycling Master Plans and provide other administrative updates. The amendment is also intended to define minor zoning by-law amendments which may be delegated to a committee of Council or an individual who is an officer, employee or agent of the municipality. 

Statutory Public Meeting

Pursuant to Sections 17 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P.13, the City of Peterborough General Committee will hold a Public Meeting in the Council Chambers, City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 27, 2025. staff report will be available by 12:00 p.m. on the City’s website on Thursday, the 23rd day of January, 2025. 

Additional Information

Additional information and materials relating to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, including information about appeal rights may be obtained from the Planning, Development and Urban Design Division, City Hall, (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday) at 705-742-7777For more information contact Policy Planner, Milan Nguyen at

  City-Wide Zoning By-law Amendment - Parking, Loading & Driveways

City-Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment

File Number: Z2411

Applicant: City of Peterborough

Public Meeting: Council Chambers, City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 27, 2025


The City is proposing amendments to Section 4 of the City’s Zoning By-law, being By-law 1997-123, to implement the Council endorsed recommendations of the 2023 Residential Parking Standards Review, Final Report, prepared by Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited. The proposed amendment will align the By-law’s parking regulations with the City’s new Official Plan and the City’s Transportation and Cycling Master Plan. The amendment will update the city-wide parking regulations to encourage intensification and enable forthcoming policy changes, including policies that implement the Mayor’s Task Force for Housing Creation Report recommendations.  

Statutory Public Meeting

Pursuant to Sections 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P.13, the City of Peterborough General Committee will hold a Public Meeting in the Council Chambers, City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 27, 2025. staff report will be available by 12:00 p.m. on the City’s website on Thursday, the 23rd day of January, 2025. 

Additional Information

Additional information and materials relating to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, including information about appeal rights may be obtained from the Planning, Development and Urban Design Division, City Hall, (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday) at 705-742-7777For more information contact Policy Planner, Planning Division.

90 Hunter Street East

Application for Technical Adequacy Review in advance of a Zoning By-law Amendment Application

File Number: PCON24-0010

Applicant: TVM Mark Street Inc.

Owner: The Board of Trustees of Mark Street United Church

Agent: EcoVue Consulting Services Inc.


Hunter Street Elevation

Building Massing Models

Concept Site Plan

Development Description

The Planning, Development and Urban Design Division of the Corporation of the City of Peterborough has received an application for Technical Adequacy Review pursuant to the City’s Pre-consultation By-law 23-032, in advance of an eventual application for a Zoning By-law Amendment. 

The applicant is proposing to develop a 10 storey, mixed-use building on the subject property, which is the current location of Mark Street United Church. The new building will be developed adjacent to the original church building, which will remain on the site.

The proposed mixed-use building and existing church building will be separated onto individual lots by way of consent.

Statutory Public Meeting

The City of Peterborough will hold a Public Meeting at a meeting of the General Committee when a complete application for a Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act is received. This notice will be updated with the date of the Public Meeting once it has been scheduled.

Additional Information

For more information contact the Land Use Planner, Planning Division.

200 St. Luke's Avenue

Application for Zoning By-Law Amendment

File Number: Z2101

Applicant/Owner: Amadeo Developments Ltd.

Agent: EcoVue Consulting Services Inc.

Site Plan for proposed development

Elevation for proposed development

Development Description

The applicant is proposing intensify an existing 60-unit apartment building by converting ground level parking situated under the elevated west wing of the building to create 10 new apartments.  To facilitate this renovation, the applicant has requested an amendment to the existing SP.324 Zoning district to reduce the minimum required parking rate from one space per dwelling unit to 0.7 spaces per dwelling unit.  Additionally, the applicant has requested that relief be granted to reduce the required setback between the parking lot and the west lot line and to reduce the required separation between the parking/vehicle movement area and windows to habitable rooms within the apartment building.


Map showing location of proposed development

Statutory Public Meeting

The City of Peterborough will hold a Public Meeting at a meeting of the General Committee to consider the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act. This notice will be updated with the date of the Public Meeting once it has been scheduled.

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the City of Peterborough on the proposed Zoning By-law amendment, you must make a written request to:

John Kennedy, City Clerk
City of Peterborough, City Hall
500 George Street North
Peterborough, Ontario K9H 3R9

Additional Information

For more information contact the Supervisor, Development Planning, Planning Division.

250-258 Reid Street and 324 Sherbrooke Street

Application for Technical Adequacy Review in advance of a Zoning By-law Amendment Application

File Number: PC22-0014

Applicant/Owner: Zeiler Segura Sokary Sanei Dentistry Professional Corporation and KDC Health Services Inc.

Agent: EcoVue Consulting Services Inc.


Concept Site Plan


Development Description

The Planning, Development and Urban Design Division of the Corporation of the City of Peterborough has received an application for Technical Adequacy Review pursuant to the City’s Pre-consultation By-law 23-032, in advance of an eventual application for a Zoning By-law Amendment. 

The applicant proposes an expansion to the existing Kawartha Dental Clinic by converting the existing residential building at 324 Sherbrooke Street to clinic use and connecting it to the main clinic building at 250 Reid Street through the construction of a corridor between the two buildings. To also support the expansion, one dwelling unit in 254 Reid Street will be converted to commercial space to accommodate administrative offices and storage. 258 Reid Street will continue to function as a duplex, but the rear yard will accommodate an expansion of the parking area for the overall land assembly.

Statutory Public Meeting

The City of Peterborough will hold a Public Meeting at a meeting of the General Committee when a complete application for a Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act is received. This notice will be updated with the date of the Public Meeting once it has been scheduled.

Additional Information

For more information contact the Land Use Planner, Planning Division.

282 Aylmer Street and 220 King Street

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: SPC 1016

Owner/Applicant: 2632548 Ontario Inc. and City of Peterborough

Agent: Lett Architects Inc.


SPC 1016 282 Aylmer St & 220 King St Site Plan

SPC 1016 282 Aylmer St & 220 King St Elevations

Development Description

The applicant is proposing to construct an eight-storey, mixed-use building on the subject properties. The ground floor of the building will contain public amenity space to complement the Urban Park as well as multiple commercial units. Floors two through eight will contain 75 residential dwelling units. The building will be supported by surface parking area containing eight parking spaces, including three barrier free spaces, and one Type-B loading space at the north side of the development with access from Aylmer Street North.


SPC 1016 282 Aylmer St & 220 King St Key Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

292 Lansdowne Street East

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: SPC 1012

Owner: Eastgate (Peterborough) Ltd.

Applicant: Engage Engineering

Elevation for proposed developmentSite Plan for proposed development

Development Description

The applicant is proposing to construct a one-storey, five-unit commercial building with a proposed building area that is approximately 701.50 square metres. The proposed development contemplates five commercial units with one accommodating a drive-through restaurant use. The concept plan provides 62 on-site parking spaces, an outdoor patio area, and an enhanced landscape treatment along Lansdowne Street. The property is zoned for the proposed use. 


Map showing location of proposed development

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

345 Armour Road

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: SPC 1010

Owner/Applicant: TVM 345 Armour Road Inc. c/o Amit Sofer

East Elevation for proposed development

North Elevation for proposed developmentSouth elevation for proposed development

Site Plan for proposed development

Development Description

The proposed development contemplates the conversion of the existing building that was previously used as a vacant boiler room, serving the old hospital campus. The developer is prosing to make alterations to facilitate the creation of an 18-unit residential apartment building. The proposed alterations include the construction of two additional storeys, bringing the total building height to four storeys. A partial demolition of the existing building is proposed resulting in a new building footprint of 441 square metres. The property is accessed through a shared driveway off Armour Road. The applicant is proposing to make minor alterations to the existing parking areas and will be introducing enhanced landscape and pedestrian areas. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Map showing location of proposed development

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

349 Parkhill Road East

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: SPC 1011

Owner/Applicant: Moloney Project Development Limited c/o Glenn Moloney

Agent: Gregg Gordon Architect c/o Gregg Gordon

North and east elevations for proposed development

South and west elevations for proposed development

Site Plan for proposed development

Development Description

The applicant is proposing to construct a three-storey, 55-unit residential apartment building. The proposed building area is approximately 1,710 square metres. The concept plan contemplates 77 on-site parking spaces, enhanced landscape areas and an internal walkway network with connections to Parkhill Road to support the residential intensification. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Map showing location of proposed development

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

369 Hunter Street West

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC23-0006

Owner: TVM Mansions Inc.

Applicant: Same as Owner

Site Plan

North Elevation

West Elevation

Development Description

The applicant proposes the construction of a three storey, 19-unit residential building south-east of the intersection of Hunter Street West and Donegal Street. The proposed development has a ground floor area of approximately 444 square metres and will contain 6 one-bedroom, 9 two-bedroom and 3 three-bedroom units. A total of 16 surface parking spaces will serve the development, of which 2 spaces will be accessible. The proposal also contemplates both indoor and outdoor bicycle parking spaces, notably 20 secure indoor bicycle parking spaces. Vehicular access will take place off Hunter Street West. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

385 George Street North

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: SPC 1004

Owner: TT8 Inc.

Applicant: Joel Gerber Architect Inc.

Elevation showing proposed development

Development Description

The applicant is proposing the construction of a five-storey mixed-use building, with commercial space at grade and 56 residential units on storeys two through five. There are no parking spaces proposed as part of this development. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Map showing location of proposed development

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

385 Lansdowne Street East

Application for a Temporary Use Zoning By-law Amendment Application

File Number: Z2408

Owner: Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha

Applicant: Peterborough Action for Tiny Homes (PATH)

Agent: Ashlyn Kennedy, EcoVue Consulting Services Inc.

Conceptual Site Plan showing the proposed development at 385 Lansdowne Street East

Development Description

The Planning, Development and Urban Design Division of the Corporation of the City of Peterborough has received an application a temporary exception to the Zoning By-law to allow for the establishment of sleeping cabins for residential purposes and associated common area and service offices within separate buildings. Temporary relief would facilitate modified side and rear yard setbacks to facilitate the placement of up to 24 sleeping cabins, establish a parking rate for the intended use and reduce barrier free and loading space requirements.


Map showing location of proposed developments


The applicant has appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal under section 34(11) of the Planning Act. Check the case status on the Tribunal's website for information on the hearing.

Additional Information

For more information contact the Land Use Planner, Planning Division. 

451 Grange Way and 1290 Chemong Road 

Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment

File Number: O2107 & Z2114

Owners: 2064086 Ontario Limited (Mason Homes)

Applicant: Innovative Planning Solutions Inc.

Development Description

2064086 Ontario Limited (aka Mason Homes) is proposing to develop two vacant properties located along Chemong Road at Broadway Boulevard:

  • 451 Grange Way located on the southeast corner of Chemong Road and Broadway Boulevard, and
  • 1290 Chemong Road located on the northeast corner of Chemong Road and Broadway Boulevard. Both properties were created as part of Mason Homes’ “Parklands” subdivision development (municipal file 15T-10507) and have been pre-graded in anticipation of development.

451 Grange Way

Mason Homes has revised the original proposal to develop the property with 230 units consisting of 118 apartment units (5 units in two 5-storey buildings) and 112 townhouse dwellings consisting of 18 street-fronting units serviced with a private rear lane, 56 back-to-back units accessed by private roadway, and 38 standard or double front units accessed by private roadway. The townhouse units are proposed to be three (3) storeys in height. Concurrent with construction, Mason Homes intends to establish the internal roads and common areas as a common elements condominium corporation and to subdivide the site to ensure each townhouse residential unit is located on a freehold lot as a parcel of tied land to the condominium.

Residential Concept Site Plan -  Z2114 O2107

Residential Elevations -  Z2114 O2107

1290 Chemong Road

Mason Homes is proposing to develop two one-storey commercial buildings on the property with a combined floor area of 2,217 square metres and 105 parking spaces (including 5 accessible spaces).

Commercial Conceptual Site Plan -  Z2114 O2107

Commercial Elevations -  Z2114 O2107

Commercial Elevations -  Z2114 O2107


Location Map - 451 Grange Way and 1290 Chemong Road

Statutory Public Meeting

The City of Peterborough will hold a Public Meeting at a meeting of the General Committee to consider the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments under Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act. This notice will be updated with the date of the Public Meeting once it has been scheduled. 

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the City of Peterborough on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments, you must make a written request to:

John Kennedy, City Clerk
City of Peterborough, City Hall
500 George Street North
Peterborough, Ontario K9H 3R9

Additional Information

For more information contact the Land Use Planner, Planning Division.

470 Water Street

Application for Zoning By-law Amendment

File Number: Z2208

Applicant/Agent: Clear Global Capital Limited

Owner: The Corporation of the County of Peterborough

Prospective view from Victoria Park

Prospective view from Murray Street

Site Plan for proposed development

Development Description

The Applicant is seeking to re-zone the eastern half of the property from PS.2 – Public Service District to C.6 – Commercial District with site specific exceptions to facilitate the construction two residential towers, one being approximately 30 storeys in height and the other being approximately 8 storeys in height. The Applicant is proposing to construct the two towers, containing a total of 400 apartment units, on the easterly parking lot that currently serves the County of Peterborough administrative office and the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. The existing County Office/Courthouse building is intended to remain post-development.


Map showing location of proposed development

Statutory Public Meeting

The City of Peterborough will hold a Public Meeting at a meeting of the General Committee to consider the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act. This notice will be updated with the date of the Public Meeting once it has been scheduled. 

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the City of Peterborough on the proposed Zoning By-law amendment, you must make a written request to:

John Kennedy, City Clerk
City of Peterborough, City Hall
500 George Street North
Peterborough, Ontario K9H 3R9

Additional Information

For more information contact the Land Use Planner, Planning, Development and Urban Design Division.

539 George Street North

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC23-0007

Owner: ZZY Property Group Inc.

Applicant: One Community Planning

Site Plan

North, West & East Elevations

Development Description

The applicant proposes the construction of a 6-storey mixed-use building fronting George Street North. The proposal contemplates a mix of studio, 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom unit types for a total of 95 residential units. The development also includes 254 square metres of ground floor commercial space and 32 vehicle parking spaces, of which 5 are barrier free accessible parking spaces. The proposed building contemplates residential amenities on the ground floor including a meeting room, fitness/yoga room, storage lockers and indoor secure bike parking. Vehicular access is contemplated off two driveways, one located off George Street North and the other off McDonnel Street. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

634 Neal Drive

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC23-0033

Owner: UPS Canada

Applicant: Engage Engineering Ltd.

Site Plan

Development Description

The applicant is proposing the expansion and reconfiguration of the UPS parking lot, located north of Neal Drive, south of Highway 7-115. The proposal constitutes a Major Site Plan Amendment to expand the existing gravel parking lot from 29 parking spaces to 52 spaces, inclusive of three accessible parking spaces. Towards the building’s rear, the existing concrete loading pad will be removed and replaced with a reinforced concrete slab to prevent deterioration. As a result of the parking lot expansion, an existing swale will be relocated towards the property’s north lot line. Vehicular access is contemplated from two existing driveways off Neal Drive. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

689 Towerhill Road

Application for Technical Adequacy Review in advance of applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment

File Number: PC23-0022

Applicant/Owner: Muskoka D&M Corp.

Agent: EcoVue Consulting Services Inc.

Draft Plan of Subdivision

Aerial view of proposed development

Building Elevation

Development Description

The Planning, Development and Urban Design Division of the Corporation of the City of Peterborough has received an application for Technical Adequacy Review pursuant to the City's Preconsultation By-law 23-032, in advance of an eventual applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment.

The applicant proposes to develop a Plan of Subdivision to create four blocks – two public streets, a stormwater management block and a development block. The development block is anticipated to be developed as a common elements condominium consisting of six, six-storey residential buildings with the common elements including a clubhouse and outdoor pool amenity space, internal private roadway network with surface parking area and open space blocks. Each six-storey apartment building will contain 102 units, for a total of 612 dwelling units. 

To facilitate the proposed development of the lands, the applicant is seeking to amend the current D.2-96 zoning that applies to the subject lands. The proposed stormwater management facility (Block 3) is proposed to be rezoned to an OS.1 – Open Space District and the proposed development block (Block 4) will be rezoned to a Special District category.

Statutory Public Meeting

The City of Peterborough will hold a Public Meeting at a meeting of the General Committee to consider the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendments under Sections 51 and 34 of the Planning Act. This notice will be updated with the date of the Public Meeting once it has been scheduled. 

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the City of Peterborough on the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law amendments, you must make a written request to:

John Kennedy, City Clerk
City of Peterborough, City Hall
500 George Street North
Peterborough, Ontario K9H 3R9

Additional Information

For more information contact the Land Use Planner, Planning Division.

736 Maryland Avenue

Application for Technical Adequacy Review in advance of application for a Zoning By-law Amendment

File Number: PC23-0017

Applicant/Owner: Kawartha Commons Cohousing

Agent: One Community Planning Inc.

Site Plan

Colour Rendering


Development Description

The Planning, Development and Urban Design Division of the Corporation of the City of Peterborough has received an application for Technical Adequacy Review pursuant to the City's Preconsultation By-law 23-032, in advance of an eventual application for a Zoning By-law Amendment. The applicant is proposing to change the zone to an amended R.5 Residential District to facilitate the use of the lands for a 6-storey apartment building with 42 units.

Statutory Public Meeting

The City of Peterborough will hold a Public Meeting at a meeting of the General Committee when a complete application under Section 34 of the Planning Act is received. This notice will be updated with the date of the Public Meeting once it has been scheduled.

Additional Information

For more information contact the Land Use Planner, Planning Division.

776 Technology Drive

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC24-0002

Owner: 2241880 Ontario Ltd.

Applicant: ARN Project Management Inc.

Site Plan


Development Description

The applicant is proposing an addition to the existing industrial building located at 776 Technology Drive to facilitate the establishment of a heavy truck and equipment sales and service facility (Mack/Volvo truck dealership). A 1,512.85 square metre warehouse/service shop is proposed at the rear of the existing 2-storey building. The development proposes two asphalt parking lots located on either side of the existing building and would provide a total of 25 parking spaces across the site plan area, including one (1) accessible parking space. Four loading spaces are also proposed.


 Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

810 Technology Drive

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC21-0036

Owner: 2513943 Ontario Inc. (My Storage)

Applicant: Arc Design Group

Site Plan

Sample Elevation

Development Description

The applicant proposes a Major Site Plan Amendment to construct a series of one-storey self-storage buildings at the rear of the site’s existing self-storage facility. This development provides an additional 7,979 square metres of storage space across four buildings. A total of 93 parking spaces are proposed across the site plan area, inclusive of 2 accessible parking spaces. The proposed development will make use of the existing driveway entrances off Technology Drive. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

873 High Street

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC23-0040

Owner: 1496869 Ontario Inc.

Applicant: LandDesign

Site Plan


Development Description

The applicant is seeking eventual Site Plan Approval to facilitate the existing development at 873 High Street. This application will facilitate on-site improvements and help bring the subject property into compliance with the City’s Zoning By-law and Engineering Design Standards. The proposal will also facilitate an eventual H-Removal Application (removal of holding provision). The proposal contemplates enhanced landscaping, improvements to parking configurations, walkways, barrier curbs and service areas (e.g., waste and garbage receptacles). 


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

776-784 Parkhill Road West, 718 Crowley Crescent

Application for Technical Adequacy Review in advance of a Zoning By-law Amendment Application

File Number: PC23-0044

Owners: Kawartha Muslim Religious Association (776 Parkhill Rd W), Mohammed Elharram, Abdul Sangrar and Magdy Kamar (784 Parkhill Rd W), and Trustees of Kawartha Muslim Religious Association (718 Crowley Cres)

Applicant: Kawartha Muslim Religious Association

Agent: One Community Planning Inc. c/o Laura Stone

Conceptual Site Plan

Conceptual Elevation Drawings

Conceptual Floorplan

Development Description

The Planning, Development and Urban Design Division of the Corporation of the City of Peterborough has received an application for Technical Adequacy Review, in advance of an eventual application for a Zoning By-law Amendment. The applicant is proposing to amend the Zoning By-law for the two residentially zoned properties adjacent to the existing PS.2 - Public Service District property to a PS.2 Zoning District. This amendment would facilitate an addition onto the existing Mosque that is located at 784 Parkhill Road West. In addition, the applicant is seeking a site specific exception to allow the continuation of the residential use of the dwelling located at 776 Parkhill Road East.

Statutory Public Meeting

The City of Peterborough will hold a Public Meeting at a meeting of the General Committee when a complete application for a Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act is received. This notice will be updated with the date of the Public Meeting once it has been scheduled.

Additional Information

For more information contact the Land Use Planner, Planning Division. 

921 High Street

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: SPC 440B

Owner: Access Property Development

Applicant: RAI Architect Inc.

Site Plan


Development Description

The applicant proposes a Major Site Plan Amendment application to facilitate the development of 4 single-storey self-storage buildings located at the rear of the site’s existing 2-storey public storage facility. The subject property is located on the west side of High Street, approximately 190 metres north of the intersection of High Street and Lansdowne Street West. To facilitate the proposed development, the existing building’s west building addition will be removed. The proposal contemplates an additional 25 parking spaces, one of which is an accessible parking space; additionally, 5 type A loading spaces are proposed. The proposed development will make use of the existing two driveway entrances off High Street. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

997 Armour Road

Application for Zoning By-law Amendment

File Number: Z2412

Applicant/Owner: 2665811 Ontario Limited

Agent: Ecovue Consulting Services c/o Aditya Srinivas

Conceptual Site Plan

Development Description

The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from the current R.1, R.2 – Residential District to a modified Special District (SP.31). SP.31 is an existing Zoning District commonly used to recognize privately serviced lots within the City Limits. The rezoning to a modified SP.31 will facilitate the addition of up to two Additional Residential Units (ARUs) per the requirements of Section 6.33.3 of the Zoning By-law.

Statutory Public Meeting

Pursuant to Section34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P.13, the City of Peterborough General Committee will hold a Public Meeting in the Council Chambers, City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday February 18, 2025. staff report will be available by 12:00 p.m. on the City’s website on Thursday, the 13th day of February, 2025. 

Additional Information

Additional information and materials relating to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, including information about appeal rights may be obtained from the Planning, Development and Urban Design Division, City Hall, (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday) at 705-742-7777For more information contact the Land Use Planner.


1045-1063 Armour Road & 941, 949 & 957 Ashdale Cresent

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC21-0056

Owner: 1950923 Ontario Inc.

Applicant: LandDesign

Site Plan


Development Description

The applicant proposes the construction of a townhouse condominium development consisting of 23 townhouse blocks, culminating in 162 units. The unit typology includes traditional townhouse dwellings and back-to-back townhouse units, with building heights ranging between 2 and 3 storeys. Each townhouse unit will be allocated two or four vehicle parking spaces, and 17 visitor parking spaces are proposed across the site plan area for a total of 415 parking spaces across the development. A series of three green spaces are proposed across the development area for outdoor recreation opportunities, including a small children’s playground and a connection to the Rotary Greenway Trail. Primary vehicular access will take place off Armour Road with two secondary access points connecting into existing streets, being Ashdale Cresent West and Ashdale Cresent East. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

1071, 1117 and 1151 Brealey Drive

Applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment

File Numbers: 15T-22501, Z2209SB

Owner: Brookfield Residential (Ontario) LP

Applicant/Agent: Bousfields Inc.

1071, 1117 and 1155 Brealey Drive Concept Plan


Development Description

The applicant is proposing to develop a residential plan of subdivision consisting of three blocks for multi-unit residential purposes (24 rear-lane townhomes and 57 stacked townhomes), two blocks for private roadways, and a block for a roadway easement.

The development concept for the residential blocks, which are anticipated to be developed through a future site plan approval process and potentially a plan of condominium process, are illustrated in a conceptual site plan attached hereto. All residential uses are proposed to utilize private roadways for vehicular access rather than gain direct access to Brealey Drive. Blocks 4, 5 and 6 on the attached draft plan of subdivision are shown as private roadways but are sized in anticipation of potentially being established as public roadways in the future should development ever proceed on the adjacent lands to the west, located in the Township of Cavan-Monaghan.


Map showing location of proposed development at 1071, 1117 and 1155 Brealey Drive

Statutory Public Meeting

The City of Peterborough will hold a Public Meeting at a meeting of the General Committee to consider the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendments under Sections 51 and 34 of the Planning Act. This notice will be updated with the date of the Public Meeting once it has been scheduled. 

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the City of Peterborough on the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law amendments, you must make a written request to:

John Kennedy, City Clerk
City of Peterborough, City Hall
500 George Street North
Peterborough, Ontario K9H 3R9

Additional Information

For more information contact the Supervisor, Development Planning, Planning Division.

1289, 1295 Kawartha Cresent & 1253 Lansdowne Street

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC21-0045

Owner: M.J. Davenport & Associates Ltd.

Applicant: Same as Owner

Site Plan



Development Description

The applicant proposes the construction of two residential buildings west of the Super 8 Hotel on the south side of Lansdowne Street West. The site presently contains a 4-storey residential building located behind the existing hotel and associated surface parking lot. One of the proposed buildings is oriented perpendicular to Lansdowne Street and is contemplated as a four-storey, 55-unit residential development. Behind this building, towards the lot’s rear, a 70 unit four-storey ‘L’ shaped building is proposed. A parking rate of 1.20 parking spaces per unit is proposed, inclusive of 12 accessible parking spaces, culminating in 205 parking spaces across the site. Approximately 18 of the 205 parking spaces are contemplated as covered garage parking, located in a detached parking garage abutting the west lot line. Shared vehicle access is contemplated using the existing driveway currently serving the abutting property at 1253 Lansdowne Street. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

1341 Water Street

Application for Technical Adequacy Review in advance of a Zoning By-law Amendment Application

File Number: PC23-0020

Owner: PM (1341 Water St) GP Inc.

Applicant: MHBC Planning Limited c/o Linda Esho

Conceptual Elevation of proposed development

Conceptual Elevation of proposed development

 Conceptual Site Plan

Development Description

The Planning, Development and Urban Design Division of the Corporation of the City of Peterborough has received an application for Technical Adequacy Review pursuant to the City's Preconsultation By-law 23-032, in advance of an eventual application for a Zoning By-law Amendment. The applicant is proposing to amend the R.5-324'F' Zoning District to facilitate the use of the lands for an 8-storey apartment building with 216 suites and 582 bedrooms.

Statutory Public Meeting

The City of Peterborough will hold a Public Meeting at a meeting of the General Committee when a complete application under Section 34 of the Planning Act is received. This notice will be updated with the date of the Public Meeting once it has been scheduled.

Additional Information

For more information contact the Land Use Planner.

1400 Lansdowne Street West

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC22-0044

Owner: Jearob Holdings Inc.

Applicant: LandDesign

Site Plan


Development Description

The applicant is proposing an addition to the existing Russelle Toyota, located at 1400 Lansdowne Street West, to create additional office space and additional vehicle service and display areas. A 1,008.46 square metre building addition is proposed, connecting to the existing building’s west facade. To facilitate the development additional parking is proposed, culminating in a total of 135 parking spaces across the site plan area, including 6 accessible spaces. Two existing loading spaces will remain.


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

1485 Water Street

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC23-0019

Owner: Trent University

Applicant: Zelinka Priamo Ltd.

Site Plan

36 Unit Building Elevations

Townhouse Block Elevations

Development Description

The applicant proposes the construction of three, 3-storey student resident buildings, on the north side of Water Street, approximately 60 metres north of the intersection of University Heights Boulevard and Water Street. The proposal includes two apartment buildings each with 36 units, and a stacked townhouse block consisting of 27 units, for a total of 99 units (324 student resident bedrooms). Of the 99 units proposed, 90 are 3-bedroom units and 9 are 6-bedroom units. Unit access takes place along both the buildings’ north and south facades. A total of 85 vehicle parking spaces are proposed, including 10 visitor parking spaces and 6 accessible parking spaces. Both outdoor and secure indoor bicycle parking spaces/racks are proposed. Vehicle parking is generally located between the buildings and the street. To serve the development two vehicle access points are proposed off Water Street. Recognizing the site’s existing sloped topography, and to facilitate the construction of the proposed development, two planted retaining walls are proposed at the site’s rear.


Site Plan

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

1500 Northcott Avenue

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC22-0017

Owner: 798240 Ontario Inc.

Applicant: One Community Planning


Site Plan

Development Description

Northcott Ave is a new street located in the subdivision currently being constructed off Lily Lake Road. The proposed development will be located north-west of the intersection of York Road and Northcott Ave. The applicant is proposing the construction of two 8-storey and one 6-storey condominium buildings, and associated surface level parking, for a total of 140 residential units across the site plan area. In addition to the centrally located shared outdoor parking spaces, each of the buildings includes tuck-under vehicle parking on the ground floor. A total of 176 vehicle parking spaces are proposed across the site plan area, inclusive of 12 accessible parking spaces. Shared exterior amenity space is provided, notably at the site’s south-east corner which is programmed as an urban plaza. The Site’s vehicle access is proposed via a driveway off Northcott Avenue. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

1628 Sherbrooke Street

Application for Technical Adequacy Review in advance of a Zoning By-law Amendment Application

File Number: PC20-0026

Applicant/Owner: 2722132 Ontario Inc.

Agent: One Community Planning Inc.


Conceptual Site Plan for Veterinary Office

Development Description

The Planning, Development and Urban Design Division of the Corporation of the City of Peterborough has received an application for Technical Adequacy Review pursuant to the City’s Pre-consultation By-law 23-032, in advance of an eventual application for a Zoning By-law Amendment. The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from the current D.1 – Development District to a Special District (SP.XX) to permit the construction of a building to be used for veterinary office or office uses. Given the proximity to residential uses, boarding and/or kennel uses associated with the veterinary office will not be permitted.

Statutory Public Meeting

The City of Peterborough will hold a Public Meeting at a meeting of the General Committee when a complete application for a Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act is received. This notice will be updated with the date of the Public Meeting once it has been scheduled.

Additional Information

For more information contact the Land Use Planner, Planning Division.

1737 Sherbrooke Street

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC22-0031

Owner: 1494282 Ontario Inc.  (Parkview Homes)

Applicant: One Community Planning, Inc.

Site Plan

Townhouse Elevations

Multi-Unit Building Elevations

Development Description

The applicant proposes the construction of a 3-storey, 4-unit townhouse block and a 3-storey, 41-unit residential building. Each of the townhouse units will have a two-car garage and two exterior parking spaces. A total of 72 parking spaces are proposed to serve the 41-unit residential building, whereby most of the parking is located along the building’s east facade. Vehicular access will take place from an existing driveway off Sherbrooke Street. The proposed development includes both outdoor bike racks and secure indoor bicycle storage. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

1900 Lansdowne Street

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: SPC 879B

Owner: 2351058 Ontario Inc.

Applicant: Tony Fuso MCROBIE Architects + Interior Designers

Site Plan


Development Description

The applicant proposes the construction of a 6-unit commercial building, including one commercial unit with a drive-through facility. The proposed building is located at the rear of the site’s existing Beer Store. The proposal contemplates approximately 675 square metres of office space, 675 square metres of retail spaces and 42 square metres of restaurant space; total of 71 parking spaces are proposed across these uses, inclusive of 3 accessible spaces. The property is zoned for the proposed use.


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.

2248 Old Norwood Road

Application for Zoning By-law Amendment

Applicant/Owner: Julie Ellis and Ted Ellis

Agent: DM Wills Associates Limited c/o Michelle Duong

Conceptual Elevation and Floorplan of proposed Additional Residential Unit

Development Description

The applicant proposes to establish a detached additional residential unit (ARU) at the rear of the subject property within a proposed detached residential accessory building. To facilitate the development, the applicant is proposing to amend the Zoning-by law to bring it into the City of Peterborough’s Zoning By-law which will allow the applicability of the City’s ARU provisions of Section 6.33.3 of the Zoning By-law to apply. The proposed amendment would rezone the property to SP.31 with a site-specific regulation to increase the maximum building height for the detached ARU from 4.3 metres to 6.7 metres, and to increase the minimum distance for an unobstructed path of travel for emergency services to the ARU from 90 metres to 135 metres. The base zone of SP.31 would recognize this property as having private services, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.4 of the Zoning Bylaw that would otherwise require both public water distribution and wastewater collection.

Statutory Public Meeting

Pursuant to Section34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P.13, the City of Peterborough General Committee will hold a Public Meeting in the Council Chambers, City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Monday March 10, 2025. staff report will be available by 12:00 p.m. on the City’s website on Thursday March 6, 2025.

Additional Information

For more information contact the Land Use Planner.

2300 Denure Drive

Application for Site Plan Approval

File Number: PC23-0004

Owner: 2305105 Ontario Inc.

Applicant: Natalia Garavito

East Rendering View

West Rendering View

Site Plan

Development Description

The applicant proposes a Major Site Plan Amendment to facilitate the expansion of a recently built retirement home - Kawartha Heights Retirement Living. The proposal will expand the existing building footprint to include a 4-storey south building wing. The proposed addition will provide an additional 67 retirement units to the existing 108-unit building (Phase 1). The new unit breakdown includes 38 studio units, 20 1-bedroom units, and 9 two-bedroom units. Multiple variances were approved on this property to facilitate the retirement residence, including a reduction in the parking requirement from 0.75 spaces per suite (as previously reduced through file A10/12) to 0.54 spaces per suite. Therefore, a total of 175 parking spaces across the site plan area are proposed. The property is zoned for the existing and proposed use.


Location Map

Additional Information

For more information contact the Urban Design Planner, Planning Division.