More homes, built faster
Learn about the City of Peterborough's commitment to accelerate the development approvals process and increase the supply of housing.
Request a pre-consultation meeting with City Staff. Pre-consultation is strongly encouraged prior to the submission of certain development applications (e.g., Zoning By-Law Amendment and Site Plan Approval).
Learn about how to make a request to the Committee of Adjustment and submit an application for Minor variance, permission and Consent/Severance.
View Peterborough's interactive map website to view Official Plan and zoning information.
View the Council-adopted Urban Design Guidelines for the Central Area and Mixed-Use Corridors.
Plan-Build Peterborough is a customer service desk for planning and building services inquiries. On Planning Wednesdays, planning staff will be at the kiosk to discuss land use planning processes and requirements.
The service desk is located in the north wing of City Hall, in the Building Services Division.
Use our new Online Application Portal to apply for the following types of building permits:
Also available