Reconstruction of the intersection at Woodland Drive and Water Street

full bike rack

The City of Peterborough, in coordination with Greenleaf Group Inc., is undertaking a municipal intersection reconstruction project for the Woodland Drive and Water Street intersection in the City of Peterborough. 

The proposed intersection will provide permanent traffic signals on all approaches, complete with pedestrian crossings, safe pedestrian landings at each corner of the intersection, lighting, widened road platforms to accommodate left turn lanes within all intersection approaches, and drainage infrastructure to safely convey stormwater runoff through the limits of work.  Existing municipal water and sanitary sewer extensions to the north side of the intersection, to accommodate future development by Trent University northwest of the intersection, are also included. 

A pedestrian sidewalk is also included in the boulevard on the south side of Woodland Drive connecting Hetherington Drive to the proposed signalized intersection. 

To address pedestrian and vehicular safety concerns during construction, temporary traffic signals will be installed during the initial phases of construction.  The temporary signals will involve the installation of temporary traffic poles and temporary moveable pedestrian poles complete with push buttons. 

The request for tender for construction of the project is open until March 2, 2023.

The construction is planned to be substantially performed in 2023.