Public consultation: Ashburnham Drive realignment and McFarlane Street Bridge replacement

full bike rack

Aerial of Ashburnham drive at the Lift Locks

Peterborough, ON - The City of Peterborough invites public input on preliminary options to realign Ashburnham Drive between Maniece Avenue and McFarlane Street and replace the existing McFarlane Street bridge crossing of the Trent-Severn waterway.

An Online Public Information Centre is now available on the City’s community consultation website at The webpage provides information on the study’s background, preliminary evaluation criteria, alternative design concepts and next steps in the process for residents to review and make comment.

A recorded presentation will be available on the website from September 8 to September 30, 2022.

A live virtual presentation is also being offered on September 22, 2022, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and again at 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The same presentation will be shared in both the afternoon and evening sessions followed by a question and answer period.

To register for the virtual presentation, please visit the study website Interested residents who are not able to access the online registration are invited to contact Jenn Robinson by telephone at 905-944-6232.

Residents who wish to have their name added to the study mailing list or would like more information about the study, are invited to email  

This community consultation serves as a virtual Public Information Centre as part of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process for the projects.

The Ashburnham Drive realignment and McFarlane Street Bridge replacement projects were two of the recommended projects in the Eastside Transportation Study, which assessed transportation infrastructure needs and priorities associated with development planned east of the Trent-Severn Waterway and growth within the east portion of the City.