Peterborough Regional Airport: NAV CANADA flight services plan

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Peterborough, ON – Peterborough Regional Airport’s aviation activity and growth potential has been recognized through NAV CANADA’s Level of Service Study for Peterborough’s airport, with recommendations for NAV CANADA-staffed traffic management to support airplane movements.

The Level of Service Study with its recommendations was posted earlier this week on the NAV CANADA website for a 60-day public review before the recommendations are forwarded to Transport Canada for concurrence.

If NAV CANADA’s recommendations are supported by Transport Canada, NAV CANADA would implement a new Flight Service Station at the Peterborough Regional Airport.

This is a significant milestone in the growth and evolution of the Peterborough Regional Airport as an aviation-related employment centre, bringing air traffic service to support the current and future level of activity at the airport, Mayor Jeff Leal said.

“NAV CANADA’s recommendation supports increased activity while monitoring airport movements and enhancing safety,” Leal said. “This direction further supports the long-term strategic growth and will establish the airport as a regional centre of economic growth and prosperity.”

NAV CANADA’s specific recommendations include:

  • Implement Airport Advisory Service, Vehicle Control Service and Ground Advisory Service, 15 hours per day from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Install an Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)
  • Establish a means of surveillance to approximately 200 feet Above Ground Level (AGL) within the 5 nautical miles at the Peterborough Airport and to 1,000 feet AGL within 10 nautical miles of the airport

The public review for NAV CANADA’s proposal for air traffic service requirements closes February 18, 2025.

Implementing air traffic services at the Peterborough Regional Airport reflects progress under City Council’s Strategic Plan for a future-ready City with the airport identified in the strategic pillar Growth and Economic Development as a vibrant aviation hub for the region.

Peterborough Regional Airport is an aerospace employment hub for the region serving various sectors of the aerospace industry. The airport is home to more than 20 businesses, which collectively employ about 500 people. The airport's 7,000-foot-long runway and supporting infrastructure has been designed to accommodate up to the Boeing 737 series aircraft.