National Public Works Week tours of the Municipal Operations Centre

full bike rack

Trucks parked on PW yard

Peterborough, ON – In celebration of National Public Works Week, the City of Peterborough invites residents and teachers to book a tour of its Municipal Operations Centre at 791 Webber Ave., from May 19 to 25, 2024.  

Tours are by appointment only to ensure that visitors will have a dedicated guide to provide safe access through the busy Public Works yard during regular operations. 

Event Details

Date: May 19 to 25, 2024 

Location: Municipal Operations Centre, 791 Webber Ave., 

National Public Works Week is an annual event to celebrate the essential role that public works play in supporting the everyday lives of Canadians. 
The Co-chairs of the Municipal Operations Portfolio, Councillor Don Vassiliadis and Councillor Gary Baldwin are excited to extend an invitation to the community. 

“Join us during National Public Works Week to celebrate the unsung heroes who keep our city running smoothly. Our dedicated staff work tirelessly to enhance the quality of life for all residents. Let’s learn and engage about the vital services provided by our Public Works Department. We hope to see you there!” 
Guided tours of the Municipal Operations Centre will include demonstrations and information centres provided by staff in fleet, traffic, urban forestry, operations and maintenance, and inspection and compliance. 
Interactive workshops will be available on subjects including the City’s traffic infrastructure and environmental stewardship. 

Question and answer sessions will provide an opportunity for residents to engage with the City’s knowledgeable staff and learn about their day-to-day responsibilities. 
School visits for both elementary and secondary schools are available.