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Museum Classroom Blog Header

Near the end of this past school year, we hosted a P.A. Day Camp called Mission: Earth, where we taught campers that caring for the Earth is of utmost importance – and also super fun! This event went hand-in-hand with our current temporary exhibit, Space to Spoon (on until September 11, 2022). We made organic crafts and engaged in Earth-saving games that families can recreate at home.* The lesson from these activities is that sustainability can be applied to all aspects of life to ensure a thriving planet for future generations. We’d like to share these activities to promote meaningful conversations among loved ones and house members.

*Note: there are more crafts in this blog post than were demonstrated at our P.A. Day camp, to appeal to various skill levels and to inspire other sustainable crafts.

If you do complete any of these activities, please share a photo to Facebook or Instagram and tag us! We would be thrilled to see your eco-friendly creations ♻️🌎🌿✂️

 Watercolour planet


watercolour planet craft made with coffee filter

Can you believe the ocean covers 71% of the Earth and makes up 99% of the living space on this planet, and that only 1% of all this water is freshwater? Wow! That’s a fun fact for kids.

You will need:

  • Coffee filters
  • Washable markers 
    • Try grabbing those dried out markers from your drawer - this craft is perfect for them!
  • Spray bottle filled with water
  • Large Ziploc bag or metal baking sheet


  • Colour a flattened coffee filter with marker.
    • Try recreating one of the planets in our solar system, or create a new one from your imagination!
  • Place the coffee filter on the Ziploc bag or baking sheet.
  • Spray with water until the colours begin to bleed together.
  • Set aside to dry. 
 Plant-able sunflower