Bridging the Divide

Bridging the Poverty Divide
Peterborough Social Services has received recognition as a “Bridges Champion” for exemplary commitment to Bridges out of Poverty work and application of the framework in an institutional setting.
In the newly released Bridges out of Poverty book (New release: Bridges Out of Poverty, fifth edition - aha! Process (, Peterborough Social Services is acknowledged for efforts to bridge the divide for those experiencing poverty, through the development of core approaches including:
- Client advisory group
- Staying Ahead sessions for Getting Ahead in a Just Getting by World grads (self-development workshops for under-resourced individuals)
- Drop in case-managers at reception
- Coaching for life stabilization with the 11 essential resources in mind
- Shifting from “transactional” to “transformational” case management
- Regular training sessions to apply Bridges and Coaching strategies
- Adopting a strength-based “we don’t give up on people” approach
- Striving to become a “people centered” workplace coaching culture at all levels
- Building critical mass of compassionate understanding as a community (training)
“It is such a valuable acknowledgement for all the work staff, the working group, and everyone in the Division have put into adopting the Bridges philosophy,” says division manager Ellen Armstrong. “Thank you to everyone for your commitment to the people we serve, Bridges and continuing on our journey of service transformation!”
Peterborough Social Services adopted the Bridges out of Poverty framework in 2013, to better serve the needs of people in the community experiencing poverty. Since that time, core staff received training and accreditation as certified Bridges out of Poverty trainers and an internal working group of champions was formed to bring the full potential of the model to clients, staff and the community. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, key staff have continued to connect with people experiencing poverty in our community around Bridges work.
“I want to express a big thank you to staff and Bridges members for your dedication and passion, and this incredible journey we have been on together,” said Suzie Johnson, Certified Bridges out of Poverty Trainer. “This work is something we should all be very proud of as a division - to be supporting our most vulnerable community members in not only having a voice, but in being heard, and ultimately, feeling empowered and supported in building and believing in their future story."
“Getting Ahead is getting included in decisions that are for me,” said Todd, Getting Ahead program graduate. “Getting Ahead is learning the hidden rules of class and the causes of poverty too, which is a lot more than just not having money. Poverty puts dreams way, way on the back burner. In a lot of cases, it can just destroy them. I started working on myself and this program was the perfect complement!”
For more information about Bridges out of Poverty or how to get involved contact:
Suzie Johnson, Bridges out of Poverty Facilitator
Peterborough Social Services