Snofest 2025

Quaker Foods City Square during a winter event

Peterborough Snofest sponsored by Recycle Your Batteries Canada! - February 14 to 17, 2025 

Show us how you celebrate winter!

Welcome to the City of Peterborough's Snofest Activity Guide. Stay busy this Family Day long weekend with fun activities that you can do with your friends and family to get active outside.

Our official sponsor Recycle Your Batteries Canada! invites Snofest participants to bring used batteries to select Snofest events where they can be safely recycled in Smart Containers or Battery Recycling boxes.

2025 Snofest Activity Guide

Adult Afternoon Tea & Tabletop Games: Friday, February 14 

Where: McDonnel Street Community Centre, 577 McDonnel St.

When: Friday, February 14 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Who: 18+

Sign Up: Free drop-in program; no registration required

Come join us for a social afternoon of tea, treats, and tabletop games!

We’ll serve up the tea and have some of your favourite games to grab and play, so bring a friend! You’re welcome to bring your favourite game to play as well.

Recycle your batteries at this event!

Snofest Free Family Swim: Friday, February 14

WherePeterborough Sport & Wellness Centre, 775 Brealey Dr.

When: Friday, February 14 from 6:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

Who: All ages

Sign Up: Free drop-in program; no registration required. First come, first served.

Bring your family and friends for a free fun swim with Snofest Pete in attendance!

Please remember:

  • Swimmers aged 15 and under are required to wear wrist bands for Fun Swims. 
  • Children under 10 must be supervised in the water by an adult age 16+ (maximum of 3 children to one adult).
  • Swimmers must be 42” tall and are required to pass swim test to use the slide.
  • The maximum capacity for this swim is 175 (therapy pool 44 persons max); access cannot be guaranteed if capacity is met. 

Recycle your batteries at this location.

Frozen Bubble Magic & DBIA Outdoor Event at Quaker Foods City Square: Saturday, February 15

Presented in partnership with the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Association

WhereQuaker Foods City Square, 215 Charlotte St.

When: Saturday, February 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Who: All ages

Sign Up: Free drop-in event; no registration required

Come meet Jellybean the Peterborough Museum & Archives Mascot.

Recycle your batteries at this event!

Skating continues at the outdoor rink until 7 p.m.
Drag Story Time with Betty Baker: Saturday, February 15

WherePeterborough Public Library - Lower level, 345 Aylmer St.

When: Saturday, February 15 from 10:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.

Who: Open for Families.

Sign Up: Free event

Betty Baker, a local Drag Queen and star personality, will share some of her favourite stories exploring diversity, inclusion, and respect.

Recycle your batteries at this location.

Crafternoon - Shibori Inspired Paper Snowflakes : Saturday, February 15

WherePeterborough Public Library, 345 Aylmer St.

When: Saturday, February 15 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Who: Teens and Adults (13+ event)

Sign Up: Free event ; Registration required

Creativebug instructor Mia Semingson brings back the nostalgic joy of making the paper snowflakes from your childhood and elevates them with a shibori-inspired dip dye. Learn how to fold and cut Japanese washi paper as well as basket-style coffee.

Recycle your batteries at this location.

Snofest Spaghetti Dinner: Saturday, February 15

Pay what you can Spaghetti Dinner hosted by East Peterborough Lion's Club.

WhereMcDonnel Street Community Centre, 577 McDonnel St.

When: Saturday, February 15 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Sign Up: Free event; no registration required. Pay what you can (cash only).

Recycle your batteries at this event!

Mayor's Pancake Breakfast: Sunday, February 16

Hosted by Mayor Jeff Leal.

Bring family and friends to enjoy a free pancake and sausage breakfast offered by the East Peterborough Lion's Club. Visit with Snofest Pete and Join in on fun family activities in the gym.

WherePeterborough Sport and Wellness Centre, 775 Brealey Dr.

When: Sunday, February 16 from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Who: All ages

Sign Up: Free event; no registration required.

Snofest Family Sunday at Art Gallery of Peterborough, February 16

Where: Art Gallery of Peterborough, 250 Crescent St.

When: Sunday, February 16 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Who: All ages, children must be accompanied by an adult.

Sign Up: Free drop-in program; no registration is required.

Explore the Art Gallery of Peterborough's current exhibitions, including Dr. Roberta Bondar's Patterns & Parallels: The Great Imperative to Survive, and then head up to the studio for a drop-in studio activity where families can make their own Snofest Pete to take home! 

Drop-in Sports: Monday, February 17

Where: Peterborough Sport & Wellness Centre - Gym A/B/C, 775 Brealey Dr.

When: Monday, February 17

  • Pickleball - 6:15 a.m. - 9 a.m.
  • Badminton - 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.
  • Basketball - 11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Sign Up: Free drop-in event; no registration required.

Recycle your batteries at this facility.

Snofest Public Skate, Sponsored by Royal Lepage ProAlliance Realty.: Monday, February 17

WhereMiskin Law Community Complex, 271 Lansdowne St W.

When: Monday, February 17 from 12 p.m. to 1:50 p.m.

Sign Up: Free drop-in event; no registration required.

Recycle your batteries at this event with Snofest Sponsor Recycle Your Batteries Canada!

In addition to the great events taking place from February 14 to 17, get outside and try something new this winter with some of the fun activities below:

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