Off-Leash Dog Park

City building

Photo of a dog running.

The City of Peterborough off-leash dog park is located in Farmcrest Park at 1900 Ashburnham Dr. It runs along the south side of Willowcreek Trail. It is located on City property and maintained by Public Works. There is no fee to use the park.

Parking is available at the Ashburnham Drive entrance as well as nearby Beavermead Park.

For maintenance inquires call 705-745-1386.

Terms of use

Visitors to the off-leash dog park must follow the following terms of use:

  • All persons using the Dog Park do so at their own risk
  • Park will be used during daylight hours only
  • All dog owners are subject to the Dog Owner's Liability Act and to applicable City of Peterborough by-laws
  • All dogs must have valid dog license tags
  • Limit of 3 dogs per care provider
  • Professional dog trainers or walkers are not permitted to use the park to conduct their business
  • All dogs must have all annual shots up to date (including Rabies and Bordatella)
  • Dogs who are ill or under the age of 6 months are not permitted in the park
  • All dog owners must pick up their dog's waste using their own bags or those supplied in the dog park
  • All dogs must be spayed or neutered
  • Aggressive dogs must be removed from the park immediately
  • All dogs must be under voice control
  • All owners must carry a leash for their dogs in order to gain control, if needed
  • Children under 14 years must be supervised by an adult
  • Dogs that bark excessively must leave the park
  • Glass containers, dog toys and food (animal or human) are not permitted in the park
  • Prong or spike collars are not permitted on dogs in the park