Online services for members
Welcome, members! Provide feedback, complete a hold, or termination request. Want to receive email updates about the Centre? Email us and request to be added to our communication list.
We want to hear from you. Provide your feedback at any time by clicking on the link below.
Members are able to place their membership on hold for a minimum of 1 to 3 consecutive months, once per calendar year.
Membership Holds | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hold requests can be done online by completing the form below. Please note that requests are due at least 10 days before the first day of the month in which you would like your membership to be placed on hold. Final dates to request holds are listed in the chart below. Requests submitted after the deadline will not be completed. If you or a family member have received a member discount on a registered program, your membership must remain active to maintain the discount. Otherwise, the outstanding amount will be owed.
If you are looking to cancel your membership with the Peterborough Sport & Wellness Centre, please review the following information and complete the online termination request form.
Membership Termination | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Termination requests can be done online by completing the form below. Please note that requests are due at least 10 days before the first day of the month in which you are requesting your membership to be terminated. Final dates to request terminations are listed in the chart below. Requests submitted after the deadline will not be completed. If you or a family member have received a member discount on a registered program, your membership must remain active to maintain the discount. Otherwise, the outstanding amount will be owed.