Peterborough Airport diligently works to balance the needs of airport users and stakeholders with the neighbouring community while ensuring the safe, effective operation and long-term success of the airport.

Noise Management

Noise Abatement Procedures for Peterborough Airport were implemented on July 4, 2017. The procedures came out of community engagement efforts and an application to Transport Canada, which regulates flight activities. The procedures require pilots to follow certain Noise Operating Criteria including flight elevation levels, turns and avoiding certain areas when possible.

Flights operating under visual flight rules are not permitted to turn below 1,000 feet above aerodrome elevation during takeoff and climb from runway 09/27. Over flight of noise sensitive areas is to be avoided when joining or departing the circuit.

What has not changed:

  • The distance at which aircraft space themselves from the runway in the downwind leg
  • The point at which aircraft are turning base and final legs
  • Where aircraft are when joining the circuit from overhead

What has changed:

  • Aircraft climbing off the runway are turning later at a higher altitude
  • There's a reduction in power setting by the time the aircraft turn for the downwind leg
  • The crosswind turning point is further from the runway end
  • Aircraft are at 1,000 feet above aerodrome elevation before they turn the crosswind leg

The Airport is currently evaluating the effectiveness of these mitigation strategies. Community engagement will be conducted following this analysis.

Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF)

Please see the latest Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF) for Peterborough Airport. 

Register a Noise Complaint

If you have a concern about noise from the Airport, please see our online form for submitting noise complaint and contact information.

 Noise FAQ
1. How do aircraft make noise?

Aircraft make noise from two distinct sources: engine noise, and aerodynamic noise. Aerodynamic noise is created by the disturbance of air as the aircraft flies, as well as the propeller spinning at a high speed. The engine noise will be predominate when the aircraft is at a higher power setting, like at takeoff, or when increasing altitude. When a plane is landing, the engine power is reduced to near idle, and aerodynamic noise can be louder than the engine.

2. Why do aircraft fly in circles over the airport?

Peterborough Airport is home to three flight schools. Seneca College, and W.M Aeroflight and Aerotrike Aviation. When pilots are becoming licensed, they must learn to fly “circuits”. The circuit is a left hand, standard flight pattern in effect at all uncontrolled airports in Canada to facilitate an orderly flow of traffic for aircraft arriving, departing and conducting continuous take-off landings.  Pilots must accumulate many landings and takeoffs in order to become licensed. As such, they will fly many circuits to practice landings and takeoffs; the two most important phases of flight.

3. Does aircraft noise have adverse effects on long term health?

Health Canada provides advice to the public and regulatory authorities, such as Transport Canada, on the health effects of noise. This ensures that health risks are considered when decisions are made that affect our exposure to aircraft noise. For more information, please visit: Health Canada

4. Does Peterborough Airport have an Air Traffic Control tower?

Peterborough Airport is an uncontrolled airport and does not have a control tower. NAV Canada is responsible for evaluating individual airports’ needs for a Control Tower. At Peterborough, pilots communicate on a shared radio channel known as the UNICOM (Universal Communications) frequency and coordinate the flow of traffic among themselves using standard Transport Canada procedures.

5. Why are some planes louder than others?

Aircraft can be louder or quieter depending on several different factors. Larger aircraft generally are louder, as they usually have more than one engine, and create more aerodynamic noise than smaller aircraft as they displace more air.

6. Are aircraft allowed to fly at night?

Peterborough Airport is open to air traffic 24 hours a day.

7. What are peak flying times at Peterborough Airport?

While industrial and charter flights do not have peak flying times, training flights are through the daylight hours when the weather is suitable for flying, and sometimes in the late evening and early night hours to accumulate night flying hours. Private pilots typically fly midday, particularly on weekends.

8. What determines which runway the aircraft use?

Aircraft must take-off and land into the wind for a safe landing or takeoff. At Peterborough Airport, there are two runways that aircraft can use. The main runway is Runway 09-27, and the crosswind runway is Runway 13-31. Runways are named after the compass heading the runway faces (i.e. Runway 27=270°).

At Peterborough, the wind is commonly from the west, and aircraft will take-off using Runway 27 which is the east end of the runway.

9. Who governs the Peterborough Airport?

Peterborough Airport is owned by the City of Peterborough and operated by The Loomex Group. Transport Canada is the governing body of aviation in Canada. Peterborough Airport is a certified airport that is required to follow Transport Canada regulations.

The regulations that govern certified airports can be found on Transport Canada’s website, under the Canadian Aviation Regulations, Part III.

10. What is the most common aircraft that flies the circuit at Peterborough Airport?

The most popular training and general aviation aircraft is the Cessna 172. These aircraft are widely used by flight schools in Canada as the Cessna 172 is a great platform for pilots to learn how to fly. Both Seneca College and W.M Aeroflight regularly use these aircraft. These aircraft also make great general aviation aircraft for private pilots.

11.  Does the Cessna 172 have mufflers or improved propellers to limit noise?

While there are some options for limiting the noise from a Cessna 172, these methods are not approved for use by Transport Canada or in Canada.

12. What are the Airport’s hours of operation?

Peterborough Airport is staffed from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. from October 1 – March 31, and from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. April 1 – September 30. The airport is open to air traffic 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

13.  How can I submit a noise report?

You may submit a noise report on our Noise Complaint page. Please ensure to fill out all fields of the form. Reports are analyzed and verified by the Community Relations Coordinator.

14.  Who can I contact regarding aircraft noise?

Contact the Community Relations Coordinator to discuss any noise related issues.  Refer to the section "Peterborough Airport Community Relations Coordinator" below.


Peterborough Airport Community Relations

Contact Peterborough Airport's Community Relations Coordinator:

Noise Liaison Group

Peterborough Airport Noise Liaison Group (PANLG) is not currently active.  The airport is in the process of evaluating the effectiveness of the noise abatement procedures that were implemented in 2017.  If you wish to participate in the PANLG in the future, please complete the Resident Application form in the drop-down menu below.

Resident Application Form
 Application Form

Peterborough Airport Noise Liaison Group

Terms of reference

Purpose of Peterborough Airports' Noise Liaison Group

The purpose of Peterborough Airports' Noise Liaison Group (PANLG) is to facilitate information sharing and education in order to identify airport noise concerns and to offer suggestions to mitigate noise related issues where possible. The PANLG is to collaborate with the Airport in building community awareness and disseminating information regarding Airport operations.

 Role of the PANLG

The role of the PANLG is to provide a forum for discussion among selected community members, and airport management about matters relating to the identification and mitigation of aircraft noise around the Peterborough Airport. It will be a forum to improve knowledge and understanding of technical noise issues. It will enable airport management to communicate and discuss proposals, future plans and other relevant information relating to noise to be shared with stakeholders and the broader community. An important part of the group function is to educate on what may or may not be possible regarding mitigation. This is accomplished by assessing aircraft operating procedures impacting aircraft noise, examining alternatives, offering ideas and providing suggestions to airport management.

PANLG suggestions to airport management are agreed upon after group discussion and by group consensus. Airport management will consider suggestions to ensure they are consistent with the Peterborough Airport mandate and Transport Canada standards and regulations.

PANLG members selected from community residents are required to actively seek residents perspectives and observations on noise related matters and to share these with the PANLG.

PANLG shall understand their role and the required commitment, be respectful and accountable to the PANLG’s Protocol and Procedures (Appendix A).

 PANLG Structure and Function


PANLG is comprised of up to eight (8) members, which include:
  • Four (4) residents (selected via an application, review and appointment process); See Appendix B for Airport area
  • One (1) Airport Manager or designate
  • One (1) representative or designate from Seneca College
  • Two (2) Airport Tenant representatives or designates

Subject Matter Experts

  • One staff member from each; City of Peterborough, Cavan Monaghan Township, and Otonabee South Monaghan Township or designates, if authorized by the respective Councils. The subject matter experts will attend the meetings in order to be apprised of the PANLG’s work and can provide input to the PANLG discussions but are not included in meeting consensus.
  • Other subject matter experts to be invited as decided by the PANLG members by consensus


  • PANLG member designated alternates
  • Subject matter experts designated alternates


PANLG will be Co-Chaired by two members: one member from the neighbourhood residents, and one member of the airport management team.

The term of office for representatives shall be the PANLG members with the initial term being one year. Vacancies on the PANLG are filled through appointment by airport management. No remuneration is provided for serving on the PANLG and any expenditure shall be preapproved by airport management. The term of office will be discussed at the first meeting.

Independent Facilitator

An independent facilitator is appointed by airport management. This person provides leadership to the PANLG and encourages members to consider issues from a broad perspective. The facilitator liaises with the PANLG Co-Chairs (or delegate) in the preparation of meeting schedules, agenda, and review of draft meeting minutes prior to distribution.


PANLG meetings are intended to be conducted as working sessions in a manner consistent with the stated role and generally are not open to the public. Appointed members are expected to attend all scheduled meetings; however, on the rare occasion when a member is not able to participate, the previously designated alternate would be expected to participate on behalf of the absent member, and the meeting would proceed. The respective designated alternate for each of the four neighbourhood areas will be appointed by airport management for an initial term of one year. The designated alternates appointed for neighbourhood residents are selected from the applications received during the application process for PANLG membership. Designated alternates are encouraged to attend meetings as an observer, review minutes of the meetings and are encouraged to participate in the absence of their respective PANLG member.

The members will be the point of contact for residents wanting to provide input for PANLG meetings or to seek clarification on decisions from the posted minutes.

Meetings normally take place from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Peterborough Airport, quarterly, on Thursdays of the months of February, May, August, and November. If more time is required, a vote will be conducted to extend the meeting no later than 9:00 p.m. The schedule is established/ratified for the next year at the December meeting.

Meeting dates and times can be changed by providing at least two weeks notice to PANLG members and/or designated alternates. If needed, airport management may approve additional meetings.

The meeting agenda and other advance information for meetings are provided to members and/or designated alternates at least one week in advance of the meeting. Standard distribution is through e-mail except in circumstances when an alternate method is agreed upon.

Topics for discussion are generated by several means:

  1. Standard business for all meetings, such as review and approval of minutes of the previous meeting, business arising from the minutes, correspondence, aircraft movements, and noise concern trends, etc.;

  2. Follow-up items from previous meetings;

  3. Topics suggested by members and resource persons at least 2 weeks in advance of the meeting (supported by a brief written outline of the suggested topic); and

  4. Items requested by airport management.

Administrative services are provided by Peterborough Airport (staff and/or other support) to produce the minutes of the meetings. Minutes shall contain a synopsis of discussions; recommendations; action items and a list of members in attendance. Airport staff will endeavour to provide draft meeting minutes to members within two weeks of the meeting. Committee members will have two weeks to review the draft meeting minutes and provide comments to the Chairs to finalize the minutes and post to the Peterborough Airport website within four weeks. Additional technical support may be made available from Transport Canada, NAV Canada, airport management, other airport staff, and other qualified individuals at the discretion of airport management.

Decision Making

For PANLG decisions a vote will be taken to attain consensus. All members will have the opportunity to vote. Items anticipated requiring a vote may be outlined on the Agenda and where possible, material will be provided to members in advance of meetings. A quorum consists of five members and is required for voting purposes. Voting can be completed electronically when deemed appropriate by the Airport Manager or designate. Only the nine PANLG members (including any designated alternate participating on behalf of an absent member) are eligible to vote, when a vote is required.

 Communications and Media

PANLG members should respect diversity of opinion, ideas and debate towards fostering a collaborative working relationship between members and build mutual respect. The role of the members is to work towards common goals and complete tasks, with outcomes that can be communicated by the members.

The Peterborough Airport website has a page dedicated to Noise Reduction where information about the Noise Liaison Group is posted. Information including meeting agendas, minutes, and bios of members is provided to ensure all members have access to information about the work of the Airport Noise Liaison Group. Airport-Noise-Liaison-Group-Meetings

To ensure information is shared and communicated to the airport community in a transparent and clear manner, members will abide by the PANLG Meeting Protocol and Procedures, which are outlined in Appendix A (attached).

Video and voice recording is prohibited during PANLG meetings.

 Conflict of Interest
Members and subject matter experts must declare a conflict of interest prior to becoming a member or through correspondence, prior to addressing specific matters where an actual or perceived conflict of interest may exist.
 Subsequent Considerations

During the course of the first year of PANLG meetings, the Co-Chairs will assess the group’s initial progress towards fulfilling its purpose. Criteria may be developed to assess progress, identifying areas for potential improvement and successes upon which to further build.

The members will decide on the future of the PANLG, including but not limited to phasing-in change of membership of the group over subsequent years, with potential for term extensions and/or repetition. The maximum term for the members will be two years.

 Airport Management Commitment
In order to provide the foundation for PANLG’s success, airport management will:
  • Help the members function effectively by providing information or relevant materials for review in advance of meetings, and offer suggestions and alternatives to address issues, concerns and problems being discussed;
  • Provide accurate and understandable information including access to subject matter experts with noise related expertise to present at discussions on specific noise issues or matters to assist the members with information and technical needs, such that members can contribute informed advice and recommendations; and
  • Listen carefully to advice and perspectives of members and where feasible and appropriate, initiate action to address recommendations.
Appendix A - Meeting Protocol and Procedures

Peterborough Airport Noise Liaison Group (PANLG) provides a forum for liaison with area residents within the noise catchment area of the Peterborough Airport, and airport management. In the development and operation of Peterborough Airport, it is recognized that good information exchange amongst these groups is important as we strive to better support and serve our existing businesses and airport users, to create new business opportunities for job creation, and to recognize the surrounding community.

The purpose of these protocols and procedures is to assist in fostering a supportive environment for dealing with sensitive noise issues while exercising mutual respect in the conduct of the PANLG meetings. This Meeting Protocol and Procedures is intended to guide all members, including the Co-Chairs and the Independent Facilitator, in conducting quarterly meetings.

1. All Members

  • Become familiar with and committed to the responsibilities of the Peterborough Airport Noise Liaison Group, which include: i) being responsible for soliciting input and feedback from the broader constituencies and communities each member represents, and for sharing this with the members; ii) providing advice, feedback and perspectives related to noise, on questions, proposals or other matters provided by Peterborough Airport staff or the community; iii) direct residents to the Airport website to seek information such as meeting minutes and detail in regard to airport operations.
  • Strive to attend each quarterly two-hour meeting. Be responsible to send regrets in advance to the meeting organizer for necessary absences and contact a designated alternate to attend on your behalf, which will include briefing the alternate so that they come to the meeting prepared to represent the community’s interest. Should circumstances change where you cannot attend meetings, please advise the meeting organizer so that your position can be filled by your alternate or another member of the community.
  • Review the minutes to ensure that proceedings have been accurately documented.
  • Prepare for all meetings by reading all related information provided by the meeting organizer before the meetings and contact the meeting organizer if you need to clarify anything.
  • Participate fully in the meetings through active listening, and by contributing constructively to discussions.
  • Fulfill any responsibilities assigned to you at meetings and be prepared to report back on your progress at the following meeting.

2. Co-Chairs

  • Meetings will be Co-Chaired by two members: one member of the neighbourhood residents, and one member of the airport management team.
  • The role of the Co-Chairs is to ensure that:
  1. agenda items are brought forward on behalf of the community and the airport;
  2. action items from previous meetings are completed with a status update to be provided to the members; and
  3. meetings accomplish the goals and tasks set out by the members to ensure issue resolution will be tracked to measure progress.

3. Independent Facilitator

  • The role of the Independent Facilitator is to provide independent facilitation help to members with a goal towards achieving consensus on particular issues.
  • The Facilitator will open and adjourn each meeting and in consultation with members, will determine whether a meeting’s duration should be lengthened or shortened.
  • The Facilitator will seek members’ approval of the agenda and meeting minutes.
  • The Facilitator will lead discussions in an impartial manner and ensure that the meeting protocol is followed.
  • The Facilitator will review draft meeting minutes, prior to circulation to the members to ensure the minutes reflect the perspectives of items discussed by members and identification of who is responsible to report back at the next quarterly meeting on actioned items.

4. Agendas

  • A draft meeting agenda and supporting materials will be circulated to members at least one (1) week in advance of each meeting, to enable members to prepare fully.
  • The Chair, in consultation with the independent facilitator, will develop draft agendas.
  • Members will review and approve the agenda at the outset of each meeting.
  • Members will be consulted on agenda items for subsequent meetings at the conclusion of each meeting.

5. Conflict of Interest

  • Members must declare a conflict of interest prior to addressing specific matters or agenda items where an actual or perceived conflict of interest may exist.

6. Mode of Operation

  • The operating mode for the PANLG will be a consensus-based approach where members seek general agreement on issues and recommendations.
  • If consensus is not achieved, differing perspectives and feedback will be reported in the minutes.
  • PANLG is not responsible for making decisions, voting or passing motions regarding the Airport or its operations.

7. Meeting Time and Duration

  • Meetings will generally be held from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, with a duration of no more than two (2) hours. If more time is required, a vote will be conducted to extend the meeting no later than 9:00 p.m.

8. Minutes

  • Meeting minutes will be circulated to members within two (2) weeks after each meeting and will be drafted by a member of the airport team who provides administrative support to PANLG meetings.
  • Minutes are subject to approval by members at the following meeting. Final minutes and copies of presentations will be posted on the Peterborough Airport website
  • Minutes will include: a synopsis of discussions and recommendations; action items; list of members in attendance.

9. Goals

  • At the first meeting, the group will have a discussion to determine what goals and priorities are important to the group.

Appendix B

Peterborough Airport Area (Star denotes Airport)

Satellite image of Peterborough Airport