Tickets, Fines and Provincial Offences Court, POA

full bike rack

The City of Peterborough enforces some parking regulations and administers, prosecutes and provides courtroom support for Provincial Offences Act (POA) offences and municipal by-laws. On this page, you can pay your parking ticket, pay your Provincial Offences ticket and find other information about the Provincial Offences Court.

Online payments

Only Parking Penalty Notices can be paid online at this time. An Administrative Monetary Penalty issued under other City by-laws must be paid by phone, in person at City Hall, or by mail. 

Disputing a Penalty Notice/parking ticket

If you have received a Penalty Notice for a parking infraction, or contravention of another City by-law, you can dispute it by requesting a review by a Screening Officer under the City's Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS). To request an extension of time for a screening or to appeal a screening decision, visit the AMPS page and complete the applicable online form.

Provincial Offences Court


If you have received a Notice of Trial, your court appearance may be held in-person or by audio/video conferencing. If you have a matter scheduled or would like more information about POA court proceedings, please contact our office at (705) 742-7777 ext. 2099 or send an email to 

Remote Hearings

If you requested a resolution meeting, a notice will be sent to you at the address we have on file. The notice will contain the date and time as well as instructions on how to connect with the remote court. To access remote court proceedings and learn how to participate, please use the links below.

Guide for Provincial Offences Act Remote Hearings

 Connect to your virtual hearing 

  • For all other inquiries and for information about any upcoming court dates call 705-742-7777 ext. 2099 or email


  • The POA front counter is open for in-person service Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
  • Masks/face covering and physical distancing are recommended.
  • Staff can be reached by phone or email. Call 705-742-7777 ext. 2099 or email

Options for Provincial Offences Act tickets

You have 15 days from the date you receive a Provincial Offences ticket to choose one of three options. If you don't respond to the charge on time, you will be convicted and additional costs will apply.

 Option 1: Plea of Guilty – Voluntary Payment of Total Payable

You must pay the fine in the Total Payable box at the bottom of the ticket. You can pay in four ways:

  • In person by bringing your ticket and/or your driver's licence to 99 Simcoe St., Peterborough, ON or any Provincial Offences Court office in the province of Ontario. We accept cash, cheques, money orders, credit and debit cards. 
  • By phone at 705-742-7777 ext. 2099 or toll free at 1-855-738-3755 ext. 2099, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except on public holidays.
  • Online at with Visa or MasterCard at, an additional fee will apply.
  • By mail, sending your cheque or money order (payable to City of Peterborough) to Provincial Offences Office, 99 Simcoe St., Peterborough, ON K9H 2H3. Note: Please do not send cash in the mail. When you mail your payment, you assume the consequences if the payment is not received by the Court office by the due date. Dishonoured cheques will have additional charges added to the fine.
 Option 2: Plea of guilty with Submissions as to Penalty

You are saying you are guilty but want to ask for a lower fine or more time to pay the fine.

This option is available through remote court appointment. For more information and to schedule your Option 2 hearing call 705-742-7777 ext. 2099 from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Justice of the Peace cannot:

  • Talk to you if you are not willing to plead guilty to the charge
  • Change the charge
  • Remove or reduce demerit points

Demerit points

The Ministry of Transportation applies demerit points based on a conviction for certain types of charges. The Court cannot change the demerit points that will be applied.

 Option 3: Trial Option

You are saying you are not guilty of the charge or you wish to discuss the charge and/or demerit points with the prosecutor. You must:

  • Write your telephone number and sign your name on the signature line under Option 3 on the back of your ticket.
  • Write down your language if you need a language interpreter.
  • Check your address on the front of ticket and note any changes to your address in the box provided on the back under the signature line
  • Email front and back of Offence Notice to or send by mail to the Court office noted on the back of the ticket or drop off your ticket to the Court Office noted on the back of the ticket.
  • Once the Court receives your signed request, you will be mailed an Offer of Resolution Appointment letter to the address written on your ticket.
  • If you do not receive anything in the mail within 5 to 8 weeks, please call our office.
  • Important: If you move, you must call our office to notify us of your new mailing address.

You can find more information on the trial and resolution meeting process in the Ontario Court of Justice Guide for Defendants in Provincial Offences Cases. This guide includes general information about the court process for Provincial Offences matters.

The location of the trials and resolution meetings is the Ontario Court of Justice, Courtroom 4, 70 Simcoe St., Peterborough, Ontario.

Resolution meeting

Once the Court receives your signed request, we will automatically schedule a resolution meeting with the Municipal Prosecutor. The Court will notify you of your meeting by mail. The Prosecutor will listen to your comments and refer to the officer's notes before making a decision about offering you a reduced charge. If there is no resolution, a trial date will be scheduled for you at a later date.

If you can't make your resolution appointment date, call the court office at 1-855-738-3755 ext. 2099 and ask for a new date.

Reschedule trial date

If you can't make your first trial date, call the court office at 1-855-738-3755 ext. 2099 and ask for a consent adjournment. If this is the second time you have asked for an adjournment of your trial date, you will have to file a Notice of Motion with the Court and the prosecution office.


You have a right to receive all of the evidence that the Prosecutor has. The Prosecution office will give you copies of any officer's notes, witness statements and/or accident reports if they apply.

Once you have received your resolution appointment date or trial date in the mail, fill out the Request for Disclosure and send to the Prosecutor by:

Common statutes under the Provincial Offences Act include:

  • Highway Traffic Act e.g. speeding, careless driving, fail to stop at stop sign
  • Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act e.g. driving without insurance
  • Liquor Licence and Control Act e.g. intoxicated in public place, open liquor in vehicle
  • Trespass to Property Act e.g. entering premises when entry is prohibited
  • Municipal by-laws e.g. building code and noise violations
  • Occupational Health and Safety, Environment, Transportation, Labour or Finance violations

Forms, trials and resolution meetings

Application for Extension of Time to Pay

If you are unable to pay your fine by the due date, you may apply for more time to pay. You can either submit an Extension of Time to Pay Application online or attend the court office in-person.

Online Extension of Time to Pay Application

Reopening Application

If you were convicted without a hearing on a ticket and wish to apply to have the matter reopened by the court, you are required to complete a reopening application.

Online Reopening Application/Affidavit

Change of Address

Use this form to update your mailing address with the Provincial Offences Office. 

Online Change of Address form

Printable PDF forms - POA

Resolution meetings and trial information for Provincial Offences Act offences

You can find more information on the trial and resolution meeting process in the Ontario Court of Justice Guide for Defendants in Provincial Offences Cases. This guide includes general information about the court process for Provincial Offences matters.

Resolution meeting

Once the Court receives your signed request for a trial, we will automatically schedule a resolution meeting with the Municipal Prosecutor. The Court will notify you of your meeting by mail. The Prosecutor will listen to your comments and refer to the officer's notes before making a decision about offering you a reduced charge. If there is no resolution, a trial date will be scheduled for you at a later date.

Rescheduling a resolution appointment

If you can't make your resolution appointment date, call the court office at 1-855-738-3755 ext. 2099 and ask for a new date.

Reschedule trial date

If you can't make your first trial date, call the court office at 1-855-738-3755 ext. 2099 and ask for a consent adjournment. If this is the second time you have asked for an adjournment of your trial date, you will have to file a Notice of Motion with the Court and the prosecution office.


You have a right to receive all of the evidence that the Prosecutor has. The Prosecution office will give you copies of any officer's notes, witness statements and/or accident reports if they apply.

Once you have received your resolution appointment date or trial date in the mail, fill out the Request for Disclosure and deliver it in person or send to the Prosecutor by:

Guides for Defendants and Appeals in Provincial Offences Cases

Guide for Defendants                Guide to Appeals 

Common questions about tickets and Provincial Offences Act processes

Frequently asked questions

How do I change my court date?

You must file a Notice of Motion at least three days before your scheduled court date. Call the Court office at 1-855-738-3755 ext. 2099 for more information

Will I get any other reminders after I get my ticket? What if I don't receive any more notices?

The ticket you received from the officer is your formal notice that a charge has been laid and you must respond within 15 days.

A Notice of Fine and Due Date is automatically created once a conviction is recorded on the Provincial Database. The Notice is mailed to the address listed on the ticket unless you have contacted the Court office and provided a new one. Changing your address with the Ministry of Transportation does not update your address with the Court.

All fine notices are a courtesy only – even if you don't get any further notices, the full amount of the ticket/fine plus any additional costs must be paid on time in order to avoid late penalties.

What if I can't pay my Provincial Offences Act fine by the due date?

If you were convicted and sentenced to pay a fine but you need more time to pay, you can fill out a Motion for Extension of Time to Pay Fine. You will need to include:

  • How much you have paid so far
  • Why you need more time
  • Ask for a new due date – no more than six months from application date
  • Sign the form

Send form to the Peterborough Provincial Offences office. Once we receive your form, a Justice of the Peace will review it. We will mail you a copy of the Justice's decision.

If your driver's licence is already suspended for non payment, you will have to wait three to four working days from the day your application is approved before you can go to the Ministry of Transportation to pay your reinstatement fee and get a new licence.

Where can I find out about my driving record and demerit points?

The Ministry of Transportation runs the demerit point system and keeps all driving record information. Go to for more information.

Why are there two amounts on my ticket?

  • The Victim Fine Surcharge is imposed by the provincial government and is used to maintain and expand services to victims of crime.
  • The surcharge changes depending on the amount of the set fine.
  • The amount in the Total Payable box must be paid in full.

I asked for a court date but I didn't get my notice in the mail. Now I have been convicted. What can I do?

You have 15 days from the day you found out you were convicted to ask for a re-opening of your ticket. You must fill out the re-opening forms, swear the affidavit and file the forms with the Provincial Offences office.

The forms will be sent to the Justice of the Peace for a decision. If granted, the conviction will be reversed and a new court date will be set. You have to confirm your address with the Court and follow up to make sure you get your new court date.

How do I appeal a court decision?

You can find information through the Ontario Court of Justice Guide to Appeals in Provincial Offences Cases.

Past due fines and collections

The collections unit collects all outstanding Provincial Offences tickets owed to the Peterborough Court. The collections unit may:

  • Send the fine to a collection agency
  • Suspend your driver's licence
  • Request plate denial
  • Add your debt to your credit report
  • Add your debt to your property taxes
  • Register your fine as a debt against your name and/or property
  • Deduct money from your wages
  • Deduct money from your bank account

Failure to pay will cause:

  • Collection activity
  • Additional fees
  • Driver's licence suspension
  • Licence plate denial

The collections unit is actively working on all defaulted fines. There is no time limitation for the collection of unpaid fines. (Limitations Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c.24, Schedule B, Section 16(1)(i)(ii))

You can contact the collections unit at 705-742-7777 ext 1661

Licence suspension for unpaid fines

Pay at Service Ontario

You can pay the past due fines that have suspended your driver's licence at any Service Ontario office. You may be able to get your licence back the same day after you pay all outstanding fines plus the reinstatement fee.

Pay at a Provincial Offences Office

If you pay past due fines that are suspending your driver's licence at a Provincial Offences Court office, you will have to wait three to four business days before going to a Service Ontario office to pay the reinstatement fee and get your new licence.

Apply for an extension of time to pay

If you cannot afford to pay your fines, you can apply for a Motion for Extension of Time to Pay a Fine. You must complete and sign the application and send it to the Provincial Offences office. We would submit the application to the Justice of the Peace for review. If your application is granted, you would have to wait three to four business days then go to Service Ontario to pay the reinstatement fee and request a new driver's licence.


An officer will issue a summons for more serious offences. You can be sentenced to jail and the Justice of the Peace can issue a warrant for your arrest if convicted of these kinds of offences. You can't pay any fine until after your conviction in Court.

You or your representative must come to Court on the date and time written on the summons. If you can't attend Court, you must send someone in your place.

If no one appears on your 1st appearance date, a trial date can be set or a bench warrant or summons can be issued and you can be charged with another offence. You will not get any further notices.

If no one appears on your trial date, the Justice of the Peace can issue a warrant for your arrest or the trial can go ahead without you. The Justice of the Peace will listen to the evidence and can convict you in your absence.

Change your court date

You must file a Notice of Motion at least three full days before your scheduled court date. Call the court office 1-855-738-3755 ext. 2099 for more information.

Check the status of your Provincial Offences matters

A provincial online service makes it easier to you to find information about your tickets, fines and upcoming court dates.

  • Provides convenient 24/7 access to information
  • Saves defendants or their representatives time
  • Reduces wait times at municipal court counters

Check the status of your trial request using the provincial government's website.

 What to know before you start
  • Defendants, agents and lawyers can check the status of an offence
  • It can take up to 10 days after you have received a ticket for your case to appear on the system
  • Does not include information about criminal matters, appeals, cases with publication bans or young offender matters
 What you need
  • Location code and ticket number
  • If you have received a summons, contact the Court Office for the file number

Complaint Process

Relating to court administration

You can make your written complaint to:

Manager of Court Services

Provincial Offences Office

99 Simcoe St.

Peterborough, ON K9H 2H3

Relating to the Justice of the Peace

You can make your written complaint to:

The Justice of the Peace Review Council

P.O. Box 914, Adelaide Street Postal Station

31 Adelaide St. E.

Toronto, ON M5C 2K3

Fax: 416-327-2339

If you need more information or further assistance, please contact the Justice of the Peace Review Council at:

  • Phone: 1-800-806-5186
  • Teletypewriter (TTY): 1-800-695-1118

Relating to a paralegal or counsel

Please visit the Law Society of Ontario online.