Fare Type | Cost | Cost as of January 27, 2025 |
Single Rider - Includes Accessible Van Service, Community Bus |
$3.00 | $3.25 |
Transit Cab (or $0.75 to the Transit Cab driver if you have already paid the bus fare) |
$3.75 | $4.00 |
Bus passes can be purchased at our Downtown Terminal or Lansdowne Place
Note: Due to supply issues, Peterborough Transit Customer Service is currently out of 1 Ride bus passes. Transit will update once 1-Rides are available.
Fare type | Cost | Cost as of January 27, 2025 |
Single ride | $3.00 | $3.25 |
Two ride | $6.00 | $6.50 |
Day pass (covers two adults) | $10.00 | $12.00 |
Ten ride | $27.00 | $30.00 |
30 Day Adult | $72.00 | $77.00 |
30 Day Student (to Grade 12) | $66.00 | $72.00 |
30 Day Senior (65+) | $50.00 | $54.00 |
Semi Senior (6 months) January 1st to June 30th | $165.00 | $180.00 |
Semi Senior (6 months) July 1st to December 31st | $165.00 | $180.00 |
Annual Senior - January 1st to December 31st | $275.00 | $300.00 |
If a passenger requires a support person because they have a disability, they can apply for a support person pass that will allow them to bring a support person who would ride for free.
Transit Terminal – 190 Simcoe St. |
Lansdowne Place Mall – 645 Lansdowne St. W. (Cash Only) |
Please note that this location only accepts cash payment for Transit pass sales.