Flood Reduction

City building

The City of Peterborough's flood reduction efforts include major capital projects, maintaining existing infrastructure to reduce the potential for flooding, and dedicated programs such as the Flood Reduction Subsidy Program.

The Flood Reduction Master Plan includes recommended solutions to reduce local flooding problems by improving the operation of the sanitary and storm water systems.

Flood Reduction Subsidy Program

The Flood Reduction Subsidy Program can help you with the cost of labour and materials related to flood reduction activities that have been pre-approved by the City. If you are the property owner where the work is going to be done, you can apply for the subsidy.

You may be eligible to receive subsidy funding from the Flood Reduction Subsidy Program if you meet the following criteria:

  • The City contacts you about a non-conforming (i.e. inflow and infiltration source) sanitary sewer connection on your property.
  • You've had basement flooding on the property in the past.

    Applying for a flood reduction subsidy

    Please send us a completed Flood Reduction Subsidy Program application form.

    Learn more about the program with the following resources:

    Make sure to include your signature on the application form. It confirms that you understand the terms and conditions of the program and permits us to enter your property to conduct the required inspections and investigation.

    Please note that we require proof of ownership, confirming that you are the registered owner of the property for you to collect the funds. A copy of the registered deed, a land transfer or a tax bill will be sufficient.

    In order to receive the subsidy, you must agree to:

    • Permit the City to evaluate your property;
    • Undertake all the work defined by the City as necessary in accordance with Building Code and By-law requirements ; and
    • Secure all necessary permits and approvals prior to the performance of the work.

      Why would an application or grant not be considered?

      We many not issue a Flood Reduction Subsidy Program grant for the following reasons:

      • Your application is rejected or your property does not meet the program requirements.
      • Your property has already benefited from the Flood Reduction Subsidy Program.
      • You did not follow the process or fulfill the program requirements such as your property:
        • Violates the Building Code and By-laws in effect when your building was constructed.
        • Does not have foundation drainage or building sewers installed in accordance with the City By-laws.
      • This program would not be suitable for your property because:
        • The program evaluation determined that this program may aggravate existing problems.
        • We offer better options for protecting your property through other programs available for construction, maintenance, rehabilitation and repair.

    Grant payment and restrictions

    The amount of the subsidy is governed by the Flood Reduction Subsidy Program and was approved by the City Council.

    Flood Reduction Subsidy Program, eligible items for grants and the maximum grant for each item
    Item descriptionMaximum amount per item, per property

    Backwater valve – installation only

    Full cost up to $1,000

    Sump pit and pump to isolate drainage/storm leads only.

    Required to disconnect the foundation drain from the sanitary sewer.

    Full cost up to $1,500

    Backwater valve installation and foundation drain disconnect from the sanitary sewer with a sump pit and pump together for the same property.

    Full cost up to $3,000

    Fixing broken clean out cover

    Maximum of $50

    Downspout disconnection

    Full cost up to $500

    Roof drain disconnection

    Full cost up to $3,500

    Catchbasin disconnection

    Full cost up to $15,000

    For properties with more than one eligible item from this eligibility list

    Case-by-case basis

    Subsidy limits

    The program allocations are considered on a first-come, first-served basis depending on the City's annual budget allocation for the program year. If you do not receive a grant because of insufficient funds this year, we will keep your application on file, and notify and consider you for the program next year.

    Withdrawing from the program

    The Flood Reduction Subsidy Program is a voluntary program. You can withdraw at any time.

    By withdrawal from the program, you acknowledge that:

    • You are aware of the non-conforming connection existing on your property, and refuse the City's assistance in repairing the issue;
    • You are aware of the risk posed to your property as a result of not taking the appropriate action in fixing the non-conforming connection; and
    • You understand that you will not be able to apply for the subsidy program at a later time.