Your tax dollars go toward City services and infrastructure such as:
- plowing roads, paths and sidewalks in the winter
- collecting garbage and maintaining the landfill
- picking up and processing recyclable items from your blue boxes
- building and operating the sanitary sewer and sewage treatment systems to protect public health and the environment
- providing social services
- supporting affordable housing
- running recreation programs
- implementing sustainability initiatives
- Peterborough Transit
- Peterborough Police Service, Peterborough Fire Services, and Peterborough Paramedics
Every day, you use community services or infrastructure in some way.
Through direction provided by City Council, the City drafts a budget that reflects community priorities, expected service levels and legislated responsibilities.
The Draft 2024 Budget includes $359 million in spending on municipal services and $128.2 million in capital investments.
Draft 2024 Budget Book
2023 Budget |
2022 Budget |
Council approved the City's 2022 Budget on Monday, December 13, 2021.
Breakdown of what a residential taxpayer pays (Draft 2024 Budget)
What a typical residential taxpayer pays for municipal services (Draft 2024 Budget) |
What a residential taxpayer pays for municipal services
Based on $100,000 of residential property assessment
Services and programs | Taxes | Percentage of total municipal portion |
City Council |
$6.93 |
0.45% |
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
$5.05 |
0.33% |
People and Culture |
$14.79 |
0.96% |
Financial Services |
$18.50 |
1.2% |
Strategic Communications and Service Peterborough |
$7.61 |
0.49% |
Facilities and Property Management |
$15.58 |
1.01% |
Corporate Information Services |
$34.79 |
2.25% |
Emergency Management |
$4.60 |
0.3% |
Materials Management |
$4.45 |
0.29% |
City Clerk |
$9.08 |
0.59% |
Court Services |
-$0.69 |
-0.04% |
Municipal Law Enforcement |
$10.35 |
0.67% |
Realty Services |
$1.29 |
0.08% |
Legal Services |
$7.05 |
0.46% |
Office of Infrastructure, Planning and Growth Management Commissioner |
$1.87 |
0.12% |
Engineering and Capital Works |
$30.88 |
2% |
Asset Management and Capital Planning |
$16.60 |
1.08% |
Planning, Development and Urban Design |
$19.07 |
1.23% |
Building Inspection and Protective Services |
$0 |
0% |
Office of the Commissioner Municipal Operations |
$2.26 |
0.15% |
Public Works |
$77.31 |
5.01% |
Transit |
$107.79 |
6.98% |
Environmental Services |
$64.30 |
4.16% |
Peterborough Airport |
$18.46 |
1.2% |
Community Services Administration |
$17.68 |
1.15% |
Arts and Culture |
$14.49 |
0.94% |
Recreation and Parks |
$44.71 |
2.9% |
Fire Services |
$152.29 |
9.86% |
Peterborough Public Library |
$29.98 |
1.94% |
Social Services |
$99.62 |
6.45% |
Capital Financing Costs |
$283.69 |
18.37% |
Property Taxation Costs |
$18.92 |
1.23% |
Other Revenue and Expenditures |
$24.39 |
1.58% |
Police Services |
$279.63 |
18.11% |
Fairhaven long-term care |
$12.94 |
0.84% |
Peterborough Paramedics |
$50.87 |
3.29% |
Otonabee Conservation |
$6.82 |
0.44% |
Peterborough Public Health |
$14.20 |
0.92% |
Peterborough and the Kawarthas Economic Development |
$9.89 |
0.64% |
Peterborough Humane Society |
$3.64 |
0.24% |
Greater Peterborough Innovation Cluster |
$1.17 |
0.08% |
Downtown Business Improvement Area |
$1.42 |
0.09% |
Total municipal property taxes per $100,000 of residential property assessment |
$1,544.29 |
100% |
Online property tax calculator
Use our online property tax calculator to see a breakdown of your residential property taxes and where your tax dollars go. The calculator shows 2023 property tax amounts and the 2023 breakdown of where tax dollars go. Properties with commercial or other tax class components will get inaccurate results using this calculator.
Use our online property tax calculator
Every year, there are more capital projects and required infrastructure work that are needed than can be funded through the available capital budget. Even with help from the province and federal government, many projects that are needed or wanted are delayed to fit infrastructure spending within the available budget.
20 largest 2024 capital projects (Draft 2024 Budget) |
20 largest 2024 capital projects
Project description | 2024 amount | Total project cost (including previously budgeted amount and estimated future allocations) |
New Arena and Aquatics Complex |
$24 million |
$118.52 million (estimate includes aquatics complex portion of the project, which has not yet been approved to proceed) |
Brealey Drive - Lansdowne Street to Sherbrooke Street |
$9.42 million |
$20.673 million |
Pavement preservation program |
$5.5 million |
$50.85 million |
Fleet replacement and equipment |
$5.2 million |
$25.5 million |
Replace digester #1 and #2 |
$5 million |
$17.5 million |
Effluent disinfection revitalization and expansion |
$5 million |
$32.75 million |
Lansdowne Street rehabilitation - Park Street to Otonabee River |
$4.05 million |
$32.175 million |
Healthy Planet Arena replace refrigeration plant, (2) Ice |
$3 million |
$5.928 million |
Septage receiving replacement |
$2.9 million |
$8.7 million |
Eastern trunk sewer |
$2.75 million |
$6 million |
Curtis Creek watershed improvements |
$2.66 million |
$36.9 million |
Peterborough Landfill Site |
$2.61 million |
$32.654 million |
Transit garage replacement |
$2.5 million |
$62.75 million |
Downtown street surface repairs |
$2.3 million |
$2.3 million |
Property acquisitions |
$2.2 million |
$16.09 million |
Bonnerworth Park redevelopment project |
$2.035 million |
$4.425 million |
Sanitary sewer (relining, renew, and repair) |
$1.75 million |
$24.578 million |
Source Separated Organics Program implementation |
$1.7 million |
$23.889 million |
2024 PW Sidewalk Reconstruction |
$1.53 million |
$5.947 million |
Various Police Capital Projects 2024 |
$1.5 million |
$9.044 million |
The City of Peterborough abides by our Procurement By-Law when we procure goods and services. Our bids and tenders process complies with this by-law.