Sources of revenue

Municipal property taxes are used to fund services and infrastructure.

The City of Peterborough is continuously looking for other revenue sources to alleviate the property tax pressures on residents and businesses. Other revenue sources include user fees, grants from the province for specific programs such as social assistance, investment income, gas tax transfers to the City, and fines.

The Draft 2025 operating budget includes total expenditures of $411.3 million funded by revenues of $225.4 million such as user fees, grants from other governments, recoveries, interest from investments, and service charges, resulting in a tax requirement of $185.9 million.

Draft 2025 Budget Book

2025 Budget
2024 Budget

City Council approved the 2024 Budget at a City Council meeting on Monday, December 11, 2023.

2023 Budget
 2022 Budget

Property taxes include Municipal and Education taxes

Your property taxes go to both the City and the provincial government.

The municipal and sewer surcharge portion of your property taxes go to the City for municipal services and infrastructure. The education portion goes to the province.