Organic waste collection and processing


Low Carbon Economy Fund graphic

GROW Peterborough

The City is implementing a city-wide organic waste collection and composting program, GROW (Green Resource Organics Works) Peterborough, with support from the federal government's Low Carbon Economy Fund. The program is expected to launch in fall 2023 after consultation, getting the necessary approvals, designing and building the centralized composting facility, acquiring the collection equipment including containers, trucks, and rolling out city-wide collection.

The federal government is contributing $6.1 million toward the $15.3-million project.

A city-wide organic waste collection and processing program will help Peterborough achieve the goals of the Waste Free Ontario Act, which aims to divert 100% of organic material from landfills with an expected ban on landfilling organics by 2030.

Organic material makes up about 40% of residential waste in Canada. At full capacity, our GROW centralized composting facility could be designed to accept up to 40,000 tonnes of organic material per year from the City and County of Peterborough.

Environmental benefits - Climate action

Organics produce methane gas as they're decomposing in an uncontrolled method in a landfill - a greenhouse gas that's 10 times more damaging than carbon dioxide.

By reducing methane gas production at the landfill through diverting organic material for composting, greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by 1,943 tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2030 and by a total of 79,305 tonnes between 2023 and 2050.

Another environmental benefit from the composting program is the material that's produced from composting is nutrient rich material that is re-introduced to the earth. Using composted material improves soil, reduces the need for pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizer.

Design and technology

Aerial view of a centralized composting site with rows of covered organic material

For the composting facility, the City is planning to use a Gore system, which is a proven, engineered system that uses an aerobic process to minimize methane gas production and mitigate odour related to organic waste. Diverting organic waste from the landfill to a composting facility brings the organic materials into a controlled space with aeration fans, temperature monitoring, and a system to cover the material and capture water runoff.

Diagram of composting system with covers and engineered trenches

Notice of Application: September 8, 2022

The City of Peterborough has submitted an application to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) to amend the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) for the Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility to permit the construction, use and operation of a Waste Disposal Site (Processing) operation, known as the Peterborough Organics Facility.

Read the full Notice of Application

The City plans to implement a City-wide organic waste collection and composting program: GROW (Green Resource Organics Works) Peterborough, with support from the federal government's Low Carbon Economy Fund.

The Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility encompasses 158 hectares, and is located at 1260 Bensfort Rd., Part Lots 14 & 15, Concession 13 and Part Lots 13, 14, & 15, Concession 14, Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan, County of Peterborough, on lands jointly owned by the City and County of Peterborough.

The Peterborough Organics Facility will be owned and operated by the City and located on a 13.45 ha property in the northern portion of the Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility lands, at 1923 Base Line, southern half of Lot 16, Concession 14 of the Otonabee Ward, within the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan, County of Peterborough.

The Peterborough Organics Facility will accept, and process leaf & yard waste and source separated organic material from the City and County of Peterborough, and will be developed in a phased manner, including the potential to eventually accept materials from other municipalities in Ontario.

The Peterborough Organics Facility will not be open to the public; only collection vehicles will be allowed access.

Aligning with the Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility, the Peterborough Organics Facility will operate from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. for 302 days annually (Monday to Saturday, excluding Sundays and statutory holidays), and receive organic waste for 250 days annually (Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays).

The following supporting materials were submitted with ECA application:

  • Design and Operations Report (Wills, May 2022)
  • Agricultural Impact Assessment Report (Orion Environmental Solutions, October 2020)
  • Traffic Impact Study (Asurza Engineers, October 2020)
  • Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment Report (Letourneau Heritage Consulting, April 2021)
  • Stakeholder Engagement, Communications and Community Consultation Plan (Wills, July 2021)
  • Planning Justification Report (Wills, July 2021)
  • Environmental Impact Study (Wills, March 2022)
  • Hydrogeological Assessment Report (Wills, March 2022)
  • Functional Servicing Report (Wills, March 2022)
  • Detailed Stormwater Management Report (Wills, May 2022)
  • Leachate Collection System Impact Assessment Report (Wills, May 2022)
  • Geotechnical Investigation Report (PRI Engineering, March 2022)
  • Stakeholder Engagement, Communications and Community Consultation Report (Wills, August 2022)
  • Acoustic Assessment Report (Cambium Inc., April 2022)
  • Odour Prevention and Control Plan (Cambium Inc., August 2022)
  • Emissions Summary and Dispersion Modeling Report (Cambium Inc., August 2022)

Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to be sent a digital copy of the materials by emailing

Project timeline

The city-wide organic waste collection and centralized composting facility is expected to begin service in the fall of 2023.

  • September 2019 to August 2022 – Permitting and approvals (e.g. environmental compliance approval, preliminary design, and consultation).
  • September 2022 to December 2023 – Acquiring and mobilizing collection vehicles and household collection equipment. Promoting the start of the program, education, and support.
  • March 2022 to October 2023 – Detailed design (e.g. civil, electrical, structural, and mechanical design specifications for the facility). Issue tender to get contractor quotes for the construction of the facility.
  • September 2022 to October 2023 – Construction of facility, commissioning of composting system, launch of household organic waste collection and processing program.

Documents and resources

Staff reports to City Council - 2019


Four Public Information Centres (PIC) will provide information and updates on this project. In each section below, you will find the Project Notices for each PIC and all information that was presented at the meeting.

A Public Information Centre on the Peterborough organics processing facility was held on Thursday, April 20, 2023 from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Stewart Hall Community Centre, located at 1490 Matchett Line, in Otonabee-South Monaghan Township. It was the fourth and final Public Information Centre (PIC) about the project.

Notice of Public Information Centre issued April 13, 2023

A Public Information Centre on the Peterborough organics processing facility will be held on Thursday, April 20, 2023 from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Stewart Hall Community Centre, located at 1490 Matchett Line, in Otonabee-South Monaghan Township. It will be the fourth and final Public Information Centre (PIC) about the project.

The PIC will provide the opportunity to introduce attendees to the City’s contractor that will build the organics processing facility, and the facility operator.

Information shared at the meeting will be about the planned organics processing facility. For information about the Green Bin (household organics) collection program for City of Peterborough residents, please visit

The organics facility will be located next to the Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility in Otonabee-South Monaghan Township on land jointly owned by the City and County of Peterborough. Information presented at the meeting will also be available on the City’s website at Anyone who is not able to attend the meeting will be able to review the updated information and provide feedback to the project team at

The City of Peterborough expects to launch a City-wide organic waste collection and composting program, GROW (Green Resource Organics Works) Peterborough, in the fall of 2023 to help Peterborough achieve the goals of the Waste Free Ontario Act, which aims to divert 100% of organic material from landfill. The federal government is contributing $6.1 million through its Low Carbon Economy Fund toward the $15.3-million project over a four-year period, ending March 31, 2024.

As part of the GROW Peterborough program, the City proposes to develop a facility to accept and process leaf and yard waste and source separated organic materials.

Past consultation meetings

Public Information Centre #3: January 26, 2023

Notice of Public Information Centre issued January 9, 2023

News release issued on Monday, January 9, 2023.

A Public Information Centre on the proposed Peterborough organics facility will be held on Thursday, January 26, 2023 from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Gold Room of the Otonabee-South Monaghan Memorial Centre, 24 Fourth St., Keene. It will be the third of four planned Public Information Centres about this project.

The proposed organics facility will be next to the Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility in Otonabee-South Monaghan Township on land jointly owned by the City and County of Peterborough. Information presented at the meeting will also be available on the City’s website. Anyone who is not able to attend the meeting will be able to review the updated information and provide feedback to the project team at

The City of Peterborough expects to launch a City-wide organic waste collection and composting program, GROW (Green Resource Organics Works) Peterborough, in the fall of 2023 to help Peterborough achieve the goals of the Waste Free Ontario Act, which aims to divert 100% of organic material from landfill. The federal government is contributing $6.1 million toward the $15.3-million project over a four-year period, ending March 31, 2024.

As part of the GROW Peterborough program, the City proposes to develop a facility to accept and process leaf and yard waste and source separated organic materials.

Presentation materials
Project overview and background

Project Objective

To develop a facility to process leaf & yard waste and source separated organic materials.

Project Need:

  1. At least 40% of waste stream comprised of organics.
  2. Provincial ban on landfilling organics expected in 2030.
  3. Limited provincial organics processing capacity.
  4. Required closure of Harper Road Composting Facility.
  5. Diverting organic wastes from landfill will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 80,000 tonnes between 2023 and 2050, the equivalent of taking about 435 vehicles off the road each year.
  6. Eliminating organic wastes from disposal in anaerobic conditions will reduce landfill odours through an aerobic controlled and monitored process.
GROW Project Team
Project componentNameRole
Proponent City of Peterborough Owner/Operator
Project Management, Engineering, Planning, Environmental Services and Construction Administration D.M. Wills Associates Limited Civil, Structural and Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Services, Land Use Planning, Construction Management
Technology Provider Sustainable Generation, in partnership with GORE technologies Provide equipment, design, construction support, operator training
  • The City currently operates a windrow composting facility at 589 Harper Road in the City of Peterborough, which accepts leaf & yard waste and source separated organics from the City and County of Peterborough.
  • The City has been ordered by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) to close the Harper Road facility once an alternate location has been found.
  • In 2014, the City commissioned a study to identify options for collecting and processing organics for the City of Peterborough and surrounding municipalities.
  • A site selection process was completed by the City in 2007 which reviewed over 100 potential sites to accommodate the siting of a new composting facility.
  • The site selection study identified 113 candidate sites which were further evaluated under a preliminary screening process based on size, zoning and potential factors constraining development.
  • The preliminary screening concluded that of the 113 candidate sites, 52 were too small and 109 were either constrained or not suitable due to zoning issues.
Location and Site Selection Process

Aerial map showing 1923 Base Line in Otonabee-South Monaghan, next to the City-County Landfill site on Bensfort RoadFinal screening identified and concluded that 1923 Base Line was the preferred location evaluated based on:

  • The location of the site will be limited to the southeast side of the property and directly north of the existing PCCWMF. 
  • Proximity to the PCCWMF allows for shared infrastructure such as entrances, leachate collection, roads, and weigh scales avoiding the need to provide new services.
  • Reducing and limiting the impact on municipal services i.e., roads, servicing to a centralized location.
  • While the existing area of influence created by the PCCWMF will be expanded as a result of the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility, it will be contained within the existing PCCWMF buffer area.
  • The property is already owned jointly by the County and City.
Service Area and Site Capacity

Service Area 

  • The proposed Peterborough Organics Facility will initially accept, and process leaf & yard waste and source separated organic materials from the City and County of Peterborough, and will be developed in a phased manner, including the potential to eventually accept materials from other municipalities.
  • The proposed facility will not be open to the public; only collection vehicles will be allowed access.

Site Capacity

  • The proposed Peterborough Organics Facility will be designed to receive a maximum of 45,000 tonnes per year, and temporarily store up to 17,000 tonnes of material undergoing composting, immature compost, finished compost and residual waste, at any time.

Compost Production

  • Based on a maximum of 45,000 tonnes per year of feedstock, the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility will produce about 23,000 tonnes of mature compost each year for use as a soil amendment.
Site Plan, Process Schematic and Facility Components

Site Plan (pdf) - updated January 2023

Process Schematic

Diagram shows aerial illustration of proposed Organics processing facility and steps involved in waste processing.  In the far top right there is a road travelling in to facility, passing a scale house and office. This road leads to the receiving building, step 1 in the composting process. The Receiving building has a large bio-filter attached. Organics waste is transferred to a grind and mix machine and then to holding tanks in which waste undergoes a three phase process. An underground leachate system is beneath all tanks and buildings that process waste. There is a stormwater pond and sediment pond behind the buildings and tanks. Phase one (4 tanks) takes 4 weeks, phase 2 (2 tanks) takes 2 weeks and phase 3 (2 tanks) takes 2 weeks. Aeration filters are on all tanks. The final step of the process is screening. Finished compost can be taken off-site by an outgoing road. There is an area for future expansion of tanks. Trees surround the site.

Facility Components

Additional infrastructure supporting the design of the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility, includes:

  • Existing entrance, weigh scales, and organic waste roll-off bins at the PCCWMF.
  • Emergency entrance on Bensfort Road.
  • Negative pressure receiving building with processing area, including a bio-filter to mitigate odours.
  • Office and maintenance shop building.
  • Leaf and yard waste open air, windrow composting area.
  • Compost screening, curing, and finished compost storage area.
  • Aerated stormwater management pond.
  • Compost leachate collection system for conveyance and treatment at the Peterborough Wastewater Treatment Plant.
  • 30 metre buffer area (setback) from property line and natural heritage features.
  • Visual screening from surrounding properties via berms and plantings.
Selected Technology

Gore® Composting System

  • The City has selected the Gore® Composting System, including the Gore® Cover and ancillary equipment.
  • Gore® supplies a comprehensive aerated system in use at several sites in Ontario.
  • The technology is proven and accepted by the MECP.
  • Equipped with an oxygen controlled, positively aerated process and an oxygen and temperature monitoring system.
  • Efficiently traps odours and other emissions such as dust and volatile organic compounds .
  • The City has selected the smallest Gore® Composting System available (8-bunkers).
Approval Process
Planning Approvals
Approval TypeStatus

Official Plan Amendment


Zoning By-law Amendment

Under Appeal

Site Plan Approval


Environmental Approvals
Approval TypeStatus

MECP Regional Technical Support Section

Under Review

Environmental Compliance Approval Amendment

Under Review

ORCA Permit Submission


Subsequent to the Planning and ECA application approvals, the following permits will be required in support of construction:

Engineering Approvals
Application TypeStatus
Entrance Permit Application Pending
Construction Approvals
Application TypeStatus
Building Permit Application Pending
Technical Studies

Technical plans and studies* submitted with the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications:

  • Planning Justification Report
  • Agricultural Impact Study
  • Hydrogeological Assessment
  • Geotechnical Assessment
  • Traffic Impact Study
  • Environmental Impact Study and Species at Risk Assessment
  • Air, Noise and Odour Impact Assessment
  • Stormwater Management Report
  • Servicing Options Report
  • Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment
  • Consultation Report

Studies were submitted to the Township in July 2021

* Technical studies were based on pre-consultation with the applicable agencies

Technical plans and studies* submitted with the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) application to amend the ECA for the PCCWMF:

  • Noise and Odour Impact Assessment
  • Odour Management and Control Plan
  • Hydrogeological Assessment
  • Traffic Impact Study
  • Leachate Impact Assessment
  • Design and Operations Report
  • Hydrology and Stormwater Management Report
  • Consultation Report

Studies were submitted to the MECP in August 2022

* Technical studies were based on pre-consultation with the MECP

Study Findings

Natural Heritage System

  • A watercourse and an unevaluated wetland were identified north of the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility property.
  • Species at Risk habitat for Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark was identified on the northwest portion of the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility property.
  • Given the results of on-site field investigations, the Environmental Impact Study and Species at Risk Assessment concluded that long-term adverse impacts to Natural Heritage Features, associated habitat, and local wildlife populations are not anticipated to occur as a result of the development of the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility, provided that the recommended environmental protection and mitigation measures are implemented.
  • All environmental protection and mitigation measures recommended in the Environmental Impact Study and Species at Risk Assessment have been incorporated into the design of the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility.

Surface Water Quality

  • The Stormwater Management Report indicated that runoff from the Gore® Composting System concrete pad, asphalt covered leaf and yard waste area, and snow storage areas will be directed to a lined stormwater management pond that will discharge to the existing leachate collection system at the adjacent PCCWMF for treatment at the City of Peterborough Wastewater Treatment Facility.
  • The Leachate Collection System Impact Assessment Report concluded that the PCCWMF leachate collection system has sufficient capacity to accept leachate and stormwater from the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility.
  • The Leachate Collection System Impact Assessment Report concluded that the City of Peterborough Wastewater Treatment Facility has sufficient capacity to treat the leachate and stormwater from the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility.

Groundwater Quality

  • The Hydrological Assessment Report concluded that the construction and development of the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility is not expected to result in risk or impact to local groundwater quality provided that the facility is constructed and operated in accordance with the proposed design criteria.
  • The Hydrological Assessment Report recommended a water level, groundwater and surface water monitoring program be conducted two times per year, in alignment with the PCCWMF monitoring program.
  • Leachate monitoring will be conducted three times per year.

Air, Noise and Odour

  • Predicted concentrations for all assessed contaminants in the Air Quality Study are less than the limits established by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
  • The Noise Feasibility Study concluded that the sound pressure level for each noise source and the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility is compatible with the surroundings and will comply with Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks sound level limits at the nearest sensitive receptor.
  • Predicted odour emissions for all assessed processes in the Odour Study are less than the limits established by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
Mitigation Measures

Natural Heritage and Species at Risk Mitigation Measures

  • In order to mitigate any potential impacts to the watercourse and unevaluated wetland features, a 30-metre buffer has been included in the design.
  • Several other mitigation measures, including a vegetation removal timing window, and the erection of erosion and sediment control measures will ensure these features are not impacted by the development.
  • Fencing will be erected around the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility to ensure that no disturbance takes place in the area, and that the Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark habitat is preserved.

Water Quality Mitigation Measures

  • Should observed concentrations at the groundwater, surface water or leachate monitoring locations exceed the assessment limits specified within the Hydrogeological Assessment Report, the City will complete:
    • A comprehensive water quality assessment,
    • Confirmation sampling
    • Accelerated monitoring, and
    • Develop and implement a Corrective Action Plan, as required.
  • Wastewater flows from the stormwater management pond will be measured prior to discharge to the existing PCCWMF leachate collection system.
  • Water samples from the stormwater management pond will be collected prior to discharge to the existing PCCWMF leachate collection system.
  • Wastewater flows from the existing PCCWMF leachate pumping station will be measured prior to discharge to the existing forcemain to City of Peterborough Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Air and Noise Mitigation Measures

To manage dust, surfaces of all operational areas will be paved with asphalt or concrete, leaf and yard waste will be maintained at the appropriate moisture content, windrows will be sprayed with water to wet the surface, and compost will be moistened prior to turning or screening.

Maintenance and operational measures will be undertaken by the City to reduce noise, including:

  • Daily operations will commence at 7 a.m. and will not extend beyond 7 p.m.
  • All equipment will meet and not exceed manufacturer's sound emission levels.
  • Equipment will be maintained according to the manufacturer's recommendations and noise levels will be checked at least once per year.
  • Feedstock processing will take place within the receiving building.
  • Noise generated by any engineered control systems (e.g., Gore® Composting System blowers, leachate pumps etc.) will be maintained and operated to meet MECP noise limits.

Odour Mitigation Measures

The Gore® Composting System is equipped with an oxygen controlled, positively aerated process, and an oxygen and temperature monitoring system. This level of monitoring creates ideal aerobic composting conditions while efficiently trapping odours, dust and volatile organic compounds. The Gore® Composting System consists of three main components, including:

  1. Aeration system
  2. Process control and “real-time” monitoring system
  3. Membrane cover system

To provide the essential basic requirements for the aerobic micro-organisms, medium pressure aerators are connected to in-floor aeration ducts. The necessary operating data is obtained directly from the main body of the heap using stainless steel probes, and the data is maintained in an on-site computer for annual reporting.

The proposed Peterborough Organics Facility will include a pre-engineered concrete wall and fabric covered roof building, under constant negative pressure, acting as a central receiving, sorting, and processing area. The openings to the building include:

  • Two rapid-closing overhead doors on the south end of the building
  • One rapid-closing overhead door on the northeast side of the building, facing the Gore® Composting System bunkers
  • Two access doors for staff ingress and egress

The receiving building will be equipped with a bio-filtration system connected to the building’s ventilation system.

Bio-filters are effective at treating essentially all the odours associated with composting, including ammonia and a wide range of volatile organic compounds.

Monitoring Program

Water Quality

Water quality monitoring for the proposed Peterborough Organics Facility will align with the annual monitoring program for the PCCWMF including:

  • Shallow overburden and bedrock groundwater sample collection
  • Residential water well groundwater sample collection
  • Surface water sample collection, including livestock ponds
  • Leachate collection system monitoring

The detailed requirements for water quality monitoring will be identified in the Environmental Compliance Approval issued by MECP.

The results of the water quality monitoring program will be included in the PCCWMF Annual Monitoring Report.

Air Quality -Bioaerosol Source Testing

  • The City will retain the services of a qualified third-party industrial hygienist to develop and undertake a bioaerosol air sampling program to measure airborne endotoxins.
  • The sampling and testing will occur twice annually in 2023 and 2024.
  • The sampling and testing will occur once annually in 2025 and each subsequent calendar year.

At the conclusion of year five, if the bioaerosol source testing conducted to date has concluded that there have been:

  • No attributable exceedances: the City may elect to alter or end the bioaerosol air sampling program; or
  • For attributable exceedances: the City will consult with stakeholders and the third-party industrial hygienist before determining whether more frequent bioaerosol source testing is warranted.
Stakeholder Engagement
Since the start of the project in May 2019, numerous opportunities and methods for consultation have been undertaken by the City, including:
  1. Project-specific web page on the City website which provides project details, background information, Notices, public consultation materials, and project updates at
  2. Project-specific email address for all stakeholders on the GROW Peterborough web page:
  3. February 11, 2020: Project Launch at Beavermead Park
  4. October 5, 2020: Presentation to Otonabee-South Monaghan Council to provide an overview of the project
  5. October 21, 2020: Notice of Project and Public Information Centre sent to stakeholders and media outlets for Public Information Centre #1
  6. November 4, 2020: Public Information Centre #1 held at the Otonabee-South Monaghan Community Centre
  7. February 16, 2021: Notice sent to stakeholders and media outlets for Public Information Centre #2
  8. February 24, 2021: Public Information Centre #2 held at the Otonabee-South Monaghan Community Centre
  9. April 12, 2021: Presentation to Otonabee-South Monaghan Council to provide an update on progress of the project
  10. January 12, 2022: Notice of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments and Notice of Public Meeting issued by the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan
  11. February 16, 2022: Statutory Public Meeting under the Planning Act at Otonabee-South Monaghan Council Chambers
  12. June 16, 2022: due to stakeholder interest, a Virtual Public Meeting was held to provide an update on the project and to address specific questions
  13. February 16, 2022: Statutory Public Meeting under the Planning Act at Otonabee-South Monaghan Council Chambers
  14. An in-person tour of the Walker Industries Organics Facility, in Thorold, Ontario was held on Thursday, July 21, 2022
  15. The final Public Information Centre will be held at the Otonabee-South Monaghan Community Centre in March 2023 to review construction schedule

How to remain involved and obtain information about the project:

  1. Visit this web page to review project details, background information, Notices, public consultation materials, and project updates. Subscribe for updates.
  2. Send email inquiries and questions to the project-specific email address: 
  3. Attend the final Public Information Centre at the Otonabee-South Monaghan Community Centre in March 2023, prior to the start of construction.

Stakeholder virtual update meeting: June 16, 2022

On Thursday, June 16, 2022 we held a virtual meeting about the proposed Peterborough organics facility. The meeting provided an update on the progress of this project, including information on permits and approvals, as well as sharing the most recent details on the proposed development, construction and commissioning schedule.

View the presentation from the June 16 update meeting

Public Information Centre: February 24, 2021

Project Overview - updated February 2021

Project Notice: February 17, 2021

The City of Peterborough expects to launch a City-wide organic waste collection and composting program, GROW (Green Resource Organics Works) Peterborough, in the fall of 2023. The program to help Peterborough achieve the goals of the Waste Free Ontario Act, which aims to divert 100% of organic material from landfills with an expected ban on landfilling organics in 2023. The federal government is contributing $6.1 million toward the $15.3-million project over a four-year period, ending March 31, 2024.

As part of the GROW Peterborough program, the City proposes to develop a facility to accept and process leaf and yard waste and source separated organic materials. The facility will be operated by the City and located adjacent to the Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility, within the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan on lands owned by the City.

The City has selected the GORE® System, including the GORE® Cover and ancillary equipment. The GORE® System is the most widely distributed composting system in the world with over 200 facilities located in more than 20 countries. This proven technology is accepted by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks and used at several sites in Ontario.

Members of the public, agencies, Indigenous communities and other interested persons are encouraged to actively participate in the project by attending consultation opportunities or by contacting the City directly with comments or questions. Consultation opportunities are planned throughout the project and will be advertised in local newspapers, on the City’s project website and by direct and/or electronic mail.

The second of four Public Information Centres (PIC) will take place on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Otonabee-South Monaghan Memorial Community Centre, Gold Room located at 24 Fourth St., Keene, Ontario. The PIC will provide an opportunity for interested persons to learn about the project, required permits and approvals, as well as the expected development, construction and commissioning schedule.

If you would like to be added to the project mailing list or have project-related questions, please send your inquiry to:

GROW Peterborough

City of Peterborough
500 George St. N.
Peterborough, ON  K9H 3R9


All personal information included in a submission, such as name, address, telephone number and property location, is collected, maintained and disclosed by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for the purposes of transparency and consultation. The information is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in s.37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information you submit will become part of the public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. For more information, please contact the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks’ Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at 416-327-1434.

Presentation materials
Project Timeline
Project Timeline - updated February 2021
Phase of WorkStartCompletionDuration
Phase 1:  Permitting & Approvals

May - 2019

August - 2022

174 weeks

  • Planning Application Review

June - 2021

November - 2021

26 weeks

  • MECP Application Review

December - 2021

August - 2022

39 weeks

Phase 2:  Detailed Design & Tendering

January - 2022

July - 2022

30 weeks

Phase 3:  Construction & Commissioning

August - 2022

October - 2023

64 weeks

Overall Timeframe

May - 2019

October - 2023

234 weeks

Update: Summary of Completed Studies

Species at Risk (SAR) Report

  • Assessments completed in the spring of 2019
  • Specifically, for Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark
  • A total of five (5) Bobolink were observed within the Subject Site
  • A total of three (3) Eastern Meadowlarks were observed on the Subject Site
  • No SAR were observed on the Subject Site
  • Timing windows for construction will be implemented to protect SAR

Environmental Impact Study (EIS)

  • Completed October 2019
  • Mitigation measures for erosion and sediment control, and to protect birds, turtles and their habitats will be put implemented
  • In addition to the specific mitigation measures, environmental inspections will be undertaken by qualified personnel during construction
  • A 30 m setback (buffer) from the intermittent watercourse will be maintained during construction and operations
  • No wetlands or significant natural features are present on the Subject Site
  • Field investigation was completed in July and November 2020, to identify potential impacts to local groundwater and surface water resources
  • Groundwater monitoring wells installed and water samples collected in spring and summer
  • No significant risk or impact to water quality functions or the existing water bearing aquifers is anticipated from the proposed development
  • Annual groundwater and surface water monitoring will be completed for life of the proposed development

Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessments

  • Stage 1: Site inspection conducted in October 2020.  Inspection determined that portions of the project area exhibited archaeological potential
  • Stage 2: Site inspection in November and December 2020, conducted with Curve Lake First Nation representative
  • No archaeological resources were recovered
  • No further assessments are required

Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA)

  • Completed in October 2020
  • To assess the impact of the removal of agricultural lands and the potential impact of the proposed development on the surrounding agricultural operations
  • The AIA concluded that the proposed development will not result in the removal of prime agricultural land from production

Traffic Impact Study

  • Very limited number of new additional trips generated by the proposed development
  • No road geometric improvements are required
  • No significant impact to traffic operation conditions
 Required Approvals

Planning Requirements

  • Official Plan Amendment
  • Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Site Plan Approval

Environmental Requirements

  • Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA)
  • Otonabee Region Conservation Authority (ORCA) Permits

Engineering Requirements

  • Occupancy Permit
  • Entrance Permit

Construction Requirements

  • Building Permit
Diagram, Site Plan and Map

Process Flow Diagram

Diagram shows aerial illustration of proposed Organics processing facility and steps involved in waste processing.  In the far top right there is a road travelling in to facility, passing a scale house and office. This road leads to the receiving building, step 1 in the composting process. The Receiving building has a large bio-filter attached. Organics waste is transferred to a grind and mix machine and then to holding tanks in which waste undergoes a three phase process. An underground leachate system is beneath all tanks and buildings that process waste. There is a stormwater pond and sediment pond behind the buildings and tanks. Phase one (4 tanks) takes 4 weeks, phase 2 (2 tanks) takes 2 weeks and phase 3 (2 tanks) takes 2 weeks. Aeration filters are on all tanks. The final step of the process is screening. Finished compost can be taken off-site by an outgoing road. There is an area for future expansion of tanks. Trees surround the site.

Preliminary Site Plan

 Technical drawing by DM Wills Associates Limited. Preliminary Conceptual Site Plan for Proposed Peterborough Organics Processing Facility.  Details in drawing include the buildings, parking, Bensfort Road, site topography, buffer zone, access points, stormwater pond, screening berm, storage area and future expansion area. Some measurements are included.

Location map

Public Information Centre: November 4, 2020

Project Overview - November 4, 2020

Project Notice: October 22, 2020

The City of Peterborough expects to launch a City-wide organic waste collection and composting program, GROW (Green Resource Organics Works) Peterborough, in the fall of 2023. The program to help Peterborough achieve the goals of the Waste Free Ontario Act, which aims to divert 100% of organic material from landfills with an expected ban on landfilling organics in 2023. The federal government is contributing $6.1 million toward the $15.3-million project over a four-year period, ending March 31, 2024.

As part of the GROW Peterborough program, the City proposes to develop a facility to accept and process leaf and yard waste and source separated organic materials. The facility will be operated by the City and located adjacent to the Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility, within the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan on lands owned by the City.

The City has selected the GORE® System, including the GORE® Cover and ancillary equipment. The GORE® System is the most widely distributed composting system in the world with over 200 facilities located in more than 20 countries. This proven technology is accepted by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks and used at several sites in Ontario.

Members of the public, agencies, Indigenous communities and other interested persons are encouraged to actively participate in the project by attending consultation opportunities or by contacting the City directly with comments or questions. Consultation opportunities are planned throughout the project and will be advertised in local newspapers, on the City’s project website and by direct and/or electronic mail.

The second of four Public Information Centres (PIC) will take place on November 4, 2020 from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Otonabee-South Monaghan Memorial Community Centre, Gold Room located at 24 Fourth St., Keene, Ontario. The PIC will provide an opportunity for interested persons to learn about the project, required permits and approvals, as well as the expected development, construction and commissioning schedule.

If you would like to be added to the project mailing list or have project-related questions, please send your inquiry to:

GROW Peterborough

City of Peterborough
500 George St. N.
Peterborough, ON  K9H 3R9


All personal information included in a submission, such as name, address, telephone number and property location, is collected, maintained and disclosed by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for the purposes of transparency and consultation. The information is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in s.37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information you submit will become part of the public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. For more information, please contact the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks’ Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at 416-327-1434.

Presentation materials

  Project Timeline
  • Pre-consultation
  • Presentation to Otonabee-South Monaghan Council
  • Required Studies Commence
  • PIC #1: held on November 4, 2020 at Otonabee-South Monaghan Community Centre
  • PIC #2 (TBA)
  • Required Studies are completed
  • OPA/ZBA Submission
  • PIC #3 (TBA)
  • PIC #4 (TBA)
  • Statutory Public Meeting
  • OPA/ZBA Approvals Granted
  • Preliminary Design
  • ECA Application Submission
  • ECA Permit Approvals
  • Site Plan Approval Application
  • Detail Design
  • Development Permits
  • Construction
  • Commissioning

Ongoing consultation: Continual Indigenous, Agency & Community Consultation through various mediums.

 Studies required for Planning Process and Environmental Compliance Approval Process

The following technical studies will be submitted with the Planning Act application:

  • Preliminary Site Plan
  • Planning Justification Report
  • Agricultural Impact Assessment
  • Hydrogeological Assessment
  • Geotechnical Assessment
  • Traffic Impact Study

EIS and Species at Risk Assessment

  • Air, Noise, and Odour Impact Assessment
  • Stormwater Management Report
  • Servicing Options Report
  • Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment
  • Consultation Report

The following studies will be submitted with the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA)

  • Air, Noise and Odour Impact Assessment
  • Odour Management and Control Plan
  • Traffic Impact Study
  • Leachate Impact Assessment
  • Design and Operations Report
  • Hydrogeological Assessment
  • Hydrology and Stormwater Management Study
  • Consultation Report

Required Approvals

Planning Requirements

  • Official Plan Amendment
  • Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Site Plan Approval

Environmental Requirements

  • Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA)
  • Otonabee Region Conservation Authority (ORCA) Permits

Engineering Requirements

  • Occupancy Permit
  • Entrance Permit

Construction Requirements

  • Building Permit