Infrastructure, Planning and Growth Management 2024 Highlights

Asset Management and Capital Planning
113,124 asset management records
841 municipal addresses created
1,102 content items added to Geomatic mapping data
4,575 metres of sewer pipe relined
18 rain garden subsidies

Engineering and Capital Works
5.9 km of road reconstructed
80.9 km of road lanes - pavement preservation treatment
3.4 km of sewer installed
2.2 km of sidewalk constructed
1.05 km of new multi-use trail
38 transit stops upgraded

Planning, Development & Urban Design
143 development planning and urban design applications
313 development engineering plan and drawing reviews

Building Services
- $195,000,000 value of construction for issued Building Permits
- 515 residential units built through building permits issued
- 660 permits issued
- 4,650 inspections completed - residential and commercial