Environmental Services includes two sections:
Environmental Protection operates and maintains a Class 4 Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) with 13 sewage pumping stations, a septage receiving service, operation monitoring and maintenance of the storm and sanitary sewer collection systems and an accredited laboratory in compliance with Environmental Compliance Approval requirements. The section also operates and maintains the Centennial Fountain in Little Lake. Water & Wastewater services are also provided by this section to the Town of Millbrook through a contracted services agreement with Cavan Monaghan Township, ending March 2025. The section also monitors and manages historical contaminated sites in the City and County.
Waste Management includes the collection, processing and disposal programs/services for garbage, recyclables, green waste, large articles, hazardous waste, and electronic waste. The section also manages the Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility, the Material Recycling Facility, the Household Hazardous Waste Depot, the GROW Peterborough Source Separated Organics program, as well as Peterborough Organics Facility for compost processing.
On January 1st, 2024, private industry assumed responsibility for blue box collection from the residential sector. While the City experienced savings in collection and processing for eligible properties, the City lost revenue for blue box commodities. The 2025 budget includes decreased expenses and revenues in the Recycling Program as a result.
The GROW Peterborough SSO (food) collection and processing program commenced operation in fall 2023, coinciding with Phase One of the Waste Management Master Plan (WMMP) diversion program changes including the bi-weekly Clear Bag (garbage) program, and a new curbside collection fleet. High participation has led to the success for this program.
Explore the City's budget using the interactive OpenBook feature, including expenses by department and division as well as a breakdown of what a typical residential property taxpayer pays per $100,000 of assessment.
The full budget information is available in the Draft 2025 Budget book.
Visit the OpenBook Budget home page
On July 1, 2002, the City and the County signed an agreement whereby the County became an equal partner in the ownership and operation of the Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility (the Bensfort site). Under the terms of the ownership agreement with the County, all expenditures (operating and capital), and revenues are shared on a 50:50 basis.
The County will contribute $2.9 million (2024 - $2.8) towards the gross costs of the landfill operation and receive approximately $2.7 million (2024 - $2.9) in revenues for an estimated net expense to the County of $0.02 million (2024 - $0.06 revenue).
The 2025 contribution to the Waste Management Reserve Fund (WMRF) is $870,000 (2024 - $870,000). In addition, the City will contribute $227,000 to a Landfill Closure and Post-Closure Reserve, the same as in 2024.
The City waste diversion rate has increased to approx. approximately 78% with the GROW Peterborough organics program implemented in late in 2023, and through the various other initiatives of the updated Waste Management Master Plan. New, more challenging diversion opportunities continue to be investigated, including polystyrene, organics, reuse, bulky plastics, and textiles. The implementation of the updated WMMP strategy is expected to increase diversion in a number of ways.
Multi-Residential Waste Collection Capital
With approval of Option B of Report MOENV24-033 in October 2024, Council approved this capital project for the 2025 budget to provide continued waste collection service to the multi-residential properties identified as excluded from service with the approval of the updated Waste Collection By-law in fall 2023. This project includes the purchase of two new collection vehicles along with collection and storage area improvements.
Peterborough Landfill Site
The City and County entered into an agreement on July 1, 2002, to jointly own and operate the Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility and share all costs and revenues on a 50-50 basis. Cell 2 of the North Fill Area is nearing completion and was capped in 2021. Cell 3 will continue to receive waste for approximately one more year. Cell 4 design began in 2020, with construction nearly complete, waste placement starting in 2023.
The following 2025 Capital Projects are proposed:
Source Separated Organics Program Implementation
As a result of the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016, the City implemented an Organics Program and constructed the Source Separated Organics Facility.
Goals for 2025 Capital Works: