The Arts and Culture Division is responsible for the provision of arts, culture, the Municipal Cultural Plan, cultural facilities, services, and resources. 

Highlights and statistics

The division includes the Peterborough Museum and Archives, the Art Gallery of Peterborough, the City's public art program and the Memorial Centre events services. Heritage activities have moved to Planning, Development and Urban Design.

 Peterborough Museum and Archives

As an integral part of the collective memory of the community, the Peterborough Museum & Archives preserves, presents, and promotes the heritage and culture of Peterborough and area, and provides other significant heritage programs for the education and enjoyment of both visitors and residents. The 2023 Museum Operating Budget reflects the delivery of standard services and operations. The Museum is returning to pre-pandemic delivery standards; the community response indicates positive engagement. The increased budget for 2024 is due to approved salary and benefits increases, a full year of the full-time Curatorial/Program Assistant, which was approved to move from part-time to full-time in 2023, and increased insurance costs.

 Art Gallery of Peterborough

The Art Gallery of Peterborough (AGP), incorporated in 1974, is a Registered Charity Public Art Gallery dedicated to exhibiting and collecting contemporary Canadian visual works of art with a focus on artists practicing within the local region. Exhibitions are enhanced with talks, tours, publications, and education programs. Funds are generated from memberships, government grants, donations, sponsorships, fundraising, Gallery Shop, education programs, and touring exhibits.

The AGP has received supplementary provincial funding through the OAC’s Arts Recovery Fund as well as the Canada Council and Canadian Heritage to offset loss of revenue from the effects of the pandemic as well as invest in improvements that will help stabilize and sustain the organization during recovery from the effects of the pandemic. The increased budget for 2024 is due to approved salary and benefits increases, the annualization of the Communication and Volunteer Coordinator position that moved full time in 2023, increased insurance costs and decreased revenues from grant funding that ended in 2023.

As 2024 is the 50th anniversary of the AGP, staff will undertake a membership drive, sponsorship campaign and new fundraising initiatives.

Memorial Centre Events

The Peterborough Memorial Centre (PMC) strives to efficiently manage and maximize its use by providing a wide range of programming and events in affordable and attractive facilities that staff and the community can be proud of, encouraging tourist visits and event organizers to choose Peterborough for their events. Previously this section was included in the former Arenas division of Community Services but was moved to the Arts and Culture division for better alignment as a cultural centre. Events at the PMC include Peterborough Petes and Peterborough Lakers games, concerts, and other live events.

Arts and Culture Administration

Arts and Culture Administration includes funding for education and awareness of the City's Public Art program, strategic goals and direction for the Arts and Culture Committee, and a proposed update of the Municipal Cultural Plan goals and objectives for the next five years. The increased budget for 2024 is due to approved salary and benefits increases and a new grant to Individual Artists for $50,000 which was approved with the 2023 budget.

Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee

The Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (PACAC) is a legislated committee of council which advises on matters relating to the conservation of the community’s built heritage, including listing and designation of properties under the Ontario Heritage Act, alterations to heritage buildings, reviewing planning applications relating to heritage resources, participating in municipal planning exercises relating to heritage matters, and public education programming such as Doors Open Peterborough and the Heritage Hunt.

Public Art

Through Report CSACH 22-006, Council approved the revised Public Art Policy 0012, including an annual contribution to the public art program. The Public Art Policy identifies five main areas: Public Art Capital Projects; Temporary Projects; Public Art Development and Arts Sector Advancement Program; Community-Based Projects; and Special Projects. The Public Art Program priorities for 2024 are Temporary and Special Projects geared towards capacity building within th elocal arts sector, the phase II portion of the Public Art Capital Project being developed for the Arena and Aquatics Complex and two projects being developed in collaboration with the Transportation division.

2024 Budget overview

Arts and Culture Administration
Description2024 recommended
Expenditures $357,189
Net requirement $357,089
Description2024 recommended
Expenditures $1,073,288
Revenues $288,273
Net requirement $785,015
Art Gallery
Description2024 recommended
Expenditures $1,094,067
Revenues $368,360
Net requirement $725,707
Memorial Centre Events
Description2024 recommended
Expenditures $1,033,380
Revenues $1,083,980
Net requirement - $50,600